Arizathrana in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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The Arizathran Archonate, also known as Arizathrana, is the name of both the monarchy and the order that the citizens belong to. As such, the term Arizathran can refer to the people or members of this order, and often refers to both at once. Arizathrans live on one of the four main floating islands, or one of the many smaller secondary floating islands, situated in the sky above the northwestern Bidana Sea. This collection of islands is known as the Driftlands.   The Arizathrans follow their elected archon ruler, who is often a skilled and charismatic Sagacian. Their goals vary slightly from archon to archon, but generally they always seek to restore Halamera and undo the mistakes of their past. This sometimes takes the form of inflicting justice upon the ancient Arizathran scholarly group known as the Damanzur, but, given that the Damanzur reside on another continent, most archons don't prioritise this. Rather, the focus is usually on studying Halamera's remains and trying to find ways to bring him back to life or reincarnate his essence. As such, the Arizathrans are considered a very scholarly order and seek to understand the intricacies of magic and power, in order to restore their god in all his glory.   Their main island, Demenshakor, has a piece of Asterite, which is kept deep in Arizathran laboratories, rather than it being used as a direct source of power like the Monic Order and Apostate Whisperers do with their asterite. It is instead studied extensively, and its power is only used to keep the Driftlands afloat.   Arizathrans utilise flying creatures known as Anguilavis. Although there are several species of anquilavis found throughout Ebdypha, the Arizathran ones are the only ones large and powerful enough to lift more than one person high enough to reach the Driftlands.


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