Uppergelf Ethnicity in Ardu | World Anvil


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"Have you ever wondered what happened, when you are wandering through a forest and then, all of a sudden you realize that you can't recall the last half hour and how you got to the point you are standing at?"   "uhm... yes... it is a pretty common phenomenon. we learned about this during the meditation sessions. The human mind dissociates from routine tasks if there is no present threat, and...."   "What...??? No dumbo! You just passed through a Gelf village..."
— Human wizard from High Haven and a culmerian mercenary discussing the existence of Gelf apart from the The Undermountain.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

The naming Traditions of Uppergelf differ quite significantly from the long and drawn out namelists which the Undergelf create. Uppergelf like short (as they call it: crisp) names which stay in mind, not by their complexity but by the virtues of those who bear it. Most Uppergelf first name are thus monosyllabic with but a few exceptions. Female names however tend to be slightly longer than male.  

Female Uppergelf Given Names

Ino, Efa, Init, Chaila, Lenka, Draste, Jynn, Hauru, Goa, Teela, Weel, Arna, Seri, Kia, Tia, Olda.

Masculine names

The naming traditions of Uppergelf differ quite significantly from the long and drawn out namelists which the Undergelf create. Uppergelf like short (as they call it: crisp) names which stay in mind, not by their complexity but by the virtues of those who bear it. Most male uppergelf first name are thus monosyllabic with but a few exceptions.  

Male Uppergelf Given Names

Cym, Lok, Dain, Keg, Drov, Moks, Arkk, Snirr, Velchok, Grohl, Len, Ren, Davv, Ceer, Hon, Rey, Cynn, Chai, Dabo, Anto.

Family names

Uppergelf do not have familynames like Undergelf and their given names are usually followed by the Clan Name. Name collisions are resolved by either adding location or job descriptors to distinguish between the respective gelf, the concept of a family name is all but unknown. The name of the Clan is more often than not the name of the founder of a specifc uppergelf settlement.  

Uppergelf Clan Names

Rowuk, Tallak, Valda, Kechik, Albrin, Gotan, Naktak, Ulshim, Hairok, Leduk, Firmisk, Ja-Shini, Talv, Muldo, Noa-tim, Ikkiba, Lakuit.  

Male Uppergelf Name Examples:

Cynn of the Forestglade of Clan Noatim  

Female Uppergelf Name Examples:

Draste the Weaver of the Clan Kechik


Major language groups and dialects

Uppergelf (East) or Uppergelf (West)

Both languages differ greatly, and are spoken by gelf in the east and west of the inner sea respectively.

Culture and cultural heritage

"So... can you find them?"
"What... just because I "kinda look like them??" Not all gelf know each other aye? They are hiding from me too. Also they are Uppergelf. I was born in a shaft 300 meter below the Dragon Stones... i might need some time okay?"
— Undergelf scout answering stupid questions....
  Uppergelf live in a tribal culture, with a chieftain and a council of elders deciding the questions which affect the whole tribe. Just like wolven they never created a state or even aspired to and it would be hard to do, as they would first have to find each other. Their cultural heritage is more one of spoken legends, as they use scripture for mundane tasks, but leave it to their elders and storytellers to keep the legends of the past, which are often retold during the festivities, supported and underscored by illusions in something that resembles a puppet theatre with illusions instead of puppets.

Shared customary codes and values

Like most gelf they value family bonds and bonds of friendship always aware that, if a gelf is on his own, he or his works could become easy prey to a gremlin.

There are multiple festivities over the year which do nothing but celebrate the gelf companionship, designed to strengthen the bond and connection.

At the same time most uppergelf are very secretive, a trait which has protected them over the ages. The mistrust against the "Other" as they call the humans is prevalent, and although elves or Onauru as the gelf call them, enjoy a bit more trust, the gelf still are careful to reveal themselves to them, and be it just because the elf might be a humanized Eadun elf.

Art & Architecture

Uppergelf often use their talent with regard to Illusions to create short lived artworks of astonishing beauty which however are meant to fade. usually these artworks are presented among real artworks, however at a specific time it is revealed that the artworks were never real to begin with. Observers who had found pleasure in these artworks are then encouraged to keep the faith with regard to them long enough to keep them from fading, until the observer can create a relatively good copy. Gelf then say that the artwork has put roots in the mind of the observer, and it has thus fulfilled it's purpose.

