Chapter 5 - Splendor to the Eye Plot in Chronicles of Talamh | World Anvil
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Chapter 5 - Splendor to the Eye

Leaving from the city of Boadella, the party of corsairs made their way toward the Bay of Thieves, where the last of the items was to be found: the Eye of the Beholder. Bogun, Elana, and Brynn along with Captain Dana used Jack's Compass to lead them to the treasure. Much to their surprise, however, they found it pointing toward the ground! They went into the pirate city to investigate further. There, Brynn ran into her older brother, Alet, who promptly pick-pocketed Elana with a handshake. He gave the party some information into the organization Beholder's Eye and their password, which was "10 Eyes".   The party went shopping, running into a gunsmith at "Point Blanche" to give Bogun some upgrades, and a magic store called "Old Wive's Trinkets" for potions. They then joined up again and found the entrance to the Beholder's Eye base, gave the password, and were warned over the "sudden illness" that came over the leader of Beholder's Eye. Ignoring the warnings, the party came into the Underdark sections of the city. They were met with strange whispers, which chilled them to their bones as it noted how their thoughts were "tasty".   They met a very ill Xlolglop, who was in the final stages of ceremorphisis. Along with him was a Mindflayer Arcanist, named Flil. Flil explained to the party that he needed their recovered artifacts in order to find the Treasure of Ages, for they desired the large crystal in the treasure in order to power up their dimensional ships to continue their invasion of Talamh and further realms. The party objected to this. They got into a fight, where Xlolglop's transformation into a Mindwitness completed. After a hard battle, the Mindflayer Arcanist escaped to another plane of existence, leaving the party to recover the Eye of the Beholder.   However, they discovered something grim about Captain Dana from the Beholder's anti-magic field: she was a cursed woman, her true form looking like a skeleton. She revealed she was to be undead until the Mindflayer threat was eliminated from the seas of New Wallingwish, a pact she made with Calypso. She then told the party Calypso led her to finding them in order to stop the oncoming Mindflayer invasion. The party lamented Dana's situation, but Dana told them not to, as it was her own decision.   The party ended their retrieving of the artifacts by taking some of the gems they got in the Beholder's lair and sold them to a black market salesman. They also bought two enchanted items: a Cloak of Elven Kind, and The Dancing Sword. Elana also bought a mystical truffle called the Truffle of Cure Death. Thus the chapter ended with this shopping, and having these party members returning to the ship...



Brynn Inkheart

Brynn found herself meeting her brother, Alet, after around a year of not seeing him. He was up to his petty thievery, that she still condoned. Brynn came under a tough situation when they were dealing with some of the Mindwitness' goons, as they realized some of them were undergoing ceremorphisis. She OK'd Bogun slitting their throats, understanding these men were already as good as dead.


Ever vigilant, Elana took a role of leadership while Alexandroth was absent. Her devotion to Cardia's acts of mercy was put into question as she dealt with the very sentient Mindflayers. She determined the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few and determined that killing Mindflayers and the subjects already under ceremorphisis needed to be eliminated to stop more people from being hurt.


Bogun has wanted to outshine Captain Dana with his hats. In his shopping he found some peacock feathers to stick into his cap. He also upgraded his weaponry. He proved to be a staunch defender and loyal party member, attacking those hurting his friends instead of defending himself.


Captain Dana Bonebreaker

Dana's curse was revealed to the party, much to her dismay. She now has become reliant on the party's secrecy and their support in defeating the Mindflayers so her soul can come to rest and lift her geis.


Alit Inkheart

The older brother of Byrnn missed his sister. However, he seemed to be a little skeptical of her adventuring crew, and wished she could come back to crime. He also professed to getting a new job and was easily persuaded by his sister to spill the beans on many things. Toward the party he seemed like a desperate character, clearly once relying on his sister.

Drig, the Wizard

Drig was a gnome wizard, who specialized in evocation magic and was also a master of studying monsters. He was originally part of an adventuring crew who abandoned him for his grumpy personality. He gave the party tips on the nature of Mindflayers, though his solution to dealing with them was "killing them". The party paid him 10 gold for his services.


Flil, the Mindflayer Arcanist

A devoted Mindflayer to the Elder Brain, Flil was seeking on killing the party and using Xlolglop as a Mindwitness to do his bidding and control the Beholder's Eye. He thirsted for the knowledge the party had, wanting to consume their brains to sustain himself. His primary goal has been to get the remaining artifacts to find the Treasure of Ages to power the dimension-travelling ships the Ilithids traveled and crashed with into Talamh.

Xlolglop, the Beholder

Before being turned into a Mindwitness, Xlolglop was the head of the powerful organization named Beholder's Eye. However, he was turned into a Mindwitness against his will and became a pawn of Flil.



The Bay of Thieves

A bay of pirates and scoundrels, littered with broken bottles and trash. Fights happened in the streets, as well as the selling of slaves. The party could hear the noises of the city from 5 miles away. It was an obnoxious and dangerous place, where assassins watched the party constantly.


First Encounter of the Mindflayer Kind

As the party got into the lair of Xlolglop, they were met by Flil who already had succeeded in his plan to turn the Beholder into a Mindflayer. Flil turned Xlolglop's own assassins into his own minions. The assassins, the Mindwitness, and Flil attempted to kill Bogun, Byrnn, Elana, and Dana and to eat their brains.
  • Flil managed to capture Byrnn and confused her. She nearly got her brain extracted before Bogun fired a few shots into Flil. Flil ended up escaping to another plane of existence, allowing Brynn to live.
  • Dana took on the Mindwitness, who shot a ray at her. She was revealed as a skeleton, to the shock of the party. She continued fighting the Mindwitness until Bogun and Brynn got some well-aimed shots at the creature and then slew them.
  • Elana got preoccupied with the two assassins, who tried to poison her. However, with her healing powers, she kept herself alive. The assassins broke some of their blades on the armor and ended up attacking less. Evidently, the party ended up knocking the assassins out. The effort would go into vain as they realized the assassins were undergoing ceremorphisis, and had to kill them.

Past Events

The Mindflayer's Peril

A group of Ilithids, running away from the Gith rebels, managed to crash land onto the realm of Talamh in around 1A 5000 and lost much of their power for their ships. They ended up going underground, making small colonies to survive off of human brains. However, once they discovered the Treasure of Ages had a magnificent crystal that could power their ships, they began searching for that to invade the rest of Talamh and continue into further realms.

Dana's Curse

Dana Cortez, when she was just a first mate, came into contact with Mindflayers who took over some of her crewmate's minds. They ended up demolishing the ship and drowning her. However, Calypso came to Dana as her soul was passing, and offered her a chance at life once more: she would live long enough to have revenge against the Ilithids so she could remove them from the Wallingwish Islands. However, this was at a cost: she would be cursed to look like a skeleton as her natural state in exchange for warlock powers.
Dana Bonebreaker Cursed
Dana Bonebreaker in her cursed form, revealed to the party during their fight with Flil and Xlolglop.
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Cover image: by Unknown


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