Antikithara Ethnicity in Cenorad | World Anvil
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Being turned to stone, is no reason to stop moving.   ~ The First Law of Motion
  The Antikithara ("Those who refuse to stand still") are a rather bizarre group of Ausuvir that unlike most of their kind, refuse to accept the inevitable loss of bodily mobility brought on by their slowly petrifying bodies.   In order to archive the seemingly impossible goal of continuing to move with a solidified body, the Antikithara utilize the shape-shifting capabilities of their adolescent years to shape themselves into gears, springs and other fine mechanical components and then subsequently combine the bodies of several individuals into a complex clockwork automaton.   By making use of the Ausuvirs innate aptitude for the Shamanic Arts to tap into the energies of the Yellow River these so-called Solat ("Moving Guise") are then able to act and move in a manner eerily similar to a living being made from flesh and blood.   While this truly impressive feat of corporeal engineering allows an entire community of petrified individuals to reclaim their "Right of Motion", it also irreversibly marks them as outcasts of the wider Ausuvir society, as for the participants of the planetary board game that is the "Great Game" such a frenzied speed of motions is nothing short of appalling.   Luckily for the Antikithara being cast out from the "Great Game" carries no true serious consequences as its players are usually far too immersed into in their highly complex game of strategic positioning to even waste a single thought on them and their ludicrous quest for continuous motion.

Naming Traditions

Other names

Component Codes

  Individual Antikithara don't possess a true name but are instead referred to by a so-called "component code", which is determined by the mechanical function of their body and the manner in which they interact with the other parts around them.   Despite being only used for the communication between a Solat's internal components, the process in which a component code is generated is highly standardized, in order to ease the transfer of components between individual Solat.  
"GCO-213-TAD-72-COZ-R183"   ~ Example of a component code

Collective Names

  While the potentially hundreds of different individuals make up their internal mechanics might not have a proper name, the Antikithara place a great emphasis on the name of an individual Solat.   These names are usually composed of only one or two words, which are frequently "Movement"-themed.  
"Mountain Strider", "Wanderer" , "Steady Roamer" ...   ~ Example of "Collective Names"


Shared customary codes and values

We are made from hundreds of components all of which are important for our continued movement...yet none are irreplaceable.
  Given the insane amount of minutely timed teamwork that is required to both construct and subsequently operates a Solat, it is no wonder that the Antikithara have mostly replaced the self-centered and frequently highly narcissistic aptitude of their kin, with a far more cooperative focused mindset which values the needs of the group far over those of an individual.

Common Myths and Legends

Muuteprep Elibom

  Describe as an eternally moving, never resting, and never breaking mechanisms the so-called Muuteprep Elibom is the ultimate goal every single Solat dreams about to become.   Given the essentially unlimited lifespan of their kind and the fact that energies of the Yellow River are quite ubiquitous in all regions of Cenorad, the Solat could already be considered to be an extremely close approximation of a Muuteprep Elibom, yet in classical Ikona fashion just being a hair wide away from absolute perfection is still seen an inexcusable flaw.

Historical figures

The Forerunner

  Said to be the very first Solat to have been assembled the Forerunner is widely considered to be the mythical progenitor of the Antikithara.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty is movement. Stagnancy is unseemliness.   ~ The Second Law of Motion
  For the Antikithara there is nothing of greater beauty and perfection than a finely shaped component that accurately fulfills its function within the greater whole and thereby contributes its part to the ongoing movement of a Solat.

Relationship Ideals

If you place enough narcissists into a confined space, their combined egoistic needs will create a truly stunning example of cooperation.

Theme Song


Shape of a Clockwork

  While young Solat are usually of an at least vaguely humanoid shape, older mechanisms generally take on a far more bizarre and strange appearance.   The reason behind this transformation is a centuries-long cycle of component exchange, replacement, and addition, which gradually changes the shape of Solat to become less and less recognizable.

Cover image: by Pavlofox


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Jul 4, 2020 07:52

the Antikithara utilize the shape-shifting capabilities of their adolescent years to shape themselves into gears, springs and other fine mechanical components and then subsequently combine the bodies of several individuals into a complex clockwork automaton.
  That might be one of the coolest thing I'll read all week. D&D druids, eat your hearts out!   Really awesome, Sloq! :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jul 4, 2020 10:53 by Sloqush

Happy to hear that you enjoyed it :D   Funnily enough, the Ausuvir ARE a type of druid, given that they utilize my settings nature magic...though instead of using plants or animals they specialize in the usage of biofilms and pathogenic slimes.   Thank you also very much for the shout-out in your "Imaginaerium" :D

Author of Cenorad ; a bleak-dark sandbox of creativity.
Jul 6, 2020 16:21 by Stormbril

This is really really really cool! Shaping themselves into ever-moving clockwork automaton is amazing. Really well done here, loved this :D