Corexus Age of Creation Timeline

Age of Creation

A timeline of the Age of Creation, the first age of the world of Ea where little actual records remain, only ancient history and myth.

  • Unknown
    Survivors from the before
    Population Migration / Travel

    The last survivors from the ruins of the last reality gather in the primordial soup leftover from its destruction to begin the process of starting it all anew.

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  • Unknown
    Alliance of Old and Outer
    Diplomatic action

    The survivors of the old reality, better known now as The Old Gods, make an alliance with The Outer Gods that have existed since before all things to lay the foundation of the new reality.

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  • Unknown
    Establishment of the Anchors
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Old Gods and The Outer Gods unite and bind one of each of their number to reality itself, two beings of such unfathomable power that together, they might "jumpstart" the birth of a new reality and serve as the anchoring force to keep it in existence, like weights smoothing out a crumpled piece of parchment.

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  • Unknown
    Ritual of the Seed
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    With the Anchors established, The Old Gods and The Outer Gods perform a ritual that will spawn the next reality and create a figure strong enough to give it form.

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  • Unknown
    The Beginning of Reality

    Atlas, The Ineffable is formed from the primordial soup, and gives his life to form the entire Planescape.

    More reading
    Atlas, The Ineffable
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  • Unknown
    Seclusion of the Dark Tapestry

    After the formation of reality and the sacrifice of Atlas, The Ineffable, The Outer Gods seal away their home, The Dark Tapestry, away from the larger Great Beyond forming after the Beginning of Reality, hiding it away in the space "between" the stars and reality and sequestering themselves away within it rather than prey upon the infant reality, possibly as part of a deal made with The Old Gods.

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  • Unknown
    Birth of the High Vampires
    Life, Birth

    The High Vampires take shape fresh in the aftermath of reality's birth, becoming the first creatures to take shape after the death of Atlas, The Ineffable. Each of them is born to represent a different aspect of the reality, given overwhelming power by reality and The Old Gods as the first attempt by The Old Gods to create new life in their own ineffable image.

    More reading
    High Vampires
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  • Unknown
    The Divine Genesis
    Life, Birth

    Following the death of Atlas, The Ineffable, the Gods sprang forth from his fractured and dying essence and took solid shape.

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    Major Gods
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  • Unknown
    The Atlen Wave
    Life, Birth

    After birthing the gods and all of the Planescape, the dwindling essence of Atlas the Overdeity explodes all across the Planescape, permeating it entirely and filling the bodies and minds of all living and unliving things, a permeating essence that takes root in everything, even the soil, air, water, and everything else....and in the process, gives birth to Magic itself as well as many ancient and powerful outsiders.

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  • Unknown
    The Great Planar Division

    Shortly after his formation, Molt, First of the Dead and Father Time takes up his mighty scythe and, to herald his own creation, divides the expansive and comingled Great Beyond into many seperated planes, an inner and outer sphere, and gave concrete shape to reality as well as defined its borders and dimensions. As his final action, he shunted the last free-drifting remains into the space between these Inner and Outer Spheres he had made, creating The Transitive Planes out of the last of the primordial soup and the last free remnants of Atlas's essence.

    More reading
    Molt, The Shadow
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  • Unknown
    Birth of the Primordials
    Life, Birth

    With the establishment of the Great Beyond, The New Gods create life in the form of the primordial races, to represent key aspects of life and the fundamental building blocks they wished to impart to their creations.

    More reading
    High Human
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  • Unknown
    Gifts of the Old Gods
    Religious event

    After their creation of the High Vampires which they deemed as failures, The Old Gods realized the failure in their original design and turn their attention to the creations of the new gods, giving The Primordial Races the ability to make more lives themselves and thus reproduce, though in doing so made them mortal(Except the High Elves, who retained their original immortal essence) and fallible.

    More reading
    High Elf
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  • Unknown
    Awakening of the Lattice
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Though the process began long ago in the aftermath of Atlas, The Ineffable's death, The Lattice finishes forming across the entire Planescape and beyond, and fully awakens and develops a nascent intelligence, freeing itself from the shackles of the New Gods' control and ensuring the concept of Magic would eternally remain unbound to any one being and a thing which chose others to bestow its blessings upon in its own ways rather than those of the New Gods.

    More reading
    The Lattice
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  • Unknown
    Allfather's Seeding
    Geological / environmental event

    The Allfather sets to work upon his Anvil of Creation and begins to forge the elements, minerals, ores, and fundamental facets and assets of The Planescape, forging them all in the span of a week and seeding the entire Planescape with them, burying them in all places underground, in the soil, and in dozens and dozens of other places...and in doing so, gives primordial life the first building blocks it needs to expand.

