Sagacian Ethnicity in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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Sagacians are long-lived Arizathrans who also have a unique appearance. Due to their longevity, they often accumulate a lot of knowledge and experience over their lives, and are therefore well-suited to high positions among Arizathrana. They very rarely descend from the Driftlands, and are known for spending their time studying, learning, and contemplating.
  Sagacians can become rather tall yet remain youthful in appearance even after a couple hundred years, and their skin has a bluish hue to it, becoming more blue-silver as they age. Their hair is usually white, completely devoid of colour. Like all Arizathrans, they rarely need to eat, and have a proclivity for magic; however, they tend to be physically weak and can fall ill or even die if becoming too lonely or bored. Unlike Orarians, Sagacians will eventually petrify with age. Some Sagacian scholars have learned that this is part of a curse put on them by Arshanak and seek a cure, believing they will become immortal if they can stop the petrification.


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