The Copper Shield Inn Building / Landmark in Arethar | World Anvil

The Copper Shield Inn

Purpose / Function

This is a inn that seeks to serve the more high class members of society. The inn has a number of amenities that make it appealing to travelers.


The inn is a two-storey timber and brick building, with a slate roof. Accomodations consist of several large rooms with beds and feather mattresses. A magical portal in the cellar opens into the Crystal Desert.


The inn has a handful of wards in place that serves to keep the building a nice consistent temperature. The inn also has a handful of guards that stay on site to make sure that there is no violence occurring inside.


The copper shield was created after Atiel Lithtaur suffered an injury while traveling the lands near Eshonia. The injury took her vision, instead of continuing her travels Atiel decided to open the copper shield. A inn that would serve travelers and explorers. Over the years the inn grew in size and reputation and now its one of the most important inns in the city.


Menu: Braised Cod with Clove and Dried Lime, Glass of Gin (4 sp) Braised Deer and Dried Pear, Glass of Whisky (1 sp) Roasted Phoenix and Poached Eggs, Glass of Brandy (3 sp) Smoked Veal and Dried Lentils, Tankard of Stout (10 cp) Boiled Goose and Dried Beetroot, Tankard of Bitter (10 cp) Braised Goose and Curd Cheese, Glass of Cider (4 sp) Stewed Mutton and Chestnut Bread, Tankard of Stout (11 cp) Rumors: A perpetual storm rages over the Ermine Heath. A new vein of mithral has been discovered in the Stela Downs. An undead knight in the ruins of Minas Tiva holds a demon imprisoned for eternity. The wizard Therosin the Mighty has been conducting dangerous experiments in his tower. The cunning rogue Erert was seen near the hall of the Wizards Guild. Agents of Astac the Adamant have slain the bronze dragon which stood watch over the Tomb of the Shadow Princess. An order of elemental cultists has re-opened the Dungeon of Black Annihilation. Patrons/Potential quests Baitha: Male Elf Fighter,Baitha has a square face, with uneven copper hair and light amber eyes. He wears plate mail and wields a spear. Baitha is searching for a legendary blade named Fiendblade. Cune: Male Elf Thief, Cune has black hair and green eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a club. Cune lost his shadow to a nymph. Anond: Female Halfling Ranger, Anond is heavyset, with black hair and bright green eyes. She wears scale mail and wields a spear and long bow. Anond is dying and desperately seeks the secret of immortality.
Founding Date
12th Ucet 9970
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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