Sitha Ethnicity in Ardu | World Anvil


The Leaf Elves, the Sun Elves

Under construction

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Sitha female names always contain a Q consonant and a vocal a. Sometimes, to enhance the name, the parents also extend it by one, or maximally up to two, additional adjectives or comparisons (-ra,-re,-ri,-ma,-me,-mi). In case the name root does not contain Q or a, the missing letter is added in the extension, where the female forms are: -ra, -raq , -rae, -rea, -ria, -reqa, -riqa). sitha female names almost never contain a vocal U.   The full female name is the given name, followed by urqa ( daughter of ) and then the name of the father or mother (see: Family names).  

Example Names:

  Ae(-rak, -riqa), Ama(-rak, -riqa) , Akka(-ma, -ra,-re), Aqu(-ra, ri, -ma, -me), Anqa(-ma,-me,-ra,-re) , Anqe(-ra,-re,-ma), Asqa(-ra,-re), Asqe (-ra,-re), Esqa(-ra,-re), Qara(-ma,-me,-mi) , Qata(-ma,-me,-ra,-re,-ri), Qama(-ra, re, -ri), Qamma(-re, -ri), Qo(-ra,-rae,-riqa), Qorra (-ma,-me), O(-raq, -riqa),Tasqa(-ra, -ma), Isqa(-ra,-ri), Raqa(-ra, -re, -ri).  

Full female name examples:

  Qorima, daughter of Tonraq (father), of the Otuquaheli people (tribe): Quorima urqa Tonraq Otuquaheli-uru   or tonguetwisters like:   Raqari, daughter of Qatari (mother), of the Qarutaq people (tribe): Raqari urqa Qatari Qarutaq-uru

Masculine names

Just like Sitha female names, Sitha male names have to contain a q somewhere, yet usually it is found at the end, giving norn male names a somewhat harder sound. The mandatory vocal A in female names may be replaced by the vocal O or E. Norn male names only (if ever) have one extension at most.   Common male name Extensions are: -raq, -taq, -riq, -tiq, -req, -teq, -roq, -toq, -roaq, (speak: row-ak), -toaq (speak: tow-ak) -roqa, -toqa, -ruq, -tuq, - ruaq (speak: roo-ak), -tuaq (speak: too-ak), -ruqa and -tuqa.   The full male name is the given name, followed by urqu ( son of ) and then the name of the father or mother (see: Family names).  

Example Names:

  Aqqo, Annaq, An (-raq, -req, -roq, -raaq, -roaq, -ruaq), Cua(-raq, -roq), Hanaq, Hardaq, Haro (-taq), Ka(-roq, -ruq, -taq, -toq, -roaq), Ma(-roq, -ruq, -taq, -toq, -roaq) , Ronqa, Razaq, Roa(-taq, -toq, -raq, -roq), Ro(q)qa (speak Rokqa), Taq,Tarq,Tareq, Tonraq, Torraq, Tarroq, Rotaq  

Full male name examples:

  Konraq, son of Anriqa (mother), of the Anduaq people (tribe): Konraq urqu Anriqa Anduaq-uru   Ronqa son of Ruatoq (father), of the Karutaq people (tribe): Ronqa urqu Ruatoq Karutaq-uru

Family names

Sitha names just like Norn Names are threefold. There is no concept of family names as in many human civilizations, where human citizens are named according to the day jobs they perform, the day jobs their ancestors once performed, or other features.   Sitha are named according to a trait wished upon them by their parents, then followed by urqu ( son of ) or urqa ( daughter of ) and then the first name of the respective father or mother. There is no preference about which parent is chosen, so Sitha actually have two full names, by which they can be addressed, leaving it up to the one addressing them to chose.   When formally addressed, the construct is always followed by the name of the tribe and then -uru, which in the language of the Sitha means tribe, or people.

D&D 5e Stats

Sitha Elf

Ability Score Increase +2 Dex, +1 Wis
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Elf Traits:

  • Darkvision: Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Natural Climber: You have an advantage in athletics skills used for climbing. Your base climbing speed equals half your movement + 5 (rounded down)
  • Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
  • Rooted in the material world: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
  • Trance: Elves do not sleep. Instead they meditate deeply, remaining semi-conscious, for 4 hours a day. The Common word for this meditation is "trance". While meditating, you dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive after years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit a human would from 8 hours of sleep.

Sitha Traits:

  • Sure Footed: Used to live in an environment in which each step can mean certain doom, and safe routes are hard to find, you get proficiency in Acrobatics
  • Speech of Beast and Leaf: You have the ability to communicate in a limited manner with beasts and plants. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return. You have advantage on all Charisma checks you make to influence them.

Languages. Sitha, Onari (Elvish), Common

Pathfinder 2e Stats

See also the Feats at the Bottom of the page

Hit Points
Ability Boosts
Ability Flaw
Depending on the Heritage either Sitha, Norn or Eadun
Additional Languages equal to your Intelligence Modifier (if it is positive). Choose from Elf Common (Onari), or any other language to which you have access (such as languages prevalent in the region)

Low Light Vision
You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.

Natural Climber
Your toes are adapted for gripping and climbing. You gain the Combat Climber feat as a bonus feat. Additionally, if you roll a success on an Athletics check to climb, you get a critical success instead.

Sitha Elf Heritages

Sitha Elves (Leaf Elves)
Your ancestors lived in the treetops, hunting amongst the crowns of the worldtrees. You are practiced in traversing treacherous ground. Whenever you critically fail an athletics check to climb, high jump, or long jump, treat it as a normal failure. A high jump does not require a stride and a long jump requires only a 5-foot stride.

