
The art of elsebringing is a subcategory of ceremony that focuses on the summoning of beings from the far places to do the ritualist's bidding. These entities are typically known as "elsebeings".

The art of elsebringing is typically easier to perform than other forms of ceremony, as the elsebeings are believed to be responsive and willing to answer the call of the ritualist, supplying their own power to aid the spell. However, if the ritual is not performed correctly, the elsebeing may not be fully under the control of the ritualist, and in the worst case scenario, the bindings may fail entirely and the elsebeing will be set free.

To perform an elsebringing, the ritualist must prepare a specific set of materials and follow a detailed set of instructions, including the use of specific gestures, incantations, and diagrams.. The ritual may also involve the use of specific objects or substances as offerings or sacrifices to the elsebeings.

As with all forms of magic, the art of elsebringing requires skill, knowledge, and dedication to master. It is often shrouded in secrecy and mystery, and is not to be taken lightly, as the consequences of failure can be severe.

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