Bertryll Starosta Character in Ballad of the Druzhina | World Anvil
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Bertryll Starosta

Sir Bertryll Starosta (a.k.a. The Cossack)

  Bertryll Starosta is what the denizens of the Vaasa call a cossack, a proud master-at-arms with a martial tradition and nomadic lifestyle. He is the brother of Vasilej Starosta and grew up a peasant to a father in the city watch. When his father died in service, the family fell on hard times leading to Vasilej stealing from a Warlock merchant to feed the family. The Warlock Knights ransacked the family hut, killing their mother with soul magic and traumatizing Bertryll. This caused him to develop a seething hatred towards the Warlocks, relishing in the chance to kill them and perfecting it as a kind of savage art form when he traveled the tundra. Fearful of the soul magic that killed his mother, he took to the Pravda faith quickly.
  During the Palischuk Schism, Bertryll looted a crossbow during one of the first riots against Warlock governance and shot down many knights whilst Vasilej led the peasants in hit and run attacks. He took to the crossbow naturally, seeing it as a way to kill Warlock Knights when he clearly couldn’t match these heavily-armored juggernauts in melee prowess as a peasant. During the storming of Palischuk Castle, the necromantic atrocities of the Warlock Knights strengthened his hatred, joining his fellow revolutionaries in merciless slaughtering of even surrendering Warlocks (though Bertryll was already killing surrendering Warlocks). Bertryll stayed in the newly-formed Crown Army of Palischuk to drive out the Warlock Knights from the Vaasa once and for all. As a scout, he specialized in archery, using crossbows and longbows, though he dreamed of a ranged weapon which even the odds between a crossbowman and a warlock.
  Before requesting a transfer to the Bogatyr under Sir Vasilej, Bertryll was attached to the Crown Army’s Cossack Host. As a cossack, Bertryll lived off the land and learned how to survive in the wild easily. Serving with distinction, Bertryll would attain the rank of sergeant. Disaster would soon strike, and with what seemed like an easy ambush, Bertryll’s commander ordered an attack on a column of Warlock Knights in the Galena Mountains. The Host’s cossacks were cut down by a counter-ambush, with few survivors escaping to Palischuk. Fleeing into the taiga forests, Bertryll remembers seeing the disembodied corpses of his comrades being turned into unwilling soldiers for the Warlock Knights. His hatred was reinforced, and Bertryll would do anything he could to destroy the Warlocks.
  Upon joining the Bogatyr, Bertryll took his role as a tracker in Vasilej’s knightly retinue. For a few months, Bertryll would assist the Bogatyr in destroying the last strongholds of Warlock power in the region. Bertryll enjoyed small-scale hit-and-run attacks of the Bogatyr and would see plenty of action east of Palischuk, planting bolts into the heads of Warlock Knights with his crossbow. Content with his position, he turned down reenlistment in the Cossack Host and opted to become a cossack working for the House of Starosta.
  When the Bogatyr set out to rescue Princess Lorina after her disappearance, Bertryll joined them to find her. He hopes that he may honor the Starosta by bringing glory in battle against the Warlocks, but more importantly, that once the Kingdom’s succession is safeguarded, all of Vaasa will be under the divine wings of the Pravda.
  Bertryll would track Lorina to a cave in the Galena Mountains and the Bogatyr would kill all the Warlock Knights that held her prisoner. She would fall through a portal, and he jumped in to rescue her. Separated from the Bogatyr but at Lorina's side, he protected her on an isolated asteroid until the arrival of an airship crew of battle-hardened pirates known as the Sea Dogs. Bertryll was unable to protect her after she tripped and was taken captive, though he fought back with all his might as he withdrew into a forest.
  Alone on the asteroid, he would spend his days praying to Gospod for forgiveness. One day that forgiveness would come when he closed his eyes to sleep, awakening back in the cave with the Bogatyr, who had rescued Lorina. She held no animosity for his inability to defend her, but Bertryll would remain disappointed in this shortcoming. Nonetheless, he would be raised to knighthood in the Palischuk Druzhina for his heroism in the rescue of the Princessa. He refused any other noble responsibilities and privileges however, opting to remain a cossack serving in Vasilej's retinue.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Bertryll is a tall man, bearded, with a physique akin to the Varangians.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Bertryll fought in the Palischuk Schism and the Pravdan Crusade against the Warlock Knights, and rescued Princessa Lorina Lyubova from the Astral Plane. His life of war and glory from humble beginnings resulted in his elevation into the Palischuk Druzhina.

Failures & Embarrassments

Bertryll is disappointed in his failure to protect Lorina from the Sea Dogs while they were marooned in the Astral Plane. She has forgiven him, though he never forgave himself.

Personality Characteristics


Bertryll remembers the defeat of his comrades to a Warlock Knight counter-ambush, and is firmly set in preserving the cossack way of life and cleansing the Vaasa of any trace of the Warlock Knights.

Virtues & Personality perks

Glory. Bertryll seeks glory in battle for himself and the House of Starosta. Faith. Bertryll's home is in the forests of the Galena Veil, far away from the vices of civilization. He is dedicated to a life of meditation to Gospod and the Pravda, seeing magic and spells not derived from Gospod's grace to be an abomination.

Vices & Personality flaws

From his experience storming Palischuk Castle during the Palischuk Schism, Bertryll is haunted by memories of the atrocities of Warlock Knight magic. Above all other enemies save abberations, Bertryll will focus on them first. Bertryll's rage multiplies when he encounters abberations due to the defeat of his fellow cossacks to Warlock Knight soul magic. When encountering abberations or other beings which twist the bodies of the living, Bertryll will go into a focus, disregarding other enemies and zeroing in on his prey.


Family Ties

Bertryll is a member of the House of Starosta by blood. He is the brother to Prince Vasilej Starosta.

Religious Views

Bertryll is a devout Pravdan, believing in the Gospel of Mercy and Forgiveness taught by Gospod. In line with Pravdan doctrine, he is highly averse to magic, seeing any superhuman power not derived from Gospod to be blasphemous and dangerous.


Vasilej Starosta


Towards Bertryll Starosta


Bertryll Starosta


Towards Vasilej Starosta


Lorina Starosta


Towards Bertryll Starosta


Bertryll Starosta


Towards Lorina Starosta


Bertryll Starosta is what the Vaasans call a cossack, a nomadic master-at-arms that wanders the tundra in search of adventure and battle.

View Character Profile
True Neutral
Date of Birth
21st of Uktar, 1458 DR
Vasilej Starosta (Brother)
Current Residence
Galena Veil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft, 4in


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