
The Sowi'yngwa tribe are known for their spiritual bond with deer and their dedication to peace and healing. Their unique cultural practices are reflected in their tribal structure, which is designed to promote harmony, balance, and cooperation within the community through the use of expressive and intricate music, art, and dance. Among their own they are unique in that they persist with some of the oldest ideas of the initial unified tribe, and that within the confederation they are considered the Heart of the Sahahimu nation, offering aid and succor to all of the other tribes in times of need without hesitation.


At the head of the Sowi'yngwa tribe is the Chieftain, a leader who has the final say on important decisions affecting the tribe's well-being. The Chieftain is responsible for maintaining order, upholding tribal customs and traditions, and ensuring that the tribe remains connected to its spiritual roots. They are assisted closely by the tribe'sSingers of the Last Breath ,who are responsible for leading ceremonies, interpreting dreams, communicating with the spirit world, and insuring the passage of a soul of a fallen tribal member from one life to the next. In this they have significant influence over the tribe's decisions and overall direction.   The Circle of Elders is another important group within the Sowi'yngwa tribe. This group consists of the most respected and experienced members of each clan, both male and female, and they provide guidance and wisdom to the Chieftain, offering a perspective of the needs and wishes of each clan, assuring that no clan goes without a voice and representation, and helping to make decisions that affect the tribe as a whole.   Artisans and performers are highly valued in the Sowi'yngwa tribe. Members who are skilled in various arts, such as music, dance, and visual arts, play an important role in the tribe's cultural and spiritual life. They are respected for their contributions to the community and help to preserve the tribe's unique identity.   As an agrarian society, the Sowi'yngwa tribe relies heavily on agricultural workers and these individuals are responsible for growing and harvesting crops, caring for livestock, and ensuring that the tribe has enough food to sustain itself and maintaining enough of a surplus that they can offer assistance in leaner times to their kin elsewhere on the island. Their work is essential to the confederacy's survival and is highly valued as an essential aspect of not only their own tribal culture, but of that of the entire species as well. The structure of the Sowi'yngwa tribe is highly interconnected with different groups working together to maintain the health and well-being of the community as a whole. The tribe's spiritual connection to the natural world and its commitment to peace and healing are central to all aspects of its organization and decision-making, reflecting the values and traditions of the Sowi'yngwa tribe and promoting harmony, balance, and cooperation within the ranks of the Sahahimu Peoples.


One of the most striking features of the Sowi'yngwa culture is their spiritual connection to deer. Each tribe member shares a spiritual bond with a deer or stag, reflecting the tribe's belief in the interconnectedness of all living things. This connection is reflected in their art and music, which often feature imagery of deer and other animals. Art and music are highly valued in Sowi'yngwa culture, and the tribe is known for its masterful artists, dancers, and musicians who use their gifts to promote healing and peace, with artistic expression seen as a way to connect with the spiritual world and to communicate with the divine nature of the spirits that live within all things.   They are an agrarian society, relying on farming and gardening to sustain themselves, and subsisting exclusively on vegetarian diets, reflecting their belief in the sanctity of all life. Agriculture is viewed as a sacred activity, and the tribe works closely with the land to ensure that they are living in harmony with nature.The Sowi'yngwa have a deep respect for the natural world and believe that all living things are interconnected. They view Cairne as a living being and see themselves as stewards of the land, with their spiritual connection to the world reflected in their ceremonies and rituals, which are designed to honor and celebrate Cairne's cycles and seasons.   The tribe's commitment to peace and healing is central to its culture, and conflict is avoided whenever possible, with disagreements resolved through open communication and compromise. They value cooperation and collaboration, and every member is encouraged to use their gifts and abilities to contribute to the larger Sahahimu community.


The Sowi'yngwa storytellers maintain that the first of their kin to stand up and walk the lands was accompanied by a mighty stag, and that the two worked in unison during the birth of the world to pull their kin from the darkness and help them stand upon the solid ground. Most believe this as a point of duty, using it as an example to follow in their own lives. Throughout their history they have been the caretakers of the Sahahimu in one form or another, and have never balked from these duties. They are most often called upon for diplomatic matters and as mediators between tribes when differences arise, using their unique position and abilities to calm situations and maintain harmony and order within their society.    When the initial interactions with the Bonedacers occurred, sadly it was their people who suffered in the first attack, having been designated as ambassadors to the strangers to the north. The abuses those ambassadors suffered are a large part of what spurred the remaining tribes into quick action, as the Sowi'yngwa are beloved by all, and a slight against them to this day is seen as an affront to the entire confederation. Despite this, even in the face of such horrifying violence, the Sowi'yngwa pushed for an alternative solution, and struggled with the idea of war, supporting their kin through healing and care as the conflict raged on, often risking their own lives to pull injured fighters out of harm's way to do so.   Most recently, the excursions to the mainland have brought a number of the Sowi'yngwa out from Sanctuary, eager to learn about the new forms of healing and to experience the art and music of so many new cultures. While they remain cautious following the incidents of the war with the Bonedancers, they remain hopeful that the world opening up as it has will benefit their own people.


