
Easily one of the most large and powerful tribes of The People of Two Seasons , the Moosa hold a high place of honor among the tribes of the confederation. Responsible for the design and upkeep of the structures that make up Wemi Tali , they have built up their homes in the surrounding area and along the banks of the nearby lakes. Brilliant and fierce, they remain in high regard among their scattered kin and hold many of the original ideals and ways of the tribe as it was prior to their fracturing so long ago.


The Moosa tribe is divided into clans, each with their own unique traditions and rituals, and in turn each clan is led by a Singer of the Last Breath , who is responsible for maintaining order within the group and serving as a liaison between the clan and the chieftain. The chieftain who is considered to be the ultimate authority on all matters related to the Moosa people is advised by a council of these Singers, who are respected members of the community that have demonstrated wisdom and leadership over time, using their wisdom and close communication with their people in smaller numbers to maintain a strong sense of what is needed and problems that might be stirring.    The Moosa people may have a dedicated system of education and apprenticeship that ensures the transfer of knowledge and skills from one generation to the next. Young tribe members are assigned to a mentor or teacher who guides them in their spiritual and practical education, and helps them develop their bond with their panther into something even deeper than the natural bond that they share, helping them to work in unison and balance with one another.


The Moosa people are known for their intricate and colorful art and architecture, which incorporates symbols and designs inspired by nature and their spiritual beliefs. They use materials like stone, wood, and textiles to create ornate structures and decorative objects carved and sculpted in skillful recreations of the things within their world that the artisans and people find most important or relevant to the times. They have a vibrant musical and dance culture that is an important part of their spiritual rituals and celebrations. They may use instruments like flutes, drums, and rattles, and incorporate movements that emulate the behavior of the panther. These well developed displays are used to keep vigil as they move through their calendar of festivals and celebrations that mark important moments in their spiritual and agricultural cycles. They celebrate the changing of the seasons, the planting and harvesting of crops, and other significant events with feasts, dances, and other communal activities.


Still considered by most to be the remaining core of the once unified Sahahimu people, the Moosa are looked to in most matters as advisors and leaders in matters that affect the entire island as a whole. While their leadership in this manner has never been perfect, it has always been consistent and put forward in a open and non challenging way, generally seeking to guide rather than to command. This system has held its place for nearly three thousand years, and despite the support of the other tribes, as a whole many aspects have come to be questioned, as the Moosa railed against moving outward and letting their presence be known, but in keeping with tradition, they honored the majority decisions and accompanied the expedition to the mainland. They have long memories, and as the tribe that directed the defense and eventual routing of the Bonedancer, the Moosa remain wary of the Empire and their politics.


The lands that immediately surround the location of Wemi Tali remain under the care and control of the Moosa who act as both protectors and advisors for the rest of the tribe. It was their feats of engineering and design that made the megalithic structure a reality. From the southern edge of the forests to the banks of the lakes to their North they hold fast to their ancestral lands.


The Moosa warriors  are selected from the strongest and most capable members of the tribe, and undergo a rigorous training process in order to develop their physical and mental abilities. This includes training in hand-to-hand combat, archery, and other forms of combat, as well as endurance and survival skills. They use a variety of weapons and equipment, depending on the specific needs of the mission or battle ranging from traditional weapons like spears, clubs, and bows and arrows, to more advanced weapons like slingshots or boomerangs. They have a sophisticated system of tactics and strategy that allows them to outmaneuver their enemies and defend their tribe by using stealth and surprise attacks to gain the advantage, as well as guerrilla and hit-and-run tactics.   The Moosa warriors see themselves as protectors of their tribe and are often called upon to fulfill the role of enforcers among their own when things get out of hand. They have spiritual rituals and practices that they perform before going into battle, and most see their fighting as a way to honor their spiritual beliefs and protect their community. They are highly respected members of the community, and play a huge a role in maintaining order and defending the tribe from outside threats. They are also called upon to serve as advisors to the chief or council of Singers of the Last Breath, offering their expertise and insights on matters of war and defense.

Technological Level

The Moosa have developed sophisticated building techniques that allowed them to construct monumental structures like pyramids of Wemi Tali. They use advanced mathematics and engineering principles to create structures that are both aesthetically impressive and structurally sound. They have also developed advanced techniques for farming and irrigation that have allowed them to support a large population in a relatively small and often challenging environment. They have for generations,  used terraced farming methods, advanced irrigation systems, and crop rotation techniques to maximize their agricultural output.   Most unlike the majority of the other tribes, the Moosa have developed a system of writing and record-keeping that has allowed them to document their history, traditions, and achievements. They may have used a combination of pictograms and ideograms to create a written language, and used codices or other types of documents to record important information.

Agriculture & Industry

The Moosa practice a variety of agricultural techniques to support their community, including terrace farming, crop rotation, and advanced irrigation systems. They also grow corn, potatoes, beans, and squash, and raise animals like llamas and alpacas for wool and meat. They have developed a variety of industries to create goods for their community and for trade, working with materials like gold, silver, copper, and precious stones to create jewelry, sculptures, and other decorative items. They are also adept at weaving textiles using cotton, wool, and other fibers, and create pottery and ceramics using clay drawn from the banks of the nearby lakes. The tribe also relies on hunting and fishing to supplement and increase variety into their food supply.   The Moosa engage in regular trade with neighboring tribes, exchanging goods like textiles, jewelry, or foodstuffs, and have developed an efficient system of bartering to exchange goods within their own community, utilizing intricate record keeping systems to keep track of their own supplies and the volumes of materials that come in and go out as well, allowing them significant insight into the availability and trends of resources available on the island. Thanks to this system of record keeping and information collection, they have developed a system of resource management that ensures they are able to use their natural resources in a sustainable way, setting aside certain areas for hunting, fishing, or gathering wild plants, and establishing rules and regulations to ensure that these resources are not overused or depleted.


The Moosa build their houses using stone, adobe, and wood that have thatched roofs made from grass or palm leaves. Their houses have a simple, rectangular shape with a flat roof, and they are  usually arranged in a grid pattern or clustered together in a village or town. Some houses are multi-story, with additional levels accessed by ladders or stairs. The Moosa also decorate the walls of their houses with colorful murals or frescoes depicting scenes from daily life, religious stories, or important events, using aesthetic elements like carved stone or wood panels, and incorporate symbols or motifs representing their spiritual connection to panthers. The houses are designed to be functional as well as aesthetically pleasing, and have incorporated features such as ventilation shafts and windows that allow for air circulation, and alcoves for storing personal items, cooking utensils, and other day to day implements.    A very important element to Moosa life is a sense of community, and to this end, the Moosa also build communal spaces within their villages and towns, such as plazas or courtyards, where people gather for social events and ceremonies. These communal spaces are adorned with sculptures, fountains, or other decorative elements.  
Founding Date
2800 AR
Geopolitical, Tribe
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
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