Bellwhisp Species in Ashton Creek | World Anvil


Bellwhisps are a kind of mostly harmless Elsebeing with truly excellent perception albeit in a limited area. Bellwhisps are capable of sensing slight changes in their environment, and whether they are being perceived at any given time. This makes them invaluable as alarms to Elsebringers, as they can be bound to notify their master should they perceive a particular stimulus. While usually considered one of the most harmless elsebeings to summon, they can still quickly multiply.

Basic Information


They take the shape of a radially symetrical spider-like creature with a hard, bulbous body. They have five large, glowing eyes directly around their body, and a collection of spider-like legs, typically five, and appendages attached to its underside. Numerous antennae and sensing hairs cover their body, as well as an olfactory hole.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bellwhisps can reproduce asexually, though the exact mechanism for this is unknown. They only do so when they sense they are not being perceived in any way, including by other members of their own species. When they reproduce, they produce an exact adult clone of themselves. It is believed they need to remain unseen continuously for at least 8 minutes for the cloning to occur, and they cannot do it more than once every 5 hours. Nonetheless, if one is not careful, Bellwhisps can quickly and explosively multiply.


Bellwhisps are one of the best understood elsebeings, acting very comparably to many animals. They can be fairly territorial, and will typically not leave an area within 30 ft of which they first appeared. They tolerate other Bellwhisps spawned from the same progenitor, but if unbound will attack any intruders in the space they consider theirs, however they are incapable of doing a lot of damage on their own. Once the territory begins to overcrowd to the point that they can no longer hide from one another, even related bellwhisps may begin fighting, which usually sets off a chain reaction leading to a free for all massacre.

They also have an instinct to hide when they are capable of cloning, so they can reproduce. Another aid in their reproductive cycle is a social mechanism to respect another Bellwhisp's privacy. They have been observed oving away and possibly dulling their own senses when another member of their species is attempting to reproduce.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Bellwhisps have exceptional sensory capabilities. Their sight, smell, hearing, temperature, and any other sense of perception far superceeds those of any creature found on earth. They are basically capable of sensing just about any change in a room, no matter how slight. Though limited, they also have some small amount of extrasensory perception, being capable of sensing the presence of ethereal beings. They are also capable of sensing when they are being perceived, which may be a form of quantum sense. However their perception is nonetheless somewhat limited as they only have a range of either the creature's immediate viscinity, or in the case of sight, electroreception, and some other sense, only about 30 feet.
Genetic Ancestor(s)