Elisel the Enchantress Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Elisel the Enchantress

Wizard Elisel Res

Wizard under Garland I Ainros   Elisel Res was a Vainan from Valote who was possessed of an adventurous spirit and a remedial knowledge of magics. Many coastal nobles of middling standing moved inland to ply their skills in less demanding regions, but Elisel chose instead to sail south, searching for a land where her moderate skills might be unknown and thus more appreciated. She found exactly what she sought in Ethelbrand, where she served as a merchant's speller for a year or so until her talents came to the attention of the chiefs, who took her to their service. She was six-and-ten at the time.   Elisel's skills surpassed Ethel wizards but her notions of gender equality jarred with the nobles, keeping her from the title of wizard. Elisel made many foes at the court of Ethelbrand, and when an exile prince from Revellia came to court seeking aid, many saw this as an opportunity to be rid of her.   The boy who would become Garland the Conqueror was but eleven years old when he visited the court of Ethelbrand in 770 RA. Elisel was past thirty years at the time, yet if she had any objections to being gifted to a child, she kept them well hidden. To all appearances, she became an enthusiastic adviser to the young Garland Ainros, and is often credited with his voyage to Liddinawth in the Summer of 771 RA.   She is further credited with much of the correspondence between the Liddinawth nobles, who supposedly spoke a form of Old Brevessari similar to that spoken in the courts of Vaina. She is likewise assumed to have played a pivotal role in negotiating the marriage between Garland and his wife, Hwel'Ynwel (and in teaching him her language), which secured him the fleets necessary to conquer the Green Isle, as well as the Liddinawth Sun Warriors that served to intimidate so many Western forces.   Elisel was said to be vital in the strategies that won Garland his crown, yet after the conquest he relied more heavily on his Mox Master, Rommagh Foust, a Green Islander meant to reconcile the West to his rule. Elisel became a close confidant of Queen Hwel'Ynwel in peaceful times, and is credited with many of the queen's successes in winning the hearts of the people; a people she was rumored to have despised.   Elisel the Enchantress ruffled many feathers and inspired many rumors during her time as Wizard, too many to recall here. Yet for all her enemies and friends, those who feared and loved her, and even the waxing and waning respect of the king and queen, she remained a reliable fixture at the court. A foreigner with a foreign and frighteningly advanced understanding of magic, a woman in Revellia who demanded the same respect as a man, and a thoroughly eastern woman who more than once engaged the anger of Westerners; despite all this, Elisel achieved something few court wizards did: she died of her years, comfortably in bed, at the age of one-and-sixty, in the Spring of 799 RA.   Elisel was a figure of constant controversy, yet she had helped restore the legendary Clan Ainros to the throne, reconciled them to a foreign queen, helped settle the West, and enriched the canton beyond living memory. She is both loved and hated, yet those who love her can find few to compare with her accomplishments.
4738 4799 61 years old
Valote, Vaina
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Earthen (bronze)