Anna Chains Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Anna Chains

Wizard Anna Ghiil

Wizard under Greeyan Ainros, Maitiu Ainros, and Redham Ainros   Wizard Anna was largely believed to have been a commoner, perhaps a merchant's daughter, who somehow became swept up in great doings and fell under the tutelage of Helena of the Mad Eye, the wizard at Dubraigh. Some say Helena spied her doing sums whilst walking the docks one day, whilst others tell an elaborate story of young Anna sneaking into the castle to accost Helena. Regardless, she somehow gained favor and (according to her) attained the title of wizard even whilst Helena of the Mad Eye was still serving.   Her reputation spread all the way east, and Greeyan the Cold King summoned her to serve as apprentice to Gwelryth the Spear. Some legends speak of early friction: Gwelryth supposedly refused to acknowledge Anna's superior ability and forced her to retrain as an apprentice all over again. Other legends suggest Anna knew of Gwelryth's unsavory appetite for dead flesh (though of course, few intelligent folk grant credence to this). In truth, if any such disagreeability existed, it would likely have been quickly quashed by King Greeyan, who had little patience for petty personal squabbles.   Relatively little is known of Anna's early service. Gwelryth died in 704 RA, and Anna served after that. King Greeyan had harsh policies and was merciless with his foes, and presumably Anna's abilities and attitude were such that he was happy with her service. Yet ultimately the Cold King cast such a large shadow, it is difficult to say if Anna's brutal pragmatism was a result of serving under him, or a natural quality that allowed her to flourish under him.   King Greeyan died of the cold in 712 RA, and his first son Maitiu took the crown. Maitiu was a shrewd ruler, yet he did not have his father's merciless reputation, and as such he leaned heavily on Anna Chains to help him navigate the ambitions of his vassal lords. The Beths, Elkwoods, and Graunts were all vying for power under the still-new Ainros regime, and Anna orchestrated plans to deal with them. The Elkwoods had been building up military power, and were thus directed to aid Urudun against the Khabarese Crusade. Maitiu betrothed two of his daughters to Urudunite lords, and even declared the Host of Hosts to be the official faith of Revellia. The Elkwoods could not refuse this order, lest their military buildup be questioned, and thus a great alliance was formed and a potential enemy frustrated.   The Host of Hosts would further serve Anna's purposes with the Beths and Graunts. Under Anna's direction, Maitiu ordered a Grand Hostel to be erected at Great Cross, to serve as the religious center for the canton. Great Cross was ruled by Clan Rordan, a relatively minor clan that Greeyan had placed in charge there. This Grand Hostel would elevate them to immense status, which drew the ire of the ancient line of Beth and the recently aggrandized Graunts. This would lead to great tragedy for Clan Rordan and perpetual strife for Great Cross, yet it did distract from any designs against Maitiu's rule, which had been the intent.   Wizard Yanda records this relationship between Maitiu and Anna as one of the most harmonious in history. In the past, competent wizards were left to govern the realm while kings played at war or adventure, and other wizards were quashed by ambitious or able kings. This appeared to be the first instance of a cunning king and a wise wizard governing the realm well in concert.   Sadly, this harmony would end when King Maitiu died of his years in 721 RA. His heir Redham, though already a man grown, showed little faculty for kingship. Gentler scholars suggest that Greeyan and Maitiu were such forceful men that they allowed no chance for Redham to learn, yet Greeyan himself had still produced Maitiu, the very picture of competence. Redham was simply an inept king.   Anna Chains was no doubt aware of this, and elected to continue Maitiu's policies as she saw fit. Redham quickly developed a reputation as a callow boy being led around by a woman, and was openly mocked even in court for his weakness. When Clan Beth accused Anna of heresy, Redham seized on the chance to be rid of her. He condemned her to death by burning. Legends say the only tear Anna ever shed in life fell when Redham condemned her. It is reported she did not cry out even as she burned.   Anna Chains served under three Ainros kings, and more served as an ideal of what a harmonious rule between king and wizard could be.
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Burned for heresy and treachery by King Redham Ainros
Red (orange)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by JD Medaeris
Character Portrait image: by JD Medaeris with Portrait Workshop