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Kethenica's Gambit

In the summer of 1020 C.E., the main forces of the Nation of Nuaira engaged the army of the Magocracy of Ezir at the city of Jairi, Venidon. Thousands of soldiers clashed, with support from archers and magic on both sides. The battle lasted five days, raging from sunrise to sunset with occasional nighttime skirmishes and raids by both forces. By the end of the fifth day, it was apparent that the Ezirandi would triumph, despite significant losses. Unable to retreat, the Nuaira army fought on against overwhelming odds.   At sunset on the fifth day a small group of wizards, led by a young Nuaira named Kethenica broke from the army, using his magic to fly over the battle to a nearby confluence of Ley Lines. Pursued by Ezirandi mages, Kethenica began to tap into the confluence power using techniques kept secret to the Haphrises during the previous centuries. As the other wizards worked to protect him, Kethenica stood in the center of the confluence's power and cast what would become his final spell.   Overloaded with pure magical power, the confluence erupted. Ezirandi scholars as far south as Thaimi could observe the discharge of energy in the sky. The energy, known later as Heartfire, raced through the ley lines, cascading outward for hundreds of miles in each direction, instantly turning anything in its path to ash.   Wizards of both races, man and Nuaira alike, raced to erect magical barriers to stop the Heartfire before it spread to their respective kindgoms. These barriers succeeded and now form the northern and southern boundaries of Venidon.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date


Nation of Nuaira
Caliphate of Ezir


  • 3500 Soldiers
  • 1500 Mounted Cavalry
  • 100 Airborne Cavalry
  • 50 Wizards
  • 120 Priests
  • 6,000 Infantry (1,000 Per Battalion)
  • 2,500 Mounted Cavalry (625 Per Battalion)
  • 35 Wizards
  • 100 Priests / Support Staff


  • 3500 Soldiers
  • 1500 Mounted Cavalry
  • 100 Airborne Cavalry
  • 50 Wizards
  • 120 Priests
  • 6,000 Infantry
  • 2,500 Mounted Cavalry
  • 35 Wizards
  • 100 Priests / Support Staff


Stop the Ezirandi advance on Nuaira.
Destroy the Nation of Nuaira army and gain access to Nuaira.


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