    More reading
    Moradin, The Allfather
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  • Unknown
    Establishment of the Cycle
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Using his own immense power, Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon carves out the river of souls, forms the cycle of souls, death and rebirth, and the fundamental laws and constants that bind all realms of The Planescape. Once he does so, he hands dominion over death to Molt, First of the Dead and Father Time, charges him with overseeing death and souls, and declares himself the protector of the cycle, and the Planescape itself and all of its laws and constants.

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  • Unknown
    The Great Unshackling

    With the help of The Old Gods and the High Vampires, Primordial Life throws off the shackles of the New Gods and gains independence and freedom from the control of those who made them, thus touching off The Rapture War.

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    High Vampires
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  • Unknown
    The Rapture War

    After freeing primordial life from the shackles of the New Gods' control, the High Vampires and the Old Gods go to war with the New Gods for the right to govern this new reality in a war so bloody and violent that it defined the landscape of many worlds on The Material Plane, and eventually resulted in the destruction of the High Vampires.

    More reading
    High Vampires
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  • Unknown
    Expedition into the Outer Sphere
    Population Migration / Travel

    Primordial Life looks to the stars, and many journey out into The Great Beyond to see what lies beyond the Outer Sphere.

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  • Unknown
    Extinction of the Old Gods

    Enraged with the Old Gods for their actions against them in The Rapture War, The New Gods campaign to eliminate The Old Gods for defying their rule, realizing too late of the existence of one of The Anchors, who must be spared in order to preserve reality. The last survivor of The Old Gods, the Anchor, is left to carry on the ways of their kin and abandoned, now the last survivor of The Last Reality.

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  • Unknown
    Arrival of the Anathema
    Life, Relocation

    The expedition sent into The Outer Sphere long ago returns to this reality, corrupted beyond all recognition and twisted into something most unholy as they bring with them a terrible god of destruction from the great beyond...

    More reading
    Hyldrin, The Unraveler
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  • Unknown
    Creation of Pangu's Shell
    Construction beginning/end

    Realizing the existence of other worlds and other realities that dwell beyond the infinite chaos of The Great Beyond, The New Gods assist The Allfather in the creation of Pangu's Shell, a divine barrier placed around all of The Great Beyond and the Planescape at large to seclude this reality away from all outsiders who would seek to harm it.

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  • Unknown
    Sculpting of the Nature Gods
    Life, Birth

    With no gods yet born to manage nature and all its bounty, The third primordial uses his divine powers of creation to create a pair of married gods tasked with overseeing to manage and represent the wild and untamed aspects of the wild, and the other to represent its order and time, these figures would become Gregaia and his wife, whose original name has been lost but now is known as Lolth.

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  • Unknown
    Founding of El-Adri

    Gathering together as the first of the Primordial Races to become truly civilized, the High Elves found the First City, the city of El-Adri, at the edge of the Planescape as their new home and repository of all their collective knowledge.

    More reading
    High Elf
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  • Unknown
    The Titans are made
    Life, Birth

    The Third Primordial Ingsungr and his new wife band together to create their first children, the Titans. Given shards of their awesome primordial power, these children were mighty things behind comprehension, but were considered failures due to their small numbers and inability to truly reproduce.

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  • Unknown
    The Fall of El-Adri
    Disaster / Destruction

    The first and greatest civilization of the High Elves fell to ruin as their empire was stricken down by the Gods for daring to strive and ascend into the realm of the divine. For the sins of hubris and more, The High Elven Capital of El-Adri was stricken down and destroyed, labeled forevermore "The Black City" as its people were forced to abandon their metropolis built on the edge of reality and make the long journey across the Planescape to a new home.

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  • Unknown
    Vvaal's Voidwave
    Life, Birth

    After consuming the city of El'Adri in its entirety, Vvaal, The Bound Obliterator releases a sickening wave of unholy energy all across the planescape, giving birth to millions of monsters, abberations, unholy spawn, and monsters of all kinds into reality from the twisted forms of El'Adri's citizens...these monsters would eventually become all the monsters of the current day and more, such as The Divine Beasts of Destruction and more. Many believe this to be the origin point of Necromancy, and when it came into being.

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  • Unknown
    The Great Elven Diaspora
    Population Migration / Travel

    After The Fall of El-Adri, the High Elves set out on a journey across the Planescape beneath the banner of Gail-Idhren to find a new home.

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  • Unknown
    The Jotun Genesis
    Life, Birth

    After the creation of the Titans, the Third Primordial gives birth to a new form of life, one much smaller but which still carries the same primordial spark inside of them that promises them greatness...due to his own male-centric beliefs he creates them as an all-male race despite the wishes of his wife. They are considered successful children, and his most mighty creations.

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  • Unknown
    Sealing of the Bound Obliterator
    Military action

    After Vvaal, The Bound Obliterator revealed his existence to the Planescape during his destruction of El'Adri, The New Gods knew they had to take action if they were to preserve the reality they now ruled over, and attacked the fourth primordial of destruction and sealed him away forever at the bottom of the Abyss with the power of seven Divine Trammels.

