Lord-Mayor Lucious Hadrigan Character in Calradia | World Anvil

Lord-Mayor Lucious Hadrigan

Lord Mayor Lucius Hadrigan (a.k.a. "The Mayor")

"The Mayor", as he is known within his realm, is the patriarch of House Hadrigan, a noble family of The Eastern Calradian empire and the ruler of Ariminium and Sevastium.

Mental characteristics


Lord-Mayor Hadrigan was originally briefly educated in the Imperial Capital in Nazzareth prior to the beginning The War of the Three Emperors, before being recalled by his house for his own safety. Since his return to Sevastium, he has had the benefit of the best tutors and educators that The Eastern Calradian empire has to offer, due to the position of his main town of Sevastium along the important trade routes along the The river Sanguin. As such, he is a highly educated ruler, though this has often been at the detriment of being seen by the peasantry as "aloof" and "disconnected" their troubles.

Personality Characteristics



Virtues & Personality perks

The Lord-Mayor is, despite many accounts, a fair and honest ruler. While many outside of his realm paint him as a despot, those who live within the settlements under his domain generally describe him as a good ruler, who governs fairly and does not over-tax the people.   In addition, his education has led to many famous engineers working for house Hadrigan, leading directly to the construction of Aelfwine Bridge, which has created the most important East-West land connect in the Empire, and a subsequent economic boom in the local towns.

Vices & Personality flaws

While he may be smart and educated, he is one of the least socially apt rulers of the realms. The Lord-Mayor lacks any exceptional ability to judge his fellow rulers' ambitions or intentions, and has frequently misunderstood statements made in high-profile negotiations. As such, he has relied on the economic strength and strategic positioning of his house to carry his negotiations, making up form his social ineptitude.


Contacts & Relations

The Lord-Mayor has managed to maintain a state of neutrality with the other regional powers, such as the rulers of House Sideron to the East, the rulers of Phycaon to the North, and the ruling House Amnisia of Vostrum to the South-West.    While this has been to the benefit of his house's trading ventures along the river Sanguine, he has made his own house generally despised by all neighboring houses, and as such as many potential enemies. While the neighboring houses are generally kept in control by the central authority of the current Emperor Lucon Osticos, his realm has become one of constant tension.

Family Ties

The main factor that has kept the Lord-Mayor in power is his house's connections to Emperor Lucon Osticos, who is actually his distant relative. House Hadrigan frequently leverages their relation to House Osticos to gain legal benefits in the Senate and with the Emperor of the East, which has allowed them to thrive for so long. However, Lucius is not a foolish man, and realizes this, and has done his best to build good relations with far-flung nobles of many houses, to provide alliances that would deter any of his immediate neighbor's from openly attacking him or his house.
Divine Classification
Minor Noble
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord-Mayor of Sevastium   Lord of Ariminium
5' 11"
182 lbs


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