Brinid Binder Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Brinid Binder

Wizard Brinid

Wizard under Dorre Bastion   Brinid Binder's main historical note is her record-keeping during the Kin Killing: the year Dorre Bastion spent executing the brothers who rebelled against him and King Corris before him. Several versions of these records existed, leaving muddied forever just how many brothers Dorre had. Most records list nine names among those executed as members of Clan Bastion, along with dozens of supporters of note, and even entire clans that were wiped out (most notably Clan Cannard and Clan Ruug). In one record, at the end of the nine brothers listed, the spell is amended with "and divers others," leading many to speculate that Dorre may have killed dozens of his own family. These records are often referred to as Brinid's Books, as well as the Bloody Books. Wizard Agathe the Elder even wrote a brief treatise in which she called them "Brinid Binder's Bloody Books."   Beyond this, it is largely assumed that Brinid Binder excelled at governance. Dorre showed little interest in ruling the canton, instead riding about putting down minor rebellions that he showed no desire to prevent.   Brinid's exact year and cause of death is unknown. The most popular record says she slipped down a flight of stairs and broke her leg in 684 RA, never recovering. This seems odd, as both Brinid and her first apprentice (also named Brinid) were renowned healers. Yet there are other records that agree with this. Other spells refer to her "being slain" in either 681 RA or 701 RA, but these are largely assumed to be conflations with her apprentice Brinid, who was executed by Greeyan the Cold King after the flight of Corrik the Coward. There is even one spell claiming she died of her years in 690 RA, but many later wizards have disputed whether this scroll even referred to a wizard at all.   Regardless, Brinid and Brinid represented one of the rare instances when a wizard peacefully handed power down to her trained successor with no interference. So focused on fighting wars was Dorre, that some legends say he did not even notice Brinid Binder's death when he returned, treating the new Brinid as though she were the former.
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Cover image: by JD Medaeris
Character Portrait image: by JD Medaeris with Portrait Workshop