Shah Character in Cairne | World Anvil


Favored by the Gauldowhynna


Shah was the first daughter and second child of the Antecedent Mother of All. She is portrayed as an elven maiden whose beauty radiates from her form with white light. Artists trying to capture her form usually rendered her as a welcoming, if not thoughtful visage whose feet never touched the ground. The stories about her are otherworldly, and she was known to be fairly detached and aloof, favoring true balance and equality in all living things. For every death, a life and every life, a death. She was not known to interact with her people directly, but gave them unnatural long life and inhuman grace so that they might aid her in her efforts to guard and maintain the natural things of the world. She was only vaguely aware of the plots and schemes her fellow gods permitted due to her predilection for remaining far removed from the petty troubles of the world of men. The Blight nearly killed her as she raced, too late to stop it from unhinging the balance and was struck by its full force. Her sister, the goddess Sinufae carried her away to another realm to care for and heal her, but with the state of the Spirit Tree of the Gauldowhynna elves, she may never recover as her soul is tied directly to it as well.

Divine Domains

The goddess of nature and the elves

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Symbol A Tree Ringed in Leaves
  • Colors Green and White

Tenets of Faith

  • Holy Places The Forests
  • Existing Houses of Worship None. The elves, in their madness, have all but forgotten their one time patron.


Shah was a goddess of the Spring but honored all the seasons. Each equinox and solstice was honored by her clergy with a simple presentation of life and death. The first born of the new season would be brought before the people and granted the title of Oracle of the Season. This child would be brought up in the clergy. At the same time, the eldest of the clergy would, before the people as well, gracefully give up their spirit back to the Spirit Tree, completing the cycle of birth and death.
Divine Classification
True Neutral
Current Status
Current Residence
Luminous green
Shimmering black with opaline fades
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Vibrant and healthy pale

Cover image: Shah by Midjourney


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