Crimson Sea Geographic Location in Ash & Bone ~D&D 5e~ | World Anvil
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Crimson Sea


Once a fertile and habitable place the area that would later be called the Crimson Sea would be turned into a desert wasteland faced with rough ocean waters to the east and towering rock walls surrounding the rest, it is believed that a catastrophic level event befell the area of the Crimson Sea turning the entire area into a crater and forming the high rock walls that have slowly been carved out by the red sands left from the impact years prior. Due to the naturally high levels of iron found in the Crimson Sea, the sands found there is a deep red hue in which the name the Crimson Sea came from. The rock walls that stretch around the Crimson Sea have only three naturally formed exits that allow access deeper into the continent as a whole, The Eagle's Pass is the path to the north and is the furthest and harshest of the three passes, and only the daring or stupid try to use this pass instead of the other two. The Western Pass or "Maker Pass" is the more traveled of the three passes due to the route passing through the craftsman city of Elderburrow, the Maker Path is the primary trade route between Brightcoast and the rest of the continent and serves as its largest entry point.


Most monsters that make their home in the Crimson Sea are those that have adapted to and thrive in the desert environment and can survive with very little food or water. From the apex predators of the purple worms that make tunneled lairs in red sandstone to the giant bugs and birds that reside in the hot sands if it manages to live in the Crimson Desert, it had to grow bigger and meaner to survive.

Localized Phenomena

Due to the high iron content leftover from the cataclysmic impact that reduced the Crimson Sea to a desert-filled crater, most if not all sand found within the crater is red in hue.

Natural Resources

The area of the Crimson Sea and the Ferrigo Mountains that border the red dunes are plentiful in ores, either pushed higher to the surface due to the forming of the crater or having naturally formed over the long years that dyed the sands red.


Centuries before the establishment of most of the various present-day kingdoms it is believed that a massive meteor crashed in the area that would later be referred to as the Crimson Sea, The area of the red desert was once level with the rest of the land surrounding the desert but the force of the impact pushed the land at the impact area down and pushed large amounts of rock upwards forming the Ferrigo Mountains and creating a high crater surrounding what is now the Crimson Sea. Over time the land returned to a semi-stable state with life slowly beginning to return into the crater but the once fertile forest could no longer grow anything slowly reducing the land into a harsh desert hostile even to the creatures that call it home.
Alternative Name(s)
The Blood Dunes
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Included Locations
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species
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Cover image: by Justin Oaksford


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