Barony of Mellis Organization in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Barony of Mellis

Barony of Mellis – The southern neighbor of Korliss. This large Barony was once part of the Kingdom of Karmis, but broke away during a succession crisis some 50 years ago. Baron Tavor, a Corgerian noble man has ruled the Barony since he proclaimed its independence from Karmis. Tavor has no less than seven wives, all said to be warriors or sorceresses of note. The threat of the seven wives combined with Tavor’s substantial and well-trained army have deterred any of the neighbors from taking over. Tavor is described as a stunningly hansom man, tall and athletic with flowing black hair. He is known as a man of wit, humor and considerable charm, he is also a great warrior. The Baron has some 22 legitimate children and possibly a hundred or more bastards. His bastard children are all offered places in his army or household. With only a little sarcasm he is referred to as the father of his country. The seat of the Mellis Family is Sarn Castle.
Geopolitical, Barony
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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