The Sowi'yngwa settlements are made up of small communities nestled into the picturesque regions of the central island. Surrounded by the great lakes on all sides, the land upon which they live is the most abundant on the island, with rich soil and a temperate climate.


The Sowi'yngwa warriors are selected from the most skilled members of the community, chosen for their physical strength, mental discipline, and dedication to the tribe's values. They undergo rigorous training in both defensive martial arts and the healing arts, learning to use their bodies and minds to defend themselves and others while minimizing harm. One of the most important aspects of the Sowi'yngwa warrior's training is their focus on defense and subduing rather than lethal damage. They are taught to use their skills to protect and incapacitate their opponents, rather than to kill them, this approach reflecting the tribe's commitment to peace and healing, and emphasizing the importance of resolving conflicts without violence whenever possible. They use specialized weaponry to attempt to minimize harm if at all possible, such as sleep darts which are made from the hollow stems of plants that are filled with a narcotic tranquilizer and propelled at their opponents utilizing a long blowgun. While this is always preferred, and they will always attempt to find a peaceful solution if possible, they remain deadly opponents if cornered, and will push past their aversion to violence if it means protecting their people.   In addition to their martial training, the Sowi'yngwa warriors are also skilled healers. They are trained in traditional medicine and spiritual healing practices, allowing them to treat injuries and illnesses both on and off the battlefield. This focus on healing is seen as an essential aspect of their warrior training, emphasizing the importance of protecting and promoting life in all its forms.   The role of the Sowi'yngwa warrior is highly respected within the community. They are seen as protectors and defenders, responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of the tribe, and their skills and dedication are essential to the community's survival, and their commitment to non-lethal methods of defense reflects the tribe's values and beliefs.

Technological Level

The Sowi'yngwa have a sophisticated understanding of herbal medicine, which has been passed down through generations of healers and is considered a central aspect of their culture and belief system. Their healers have developed an intricate knowledge of the medicinal properties of various plants, herbs, and roots found in their local environment, and have refined their methods of preparation and application over centuries of practice. One of the key features of the Sowi'yngwa approach to herbal medicine is their use of combinations of herbs and plants to create complex and effective remedies for a wide range of illnesses and injuries. These remedies are carefully tailored to the individual needs of each patient, and are administered through a variety of methods, including teas, poultices, ointments, and inhalants. They also have a deep understanding of the spiritual and emotional aspects of healing, and often use traditional rituals and ceremonies to support the physical healing process. These rituals may include prayer, meditation, and the use of sacred objects such as feathers, crystals, and shells to affect the spiritual presence and injuries of a person as well as the physical, believing that one cannot be fully healed without addressing the needs of the other.


The Singers of the Last Breath also play a crucial role in the tribe's daily spiritual practices. They lead daily meditations and offer guidance and support to members of the community who are facing spiritual challenges. The Singer is seen as a conduit between the spiritual world and the physical world, and their voice is believed to have the power to heal and protect. In addition to their role as spiritual leaders, the Singers of the Last Breath are also respected musicians and artists. They use their talents to create beautiful songs and artwork that reflect the tribe's spiritual beliefs and values. Music and art are seen as important tools for connecting with the spiritual world and for promoting healing and peace within the community.

Agriculture & Industry

One of the key achievements of the Sowi'yngwa tribe is their advanced knowledge of agriculture, which has enabled them to grow a diverse range of crops and sustain their community over generations. They have developed sophisticated methods of irrigation and soil management, which allow them to optimize crop yields and maintain soil fertility. Their agricultural practices are also designed to minimize environmental impact, emphasizing sustainable methods such as crop rotation, companion planting, and natural pest control.


The Sowi'yngwa tribe have a distinct housing structure that is a dome-shaped home made from natural materials and is designed to accommodate the community's spiritual and physical needs. The hogan's structure is unique and is built using locally available materials, such as logs, mud, and grass. It is constructed by building a circular foundation with log beams that support a conical roof. The roof is then covered with a thick layer of mud and grass to provide insulation and protection from the elements. The door faces east, towards the rising sun, and a small opening in the roof allows smoke to escape from fires used for cooking and heating. It is a place of shelter, a place for prayer and spiritual ceremonies, and a place for social gatherings. The hogan's circular shape is symbolic of the tribe's connection to the natural world, representing the sun, moon, and stars. The east-facing door represents a connection to the rising sun. Inside the hogan, the living space is divided into separate areas for different functions. The center of the hogan is reserved for sacred ceremonies and prayers, while the outer ring is used for sleeping and living. The hogan's interior is adorned with colorful rugs, blankets, and decorations that reflect the tribe's artistic and creative talents.      
Founding Date
2800 AR
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Ajéídíshjool (The Heart)
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Related Species

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