The Feverlands

The Feverlands
A ghoulish swamp, thick with the smell of death and decay. From the ground up to the knees, a thick and putrid yellow fog clings to every available surface. Rife with bogs, mud-like quicksand and fearsome creatures that linger in the dark, this place is also home to powerful stores of ability-boosting mushrooms... if you can find them, and return alive.
  A ghoulish swamp, thick with the smell of death and decay. From the ground up to the knees, a thick and putrid yellow fog clings to every available surface. Rife with bogs, mud-like quicksand and fearsome creatures that linger in the dark, this place is also home to powerful stores of ability-boosting mushrooms... if you can find them, and return alive.

Fauna & Flora

The swamp inhabits many amphibious creatures and long-legged birds and insects, not limited to: alligators, snapping turtles, cottonmouth snakes, anacondas, otters, ibis, sparrows, ducks, herons, kingfishers, lunes, cranes, toads, bullfrogs, treefrogs, mosquitoes, marsh flies, water striders, dragonflies and damselflies, ladybugs, beetles, and butterflies.

Articles under The Feverlands