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  • Unknown
    Spinning of the Web
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After a vision given to her by Atlas, The Ineffable himself, Lolth, The Spider Queen uses her power to become a conduit for the Overdeity's might to weave The Web and bind all creatures to the fate the strands of The Web dictate.

    More reading
    The Web
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  • Unknown
    The Dwarven Genesis
    Life, Birth

    The Dwarves of modern day are sculpted and created by the High Dwarves and by Dwulvor the Deathless, who made them and named them in his own image while his kin sculpted the world and gave it shape.

    More reading
    Dwulvor the Deathless
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  • Unknown
    The Martyrdom of the High Dwarves

    The High Dwarves of yore, having finished their duties and formed the world into what it would be today by both giving it shape, creating millions of races and plants and animals and defined the very building blocks of reality, martyred their lives and went into Eternal Slumber.

    More reading
    High Dwarves
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  • Unknown
    Discovery of the Warlock Bugs
    Discovery, Exploration

    As Primordial Life grew and expanded, it soon found the existence of the original manipulators of Atlen and the original arcane casters, the Warlock Bugs. With this discovery, Primordial Life learned the secrets to manipulate Atlen and began to become wizards, sorcerers, and students of Arcane Magic chosen by The Lattice.

    More reading
    Warlock Bug (CR 4)
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  • Unknown
    The Dai-Yukai Genesis
    Life, Birth

    The Wife of the Third Primordial tricks her husband into allowing female giants to be born by infusing one of her children with a vast amount of primordial essence, and hiding one away from him until it reaches adulthood and proves superior to his own male giants.

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  • Unknown
    Vynoth's Thesis
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first Archmage of Primordial Life, Vynoth put forth the first theories on the nature of The Lattice and the fundamental building blocks of reality, postulating on the nature of Atlen and producing several arcane theories and equations that would become the basis for all modern magic...additionally, he invents the first spells and devises the first theories that would become the ranking system for magic, dividing them into "Spell Levels".

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  • Unknown
    The Decay of Nolrogh
    Disaster / Destruction

    The ancestral Dwarven home of Nolrogh, carved for them by Dwulvor the Deathless and the High Dwarves millennia before, undergoes some unknown catastrophe and is lost to the Dwarves. Forced to travel to the surface to escape extinction, they begin a journey so long that they forget the very location and memories of their ancestral homeland.

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  • Unknown
    The Great Dwarven Diaspora
    Population Migration / Travel

    Forced to abandon their ancestral home of Nolrogh, Dwarves begin a journey to find and carve out a new homeland for themselves and in doing so spread themselves to every corner of the known and unknown world.

    More reading
    Stoneborn Dwarf
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  • Unknown
    The First Ascension
    Religious event

    The first mortal ascends into Godhood on the planet of Ea through nothing but a collection of faith and personal power, striking fear into the hearts of the New Gods as they realized the terrifying truth and power of the life they had created, and the significance of the planet Ea...

    More reading
    Atum's Law
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  • Unknown
    The Great Elven Betrayal

    The ancient Elven Goddess who would become Lolth, The Spider Queen betrays her husband in a bid to gain complete dominion over nature, rallying several of her children and others to her cause in the first betrayal of The Age of Creation.

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  • Unknown
    The Banishment of Lolth
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Betrayal of Lolth ends in failure, and as a punishment for her attempted murder and destruction of her husband and the betrayal she had committed she was stripped of her former name, given the name Lolth, and then exiled into the lands far beneath the ground along with the rest of the corrupted who followed her.

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  • Unknown
    The Vanishing of the High Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    The mysterious event that saw the High Elves of old vanish from the world.

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    High Elf
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  • Unknown
    The Giantbirth
    Life, Birth

    After abandoning and exiling his original wife long ago due to her trickery of him into accepting females and the creation of the Dai-Yukai, the Third Primordial created himself a new wife with whom he had hundreds of children, each an attempt to recreate the perfection of the Jotun but none turning out truly successful...instead, the myriad true giants and Giantkin were birthed and spread across The Planescape.

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  • Unknown
    Ingsungr's Humiliation
    Sporting Event / Competition

    The Event that would see the Third Primordial Humiliated and Beaten by his former wife, and subsequently vanish from the world as his wife claimed ownership of the Giant Pantheon and exiled him forever.

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  • Unknown
    The Oceansplit
    Disaster / Destruction

    After his exile and humiliation at the hands of his wife, the Third Primordial vanishes from the Planescape and leaves forever, splitting into two seperate and distinct oceanic gods to manage most of what he once did as a god.

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  • Unknown
    The Stabilization
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After all the chaos of the Age of Creation, the Major Gods are finally solidified, reality takes its final shape, and all begins to settle from the primordial chaos of the times to give way to an age of Mortal Life.

    More reading
    Major Gods
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