In achitecture, like the architecture of the Sitha, wooden elements are often grown instead of built, employing druidic techniques and the uppergelfs inborn knack for nature magic. The gelf however, as natural burrowers, have mastered masonry too, such that gelfling doors for example are artful blends of their hands work meteing the natural environment.

Uppergelf homes are found inside trees, or hills, but, artful as they are, the doors are mostly covered by illusions, hence they are hard to spot, except noe is invited or knows where to look. This has, with the Culmerians and some Aes, led to the belief in Fairy hills. The natural knack of Gelf to travel back and forth between the "First world" as they call it, and Ardu has even strengthened this belief.

Uppergelf tend to live in small hidden settlements, which rarely grow beyond 20 houses, as protecting them with illusions would become so much harder then.

Foods & Cuisine

Skilled hunters and gardeners, but always eager to hide, uppergelf never really mastered farming as there is no way to ihde the necessary fields. They don't mind bartering against grain or milk or honey, and of course eagerly accept the gracious presents brought to the "fairy hills" for protection against mischief.

Uppergelf cuisine hence tends to circle around hunted game, prepared with herbs from the little gardens they allow themselves, which, should it be necessary to move the settlement, are moved too.

Common Taboos

"I swear.. Mom... it was here last time... i saw it with my own eyes, why don't you trust me?"
"Maybe you are right, but that means we might not see them again... didn't i tell you not to look for the gelf? Now we might never see them again."
"Really? Not even Kyla?"
— Exchange between a boy and his mother at the blackfir forest in Caldaven.
  Revealing a gelf settlement To an outsider (or at all) can only be decided by the chieftain and the circle of elders, who govern the settlement. Doing so, voluntarily or involuntarily by another gelf, is a major taboo which often leads to the respective gelf going into exile, and, if deemed necessary (which is often the case), abandoning the settlement, to rebuild it at another place.

This does not mean that all uppergelf settlements are hidden, as for some the gelf have decided to reveal them, thus also getting rid of the taboo.

Because true exile would also mean exiling the gelf from all connections inside the tribe, and thus risking the creation of a gremlin, the gelf practise a soft form of exile. Exiled gelf have to settle outside the "new" village but will still be able to be visited by their friends and family, which is done on a daily basis. ("Just to make sure he is okay... and bring him some soup and clothes")

D&D 5e Stats

Uppergelf (Forest Gnomes)

Ability Score Increase +2 Int, +1 Dex
Size Small
Speed 25ft

Size: 3 to 4 feet (0,9 to 1,21 m)  

Gelf Traits:

  • Darkvision: Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Rooted in the material world: Albeit differrently than the elves, Gnomes are protected against the influence of the Fae. You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
  • Gelf Empathy: You get advantage on all Insight checks.
  • Retractable Claws: You can decide to extend your claws. Should you do so, your unarmed strikes do 1d4 + Str modifier damage.
  • Trance: Like Elves, Gelf do not sleep. Instead they meditate deeply, remaining semi-conscious, for 4 hours a day. The Common word for this meditation is "trance". While meditating, you dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive after years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit a human would from 8 hours of sleep.

Undergelf Traits:

  • Natural llusionist You know the Minor Illusion Cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.
  • Speak with small beasts...: Through sound and gestures, you may communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts.

Languages. Uppergelf (Variant)

Pathfinder 2e Stats

See also the Feats at the Bottom of the page

Hit Points
Ability Boosts
Ability Flaw
Eastern or Western Uppergelf
Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region)

Low-Light Vision
You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.

In unarmed combat you deal 1d6 Slashing damage.If you Attack unarmed with either your feet or your hands you can choose to deal 1d6 lethal Slashing Damage. Your feet and hands are in the "Brawling" Group and have the finesse and unarmed traits.

