
The Angwusi dominate the northern regions of the Island of Sanctuary when they live in a scattered community among the edges of the central forest. They build simple but sturdy homes in the tree canopies that last anywhere from three to five years, at which time the Angwusi families that inhabit those particular homes will move to another location within their territory, allowing resources in the previous one to replenish. They are the eyes and ears of The People of Two Seasons ,safeguarding against potential incursions from the North primarily, but scouting the eastern and western coasts of their territory as well, remaining watchful for any traffic by sea of air from the mainland as well.


While the Angwusi remain spread out across the north in smaller family groups, they remain at their heart a tribe, and within that, unified. Each family unit consists of between ten and fifteen families, usually tied to some shared ancestor. Within these, each family will have a speaker and a Singer of the Last Breath to facilitate the spiritual needs of the dead and dying.


They are a very private people, even among their own kind, opting generally to live quiet lives in their own territories. As a matter of cultural significance, they tend to speak only when needed, seeing unnecessary chatter as a waste of breath and an unseemly way to present an individual's spirit. The family units are very close with one another, and gather for meals nightly.    The Angwusi bonds with their tribal spirit are fairly unique ones, each newborn coming to be in a mirrored birth with that of one of the large number of Ravens that share their treetop domains. The bond is formed at birth, but solidified in ritual by the Singer of the Last Breath who passes on the spirit of a fallen kinsman into the child and animal, tying them as one for the rest of their days.


This tribe was the first to fracture in the founding days that led up to the forming of the confederation. In keeping with their nature, they are one of the least warlike of their kin, but also the most aloof, tending to be drawn to isolation and preferring the quiet privacy of the treetops. While they were in full support of the forming of the confederation, they also played a very small role in its initial inception, the tribal leader at the time being primarily focused of safeguarding their borders from outsiders and spirits, and wanting to remain as independent as possible from the newly founded structuring. This attitude has carried on into modern day for the most part, and the Angwusi remain fiercely protective of their borders and their privacy.


The northern regions of Sanctuary are the tribal lands of the Angwusi, including the edges of the forest, the plains beyond and the coast lines as well, though the greater area remains open and is used primarily for hunting.


The Angwusi have no standing, dedicated military force, but all able bodied men and women will fight if the need arises. They are masterful marksmen with both bow and sling, using the high treetop vantage points to great effect in times of crisis. >They have also been known to employ various natural poisons in both hunting and combat.

Technological Level

In keeping with the rest of the tribes, the Angwusi have a very effective holistic medicine practice that uses herbs and fungi grown, gathered, and traded on the island for. They are also master crafters with wood, utilizing their skill to manufacture powerful, small bows meant to the used from higher elevations.


In keeping with the traditions and practices of the Sahahimu People as a whole, the Angwusi follow the same path as their kin, honoring and communing with the spirits that inhabit the natural world around them. In this practice, harvests, hunts, battles, and gathering are matters of respect, each thing taken from the world treated as a gift, and the spirit of that thing being thanked and treated with respect. They do not take life lightly in all its forms, and each aspect of life given in sustaining of they and their tribe and families is a matter of sacrifice in their eyes.

Agriculture & Industry

Bring one of the more nomadic tribes of the Sahahimu, the Angwusi grow very little, opting rather to hunt and harvest what grows naturally in their regions. One of the primary food sources aside from the small game and fish is sago which is made from the palm trees that grow along the coastal areas and in the edges of the northern forest. This is made from the pith of the tree, the soft core material which is gathered and processed, and then cooked within  an open fire. When completed it resembled toasted bread in flavor and texture. A single tree can provide a great deal of this substance for a family unit and is an ideal source of food given the location and seas of gathering. In general, a single tree can provide enough food for a familial group for a week or more.    For aspects of medical use, the tribal Singer of the Last Breath will often keep several hollowed and tempered logs in which they will grow the harder to find a crucial herbs in their treetop comicile, allowing them to take them with them when the family unit migrates to the next location.


The housing of the Angwusi is built to serve its function as a shelter for a limited amount of time, and then be moved on from. While these constructions are sturdy and serve their purpose well, once the resources of the immediate area begin to dwindle, they will pack up their belongings and move to the next location, leaving the treehouse where it is and allowing it to fall into disrepair, any of the pieces of it that fall away considered a return to the place from whence they came. Each return to one of the locations lived in prior are repaired easily enough and living in that place resumes. Through this cyclic and nomadic manner, each familial unit's territory is allowed to regrow and replenish resources wile away. Each unit will cycle between several of these locations.   

Founding Date
2800 AR
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
The Crows
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Related Species

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