The Magnificent Beaver Tavern Building / Landmark in Arethar | World Anvil

The Magnificent Beaver Tavern

"The Magnificent Beaver is absolutely amazing. Spending a day their must be what the Sacred Realm is"-Visitor to the Magnificent Beaver

Purpose / Function

This is a inn that also has one of the most highly rated bath houses in the city.


The inn is a grand timber and brick building, with several stained glass windows. Accomodations consist of several small rooms with beds and woolen mattresses. A large private bathhouse is available to guests.


The Magnificent Beaver Tavern was founded less than 15 years ago by someone wanting provide the absolute highest quality care they could. Janshai Chaucer put his life's saving into creating The magnificent Beaver was born. A gamble that has proven itself worth it in every single way.


Menu: Stewed Mutton and Dried Lentils, Tankard of Perry (11 cp) Dried Lamb and Dried Turnip, Tankard of Beer (10 cp) Baked Grouse and Oat Bread, Glass of Mead (3 sp) Baked Pheasant with Garlic and Dried Grapefruit, Glass of Brandy (1 sp) Patrons: Khuda: Male Dwarf Illusionist, Neutral. Khuda is fey in appearance, with uneven red hair and light blue eyes. He wears silver robes and wields a quarterstaff and dagger. Khuda has a paralyzing fear of magic and arcana. Cania: Male Elf Assassin, Neutral. Cania has red hair and blue eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a long sword. Cania is perched on a wooden beam near the ceiling. Ariel: Female Elf Fighter, Neutral. Ariel has a narrow face, with thick copper hair and bright amber eyes. She wears splint mail and wields a warhammer and shield. Ariel is a skilled actor. Ziri: Female Dwarf Druid, Neutral. Ziri has straight brown hair and green eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a hammer. Ziri speaks with a quiet voice. Rumors: A silver dragon is held captive within the Lost Warrens of Madness, trapped behind a magical door with nine seals. The Crossed Hammers maintains a secret cache of magical items for adventurers. Lyra the Necromancer has been summoning demons and other fell creatures.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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