Cora Valion Character in Aquila Palaxis | World Anvil

Cora Valion

Cora Valion (a.k.a. The Fang of Faroth)

 I'm Cora Valion. I was born in Makaritau on the planet Faroth, and lived a fairly comfortable, if austere life for my formative years. Just after my coming of age ceremony, I was given a simple spear and a crude bow, set off to scavenge and survive off the land for a week's time. No surprise, I struggled with it all, but I later learned that I was hardly the only one to have struggled. During my time surviving, the stars above became my only bedfellows, enticing me with impossible curiosities, and without voices of reason to dissuade me, I resolved to leave this world. Upon my return, I spoke with the elders and, after a couple of years of carrying my weight, I and the elders arranged with people from beyond to get offworld.
 Life outside of the proverbial bubble was rough on me, the just barely post-adolescent cagher; ironically the fish out of water on this new, neon-glitz dystopia I was dropped off at. Survival skills I'd learned early in life quickly became useful on this world which cared so very little for the innumerable many. Fending off countless kobolds and alley-stalkers for a night's meal, I grew into a callous adult in no time flat. Then, one day, I found myself with a mission. A payout, perhaps. Should I succeed, that is. Not having the lay of the city memorized, the task proved to be difficult, but I quickly found my calling in life, taking cues from my week of surviving the wilds, as I noticed tracks. Scuffs and smells. They were here not long ago, and bit by bit, I narrowed it down, honed in on them, and took them in. There, I got my first taste of mercenary work, and bounty hunting especially.
 The years following, I grew into my craft, bought humbly, only what I needed to survive and flourish in my profession. Instead of settling into a house, an apartment, or anything like that, I procured a craft which I used as transportation and a place to lay my head. I'd achieved my goal, and finally sailed the stars of my own volition, meeting some people along the way. Two wyverns, specifically, became my best teammates after a quick smash and grab op. For a good year, we were out making quite a name for ourselves. But, all good things...
 The fateful mission... our last mission as a team. The one where I lost Rowan, who had only just left Faroth to see what all this excitement was about. It was just supposed to be a minimum casualty infiltration: get in, grab the data, and get out. Unfortunately, it seems the corporate agent we had accompanying us became jumpy, excited with a promotion or something, because he ultimately turned on us, killing countless Kina-Watt guardsmen, and complicating the mission exponentially. We were in the process of copying the schematic data after just having shut down a system purge, when he burst in, firing off shots without a word, hitting Fallis in the shoulder, and then Erhu in the neck. Just grazed him, luckily. I was only just reaching for my weapon, dissuaded by another shot, when his startled screaming brought me to the moment again. Fallis had shrugged off the pain and knocked him over, kicking his gun across the room before kneeling down and pummeling him.
 Precious time was lost on the outburst, and when she cooled off again, we had to scramble to get the disk and get out of there. At the final stretch, we were up against the wall, fending off a platoon of guardsmen from our position at the airlock. There was no way we could board our ship without getting gunned down. The airlock hissed open behind me, Rowan having hit the button. Erhu and Fallis stepped inside, continuing their fire, but I refused to budge. Refused. Next thing I knew, I'm bouncing off my butt as the airlock shuts, separating me from my brother by a foot of reinforced polymer. The rest of that evening is a blur, honestly. I remember only that a week later I pushed to get my brother's body back, and returned to Faroth for a proper burial. Stopped a raid along the way, but, that's less important.
 In a few months time, I was back in the neon-lit hell of Neo Ellyana, wallowing in misery and self-doubt, when I heard of a fellow cagher who had just lost her mother. I reclaimed my place as a local bounty hunter, and regained my reputation, as I was not about to lose another sibling...
— Cora Valion


Cora Valion


Towards April Dawn


April Dawn


Towards Cora Valion


Current Status
Guarding his sister while she's in Neo Ellyana
Year of Birth
1050 ABO 29 Years old
Makaritau, Faroth
April Dawn (Sister)
Bronze, almost metallic
Dark brown, almost black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White with stripes
5' 6" (1.68m)
146 lbs
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations