Shiad and Mbushred Prose in Binaka | World Anvil

Shiad and Mbushred

The tent flap parted and Shiad greeted his guest. "Ah…kīr Mbushred, my friend. I am pleased you have agreed to meet with me today. May I offer you tea?"   "No thank you." The foreigner was curt, with an edge of impatience. As Shiad had expected.   "As you wish. But I find tea to be calming. It may help in our conversation."   "No, I really don't need any tea." Hm. Anger.   "I understand. You do not understand our ways. That is okay. Our ways are not yours. But neither are your ours. There is but one simple thing you need understand as you deign to encroach on our land."   "The Great Desert is Neurrodel's, by all rights that we have established."   "Yes. As you have established. But you are speaking of our kaitatoya yokī, the breathing homeland. We have roamed these sands for generations. Before your great nation was even dust on the wind. And yet you claim it as your own, though you know not what you claim. You do not understand the life that is the desert."   "You do not have any deeds, no contracts! Therefore it is ours by default."   "But our contract, as you say, our deed, was granted to us by kai dīptatiy, the embodiment of Yiba herself, generations before your people knew there were sands in the desert or stars in the sky. This "contract" cannot and will not be broken by the will of a man…   "So, I give you our nosh, our coditions for allowing you on our lands."   The foreigner begain to stand, angrily. Shiad's guards moved to restrain him, but Shiad shifted his hand slightly. They moved closer, but stopped short of taking the man. The daggers in Shiad's eyes were enough to restrain him.   Shiad's voice took on a knife's edge. "Before you act rashly, let me assure you, any harm coming to me or to my brothers and uncles will not end well for you. As I say, we have Yiba herself at our backs, and Dīnauvai, and Tikai Īki. We have our cousins to the east, who, though no longer restless as we are, will still come to our aid with more ferocity than a tinaukaida protecting her kits. And you will not win.   "So, our nosh, for you to enter our lands. We are not miserly, but we are protective of what Yiba has given us. You must respect the sands, and those beasts that roam among them, all the things that live among the sands. You must respect the oases. You are welcome to drink at any pool, but do not take greedily. You may eat fruit of sustenance, but respect our sacred fruits. And, as ever, do not take greedily. While kai dīptatiy was bequethed to us, we are merely caretakers. It is for all. But not for exploitation. Journey, explore, but do not take. If you take from the breathing sands, you will regret it. Your brothers will regret it, your cousins will regret it, and your leaders will regret it.   "Now, leave here, ŗair. Let your leaders know our nosh. They may choose as they like. But they should know the consequences."   With a short wave of his hand, the guards returned to the sides of the tent. The foreigner looked sheepishly around, gingerly got up, and backed out of the tent.

Shiad is Shiad naqī Ŗash, current Kaulīy of the Raiyīŗ tribe.   Mbushred is a representative of Nuerruoddel. They have been gradually encroaching on the desert, with the biggest offense being Nezhgub, but that is history. What is important now is they have started expeditions into the desert looking for…anything that might be of value.   In the beginning Shiad refers to Mbushred as "kīr." That is a greeting for an equal. Shiad is giving Mbushred the benefit of a doubt. But by the end he uses "ŗair," literally meaning child. It is a polite, but very strong, insult.

Cover image: Scotland Cliffs by Frank Winkler


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