
Soft sands and bright skies bleed into lush greenery brimming with life. Humid and hazy, the Oerwoud jungle is never quiet, never dull. Bursting with life and colour, all manner of creatures and plantlife may be found here. Ever evolving, it is rumoured that Oerwoud is one of Rae's favourite playgrounds.

  Soft sands and bright skies bleed into lush greenery brimming with life. Humid and hazy, the Oerwoud jungle is never quiet, never dull. Bursting with life and colour, all manner of creatures and plantlife may be found here. Ever evolving, it is rumoured that Oerwoud is one of Rae's favourite playgrounds.

Fauna & Flora

The jungle inhabits quite the diverse and colorful arrangement of creatures, not limited to jaguars, tigers, clouded leopards, ocelots, crocodiles, caimans, tapirs, lemurs, monkeys, sloths, coatis, quetzals, macaws, toucans, hummingbirds, chameleons, basilisk lizards, tree frogs, vipers, rhinoceros beetles, tailless whip scorpions, leafcutter ants, etc.

Articles under Oerwoud