The Siren's Song Building / Landmark in Arethar | World Anvil

The Siren's Song

Purpose / Function

This is an apothacary, she is adept at building potions, potices and other such brews. She can also be convinced to join the party as an apothecary if they are founding a city in the underdark


The shop is a two-storey stone-walled building, with a gray tile roof. A collection of adventurer's maps hangs from the walls.


Enwenen Elervir lost her vision in an attack by a strange creature in the underdark. She was found and brought to the service by an acolyte to Dyvra. She was given a bit of money and was able to transform that into a small potions stand. After 100 years she was able to transform that into a full shop that she has been running ever since. She hopes to one day return to the underdark.


Elixir of Health (rare, dmg 168) 2500 Gp A clear ichor, contained in a porcelain bottle etched with geometric patterns.   Oil of Etherealness (rare, dmg 183) 2200 GP This swirling elixir causes one's eyes to turn black when used.   (3x)Potion of Greater Healing (uncommon, dmg 187) 190 gp   Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187) 10 GP This thin liquid smells earthy.   Potion of Hill Giant Strength (uncommon, dmg 187) 110 gp A watery potion, contained in a battered bottle etched with holy symbols.   Potion of Longevity (very rare, dmg 188) 15,000 GP A swirling potion, contained in a fragile glass bottle.   Potion of Mind Reading (rare, dmg 188) 1600 gp A watery serum, contained in a cylindrical phial.   Potion of Resistance (radiant) (uncommon, dmg 188) 390 GP This variegated elixir causes flames to flicker wildly when used.   Potion of Storm Giant Strength (legendary, dmg 187) 90,000 gp A viscous elixir, contained in a cylindrical phial.   (4X)Potice of Superior Healing adds 2d4 to the healing (rare, dmg 187) 2260 GP A smoky black oil, contained in a porcelain phial.
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