Uppergelf Heritages

Chameleon Gnome
The color of your hair and skin is mutable, possibly due to latent magic. You can slowly change the vibrancy and the exact color, and the coloration can be different across your body, allowing you to create patterns or other colorful designs. It takes a single action for minor localized shifts and up to an hour for dramatic shifts throughout your body. While you’re asleep, the colors shift on their own in tune with your dreams, giving you an unusual coloration each morning. When you’re in an area where your coloration is roughly similar to the environment (for instance, forest green in a forest), you can use the single action to make minor localized shifts designed to help you blend into your surroundings. This grants you a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks until your surroundings shift in coloration or pattern

Sensate Gnome
You see all colors as brighter, hear all sounds as richer, and especially smell all scents with incredible detail. You gain a special sense: imprecise scent with a range of 30 feet. This means you can use your sense of smell to determine the exact location of a creature (as explained on page 465). The GM will usually double the range if you’re downwind from the creature or halve the range if you’re upwind. In addition, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks whenever you’re trying to locate an undetected creature that is within the range of your scent.

Fae-Touched Gnome
The Fae is strong in you. You gain the fey trait, in addition to the gnome and humanoid traits. Choose one cantrip from the primal spell list (page 314). You can cast this spell as a primal innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up. You can change this cantrip to a different one from the same list once per day by meditating to realign yourself with the Fae Forests in the counterrealm; this is a 10-minute activity that has the concentrate trait.

Wellspring Gnome
Some other source of magic has a greater hold on you than the primal magic of your ancestors. Choose arcane, divine, or occult. You gain one cantrip from that magical tradition’s spell list (pages 307–315). You can cast this spell as an innate spell at will, as a spell of your chosen tradition. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up. Whenever you gain a primal innate spell from a gnome ancestry feat, change its tradition from primal to your chosen tradition.

Gnome Ancestry Feats

At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As a Gnome, you select from among the ancestry feats as described here or in the Core Rulebook or Advanced players Guide which haven't been replaced by the ones described here. The feats which replace those described in the Core Rulebook or Advanced players Guide describe essentially the same effect but with a different reasoning, as Gnomes on Ardu differ fundamentally from Gnomes in other universes
A comprehensive lists of Gnome Feats can be found here:
Gnome Feats
if picking from that list, choose only those which come from the Core Rulebook or the Advanced Players Guide, and then see if the Feat has been replaced. Use the Text of the Replacement Feat.

Level 1

Original Feats

Gnome Polyglot - - Feat 1 -

Description Your extensive travels, curiosity, and love of learning help you to learn languages quickly. You learn three new languages, chosen from common languages and uncommon languages you have access to. These languages take the same form (signed or spoken) as your other languages. When you select the Multilingual feat, you learn three new languages instead of two.

Grim Insight - - Feat 1 -

Description Others’ attempts to scare you often grant you insights about your would-be bullies that you can then exploit. If you roll a success on a saving throw against a fear effect, you get a critical success instead, and the source of the fear effect is flat-footed to you until the end of your next turn.

Inventive offensive - - Feat 1 -

Requirements Undergelf, Trained in Crafting
Description You can jury-rig your weapons to perform in unexpected ways. When you use this ability, add one of the following weapon traits to a melee weapon you wield: deadly d6, disarm, nonlethal, shove, trip, versatile B, versatile P, or versatile S. You cannot add a trait that the weapon already has. The weapon retains this trait until you a successfully hit and deal damage with the weapon. The weapon retains this trait only while you wield it, and you can have only one weapon modified in this way at any time.   If you have expert proficiency in Crafting, you can use this feat as a 2-action activity. If you have legendary proficiency in Crafting, you can apply two weapon traits from the list when using this feat.

Life-Giving Magic - - Feat 1 -

Requirements Once per Minute (10 rounds)
Trigger You cast an innate spell from a gnome heritage or ancestry feat.
Description The upwelling of innate magic refreshes your body. You gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to half your level (minimum 1) that last until the end of your next turn.

Natural Performer - - Feat 1 -

Description Entertainment comes naturally to you. You become trained in Performance and gain one 1st-level Performance skill feat.

Theoretical Acumen - - Feat 1 -

Requirements Frequency: Once per day
Trigger You succeed at a skill check to Recall Knowledge to identify a creature.
Description You study a creature’s form and behavior to hypothesize likely means of overcoming its strengths. Once before the end of your next turn, you can use the skill modifier from the triggering check in place of your saving throw modifier against one of the creature’s abilities, in place of your Perception modifier to Seek the creature, in place of your Deception modifier to Feint against the creature, or in place of your Intimidation modifier to Demoralize the creature. Alternatively, against one of the creature’s attacks, you can use your DC for the skill used in the triggering check in place of your AC.

