World Codex


  • King's End
    A region of fertile, rolling hills. Interspersed are strange hidden monoliths, which are buried deep beneath the soil. It is rumoured that this is the burial ground of former gods, for anyone who has tried to dig too far down usually falls victim to a horrific accident. It's probably just a legend though...probably.
  • Hak Etme
    Flat and arid as far as the eye can see, the desert is interrupted only by the presence of hulking skeletons from creatures long extinct, along with the occasional sand dune. Devoid of life and colour, the world is bleached white and beige... that is, until it rains. During these rare times, the Hak Etme comes alive in a shocking display of vibrancy. Flowers bloom across every available surface, and the sands ripple with rainbows hues.