Apostate Whisperers in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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Apostate Whisperers

The Whisperers of the Apostate are an underground cult which is mostly found throughout Heruadum and Newchou, though nothing prevents them from travelling further. They are an organised religion that acknowledges Yihyaphem as the only living Eah, and as such, is the only god worthy of worship. Only the first of the order's goals align with what is known of Yihyaphem's desires.
    • Spread Silence. Whether it's finding ways to increase the influence of the Unending Dun, silencing other religions, or simply ending life, the order aims to spread the profound peace that comes with utter silence.
    • Return to the Monumidium. Whisperers want to help Yihyaphem get back to his rightful place in the Monumidium where he belongs, and ultimately become a ruling god, so that their religion is beneath the most powerful entity.
    • Kill Heocalan. Somehow, the order wants to kill the Aidrus known as Heocalan, even though nobody has heard anything from Heocalan or any of the higher beings since the beginning of the Relict Age.
Whisperers also use Vitation Magic much like members of the Monic Order do, though very little is known about how the Whisperers perform and use it. Since the Whisperers aim to reduce the amount of sound and chaos in the land, it is believed that they have an alternate way of linking with Yihyaphem's Asterite, rather than by using instruments or singing.


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