Share Throughts - - Feat 1 -

Description You have an uncanny knack of communicating with other gelf without speaking, though this habit that is often uncomfortable to observers. You can cast mindlink as an innate occult spell once per day, but you can target only other gelf or goblins


Replaces Fey Fellowship
Fae Connection (Gnome) - - Feat 1 -

Description Your enhanced Connection affords you a warmer reception from creatures of the Counterrealm as well as tools to foil their tricks. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to both Perception checks and saving throws against all inhabitants of the counterrealm.   In addition, whenever you meet a Fae creature in a social situation, you can immediately attempt a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression on that creature rather than needing to converse for 1 minute. You take a –5 penalty to the check. If you fail, you can engage in 1 minute of conversation and attempt a new check at the end of that time rather than accepting the failure or critical failure result.   Special: If you have the Glad-Hand skill feat, you don’t take the penalty on your immediate Diplomacy check if the target is a Fae Creature.

Replaces First World Magic
Natural Magic - - Feat 1 -

Description Your connection to the Counterrealm grants you a primal innate spell. Choose one cantrip from the primal spell list. You can cast this spell as a primal innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up

Level 5

Original Feats

Intuitive Illusions - - Feat 5 -

Requirements Illusion Sense, Frequency: Once per day
Trigger Your turn begins,
Description Illusion magic comes to you so naturally that you can effortlessly sustain your magical ruses. You immediately gain the effects of a Sustain a Spell action to extend the duration of one of your active illusion spells.

Eclectic Obsession - - Feat 5 -

Requirements Gnome Obsession
Description Your desire for stimulation has led you from one pursuit to another and granted you a smattering of expertise with myriad crafts and professions. You reflect on snippets you’ve learned to temporarily become trained in one Lore skill of your choice. This proficiency lasts for 10 minutes or until you critically fail a check with that skill. Since this training is temporary, you can’t use it as a prerequisite for a permanent character option like a feat or a skill increase.


Replaces Natural Illusionist
Natural Illusionist - -Feat 5-

Requirements Illusion Sense
Description By drawing upon primal magic from the counterrealm, you can siphon a portion of that malleable world to create a convincing illusion. Once per day, you can cast illusory disguise, item facade, or ventriloquism. At 7th level, the spell is heightened to 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the spell is heightened an additional spell level.

Replaces First World Adept
Natural Magic Adept - - Feat 9 -
Requirements at least one primal innate spell
Description Over time your innate magic has grown stronger. You gain faerie fire and invisibility as 2nd-level primal innate spells. You can cast each of these primal innate spells once per day.

Level 9

Original Feats

Sense Thoughts - - Feat 9 -

Requirements Share Thoughts
Description You have an even stranger knack for knowing what other people are thinking. You can cast mind reading as an innate occult spell once per day.


Replaces Life Leap
Nimble Dodge - - Feat 9 -

Description You dodge through a space that a living creature occupies, appearing on the opposite side of it. You move from your current location to another location that's still adjacent to the same living creature, but on the opposite side or corner of the creature's space. To determine whether a position is valid, use the same rules as for flanking: a line through the center of the two spaces must pass through opposite sides or corners of the creature's space.   You dodge through the creature's location, appearing in the selected location; this doesn't trigger reactions based on movement. You must be able to see your destination, and you can't move farther than your Speed would allow.

Replaces Vivacious Conduit
Fae Conduit - - Feat 9 -

Description Your connection to the Fae has grown, and its energy flows into you rapidly. If you rest for 10 minutes, you gain Hit Points equal to your Constitution modifier × half your level. This is cumulative with any healing you receive from Treat Wounds.

Level 17


Replaces Homeward Bound
Fae Wanderer - - Feat 17 -

Requirements twice per week
Description The connection between you and the Fae resonates within your body stronger than it does for most gnomes, allowing you to cross the threshold between the Material Plane and the Counterrealm. You gain plane shift as a primal innate spell. You can cast it twice per week. This can be used only to travel back and forth between the Counterrealm and the Material Plane. Due to your body's natural resonance, you can act as the spell focus, and you don't require a tuning fork.

Cover image: by cyrgan / Leonardo.ai


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