Alcove Settlement in Andara | World Anvil
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'The Hidden town', the Southern-most major settlement of the Kingdom of the North. Alcove sits on the Deradare River downstream of the Lake Balmar, with Midlands towns and cities downstream.


The most diverse of the Northern settlements. Alcove has a population of mainly humans, most of the houses there can trace their families back to the ancient houses of the North. But there are some Dwarves who are traders and businessmen. There are a few shops and taverns with High Elf owners, but this is much less common in the North than in the other Kingdoms.


The town is ran by House Ryland, who have been leading the town for centuries. The Lord of the house keeps a seating of advisers, with the main 3 being a Master-of-arms, a Favra and a Master-of-Commerce. The rest of the advisers are decided by the Lord and may change from year to year.


The town has very little in terms of defences, there is a low stone wall, with several wooden gates along the perimeter, but the walls can easily be climbed with ladders. There are a few guard towers at the gates and some palisades around the largest of the gates, which also has a portcullis.

Industry & Trade

The main industry of Alcove is forestry, with the surrounding woods providing large quantities of timber. The town also acts as a trading point for sending goods further down river to trade with the Midlands and the south. The town also fishes a lot from the river to provide food for the town, with farmed goods being brought in from further North when needed.


The town has a large church, which is slightly damaged still from the The Battle of Alcove. Also the town has a large Lord's Manor with accompanying garden. The main part of the town has shops, taverns and craftsmen's workshops dotted around the large, there are several hamlets attached to the town beyond the main walls. Several docks are built along the river banks and bridges cross over with room for ships to pass below.

Guilds and Factions

The town has a military group called The Kinsmen. They are recently formed and have been acting as the towns militia and guards for a few years. House Ryland has allowed them to act under the orders of the Lord but often they act on their own judgement.


The town was first founded around 5300, built by the humans, the town grew fairly fast as it was built on a river and people came to the town to work as fishermen or lumberjacks. House Ryland was put in charge a little later when the town became a more major part of the growing human civilisation. It was only after the victory over the Elves that they were officially made Lords of the town but they were already respected as the towns leaders. During The Northern Conflict the town was taken over by the crown army, only to later to liberated and House Ryland restored as Lords. In recent time the town has continued to succeed due to it's position on the river, but this has led to problems with racial tensions, a common issue in the North. As well as issues of pressure from the North to help the poorer cities who are struggling with high poverty levels and calls for another rebellion...


The buildings are almost all stone walls with wood and thatch roofs. The timber is all local from the surrounding woods, the stone is mostly from the river walls and exposed sections of quarrying stone.


The town is built on a very flat plain, a clearing from the surrounding woods. The river provides fresh water and fish for most of the population. In the distance across the river you can see the lush fields of the Midlands, with miles of crops in view.

Natural Resources

Timber from the forest is not the best timber in the land, but it is plentiful, and a safe source due to the woods low wolf and bear populations. There are some deer and other smaller game in the woods that hunters profit from, but generally fishing is the source of work for many peasants.
Alternative Name(s)
The Hidden Town
Large town
12 000
Location under
Owning Organization
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