Griffon Hill

Griffon Hill

The heart of the necropolis is Griffon Hill, a rocky ridge into whose sides are carved the tombs of the richest and most powerful families in the city. It's believed that the souls of the dead who are carried to the otherworld by the Griffons of Light are taken directly before Argalak, the Weigher of Souls without having to tarry too long in the Summerlands. Since the Griffons swoop down from the skies, it's believed they'll snatch the souls of those buried on the highest ground first. A hard-to-reach cliffside tomb has the added benefit of putting some distance between its inhabitants and The Lord of Bones' minions. Atop Griffon Hill are several elaborate ancient mausoleums (most built for prominent families who died out long ago and now claimed by various Imperials) and the mysterious Tower of Rhalore, better known as the Doorless Tower.     Though it's less common than it once was, some crypts are still inhabited by Tomb Servants, who live in the tombs as caretakers and guardians. When a member of the family dies, the tomb servant burns incense and recites magical incantations to help draw the Griffons of Light to the recently departed. In return for their service, tomb servants are allowed to be buried in the tomb they cared for.  

The Nine Hills of Khezvaros


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