Corexus The Fall of El-Adri

The Fall of El-Adri

Disaster / Destruction


The first and greatest civilization of the High Elves fell to ruin as their empire was stricken down by the Gods for daring to strive and ascend into the realm of the divine. For the sins of hubris and more, The High Elven Capital of El-Adri was stricken down and destroyed, labeled forevermore "The Black City" as its people were forced to abandon their metropolis built on the edge of reality and make the long journey across the Planescape to a new home.

The first City-State to have formed following the death of Atlas, The Ineffable following the unification of the High Elves into a coherent people when all other life and even the gods were barely taking shape, the glorious infinite Metropolis of El-Adri, which had flourished as the original and greatest homeland for the High Elves and the greatest center of learning in all the infant Planescape which had said to have had an utterly completely record of all knowledge in the Planescape, a self-updating archive of infinite knowledge which rivaled even the Akashic Record.   Yet, the High Elves of El-Adri grew arrogant in their infinite knowledge, and attempted to reach their knowledge into the Realm of the Gods and make themselves divinities themselves by understanding and replacing the existing Gods...yet, in their hubris in attempting to understanding, deconstruct, and codify the gods, the High Elves of El-Adri are said to have invited something most horrible into their midst. Attracted to their atheistic notions and desire to "kill" the gods to study them, the ancient and deadly force known as Vvaal, The Bound Obliterator, made itself known to reality by responding to the calls the High Elves of El-Adri made out to the divines, hoping to lure one in and anchor them for capture and study...yet, they found nothing but destruction. Inviting The Bound Obliterator into their city, the High Elves watched in terror as their shining, infinite metropolis turned black as midnight and turned against them, its buildings and roads and walls slowly turning inky black as Vvaal, The Bound Obliterator slowly corrupted and consumed it and all its nascent knowledge.   Forced to flee their city, now "The Black City" after the all-consuming force of Vvaal, The Bound Obliterator had wracked it, the High Elves had no choice but to follow the lead of a young hero who would later earn the name Gail-Idhren on a journey across the Planescape to find a new home.

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