Norn Elves (Root Elves)
Norn Elves know how to exploit their environment to hide. They gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all attempts to hide in all wilderness environments.

Animal Speakers
Your ancestors had an uncanny knack to tame the beasts of the Eternal Forests. You gain the Beast Trainer (Elf) Ancestry feat.

Elf Ancestry Feats

At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As an Elf, you select from among the ancestry feats as described here or in the Core Rulebook or Advanced players Guide which haven't been replaced. The feats which replace those described in the Core Rulebook or Advanced players Guide describe essentially the same effect but with a different reasoning, as Elves on Ardu differ fundamentally from Elves in other universes

A comprehensive lists of Feats can be found here:
Elf Feats
if picking from that list, choose only those which come from the Core Rulebook or the Advanced Players Guide, and then see if the Feat has been replaced. Use the Text of the Replacement Feat

Level 1

Original Feats

Wildborn Magic - - Feat 1 -

Description You have learned to access the old magic of wild places. Choose one cantrip from the primal spell list. You can cast this cantrip as an innate primal spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.

Woodcraft - - Feat 1 -

Description You have a innate familiarity with forested areas. When in a forest or jungle environment, if you roll a critical failure on a Survival skill check to Sense Direction, Subsist, or Cover Tracks, you get a failure instead, and if you roll a success, you get a critical success instead.

Beast Trainer (Elf) - - Feat 1 -

Description You have an impressive innate ability to tame and command ferocious beasts. You become trained in the Nature skill and gain the Train Animal skill feat.


Replaces Ancestral Linguistics
Instinctive Fae Connection: Languages - -Feat 1 -

Description You tap into the common Knowledge and thoughts that forms the Fae. You become fluent in one common language or one other language you have access to. You know this language until you prepare again. Since this knowledge is temporary, you can't use it as a prerequisite for a permanent character option.

Replaces Ancestral Longevity
Instinctive Fae Connection: Skills - - Feat 1 -

Description You tap into the common Knowledge and thoughts that forms the Fae. You gain the trained proficiency rank in one skill of your choice. This proficiency lasts until you prepare again. Since this proficiency is temporary, you can’t use it as a prerequisite for a skill increase or a permanent character option like a feat.

Replaces Elven Aloofness
Instinctive Fae Connection: Intimidation Resistance - - Feat 1 -

Description You can tap into the Fae on an instinctual Level and feel the insecurities of those attempting to intimidate you who aren't as well versed at hiding it. If a non-elf rolls a failure on a check to Coerce you using Intimidation, it gets a critical failure instead (and thus can't try to Coerce you again for 1 week). When a non-elf attempts to Demoralize you, you become temporarily immune for 1 day, instead of 10 minutes.

Replaces Forlorn
Insitinctive Fae Connection: Emotions

Description You tap into the near Fae to become rooted in your own emotions again, which formed it. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against emotion effects. If you roll a success on a saving throw against an emotion effect, you get a critical success instead.

Level 5

Original Feats

Elven Instincts - -Feat 5 -

Description Your senses let you react rapidly. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks made as initiative rolls. Additionally, if your initiative roll result is tied with that of an opponent, you go first, regardless of whether you rolled Perception or not.

Forest Stealth - - Feat 5 -

Requirements Expert in Stealth, You are in a forest or jungle environment near an environmental feature that would allow you to Take Cover.
Description You are skilled at quickly hiding behind bits of underbrush or foliage. You Take Cover and then use that cover to Hide.

Wildborn Adept - - Feat 5 -

Requirements Wildborn Magic
Description The whispers of the jungle grant you more diverse access to simple primal magic. You can cast dancing lights, disrupt undead, and tanglefoot as innate primal spells at will. If you chose one of those spells with Wildborn Magic, you can select a new spell for Wildborn Magic.


Replaces Ancestral Suspicion
Fae Steeled Will - - Feat 5 -

Description You are rooted in the World as is, as you can feel due to your connection with the fae as it should be. You've been trained to resist manipulation, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against effects that would make you controlled, such as dominate, and to Perception checks to Sense Motive when trying to determine if a creature is under the influence of such an effect. When you roll a success on a saving throw against such an effect, you get a critical success instead.

Level 9

Original Feats

Dragon Speaker - - Feat 9 -

Requirements Beast Trainer (Elf)
Description Your learned to foster a unique understanding for the Draks and Draconics. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when you attempt to Make an Impression on a creature with the dragon trait. You gain access to the Riding Drake (Drak) animal companion.


Replaces Expert Longevity
Expert Fae Connection: Skills - - Feat 9 -

Requirements Instinctive Fae Connection: Skills
Description When you choose a skill in which to become trained with Instinctive Fae Connection: Skills, you can also choose a skill in which you are already trained and become an expert in that skill. This lasts until your Instincitve Fae Connection:Skills expires.   When the effects of Instinctive Fae Connection:Skills and Expert Fae Connection:Skills expire, you can retrain one of your skill increases. The skill increase you gain from this retraining must either make you trained in the skill you chose with Instinctive Fae Connection: Skills or make you an expert in the skill you chose with Expert Fae Connection: Skills.

Level 13


Replaces Universal Longevity
Legendary Fae Connection: Skills - - Feat 13 -
Requirements Frequency: Once per day
Description You’ve perfected your ability to keep up with all the skills you’ve learned over your long life, so you’re almost never truly untrained at a skill. You reflect on your life experiences, changing the skills you selected with Ancestral Longevity and Expert Longevity.

Cover image: by cyrgan


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