The Northern Conflict Military Conflict in Andara | World Anvil
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The Northern Conflict

The conflict that came about after King Tiberius enacted his plan to split the land into the 8 parts that they have today instead of the 33 that he had initially formed. The war lasted for only three years but saw some of the bloodiest fighting, even compared to the brutal times of the Elven-Human conflict during the First War.   The war saw fighting across the Northern regions of the continent with huge encounters focused around Ridgemot, which led to the Ridgemot Massacre.

The Conflict


Tensions had risen over the ten years of the 33 Kingdoms being in place. Taxes were high and little was being done to help the poorer parts of the land. The King was great at convincing the Southern Lords to continue to support him but cared little about keeping the North happy, the crown thought the North was too busy fighting amongst themselves and too busy with the colder climate. When the crown announced plans to form 8 Kingdoms out of the land and put in place a leader chosen by the crown the North were furious that they would be told how to govern. The Northern Lords began to unite under one banner, led by Lord Hanlin Ewart, who knew the king well. He and his house was the largest and oldest in the North and commanded respect from all the other houses. He brought the 8 Northern Lords together, and some of the Lords from what was to become The Rikas. He put forward his plan to declare the North independent and would no longer be supporting the crown. He had no ambition for being King of the South but he was declared High Lord, or Jarl, of the North. The Lords from further south-west agreed that they would recognise them as independent but could not afford to join them in fighting the crown if it came to it. However an unexpected ally came from the clusters of Elves living in the North, many of whom had been trying to avoid interaction due to the large dislike and racism against them. However their groups swore fealty to the Jarl and told him and the lords that the North was their home now too and hoped they would be welcome should they survive. Jarl Hanlin formed a council, the first Northern Council and together they sent the declaration to the crown.


The declaration caused Tiberius to immediately declare the Northern council and Jarl Hanlin illegitimate and treasonous. He sent word to all the newly appointed High Lords of the land calling for support. In total the King was expecting well over 100 thousand fighting men to be ready to head North but when the armies were being gathered The Rikas responded they could send none, and many of the other Kingdoms sent word with their forces that they were all they had ready for war. When the King arrived at Solstice Castle he was greeted by around 45 thousand men, an army almost a third of what the King had been told he could expect. The army was mostly made up of veterans of the war against the Elves, who knew and supported the King for his victory over the Elves, but were now getting on in years, or young boys who had never seen combat. The King sent riders to gather more support and send them North.   The King gave a rallying speech to the men, sending his army to fight his friend. Many historians question if he even believed the words he was speaking...


The Northmen had gathered almost 35 thousand men, a force larger than the crown had ever expected. Jarl Hanlin had ordered the full force to travel towards the border with the The Midlands trusting that The Rikas wouldn't be a threat. The scouts first gave word of the approaching army as the forces came towards the Alcove Woods , having crossed near Arbor.   The field of battle was a heavily wooded area, the Northmen has come through the woods and prepared for the incoming army, who had moved along the river. Jarl Hanlin had a group of 600 mounted soldiers head further east and wrap around, to cut off any retreat.


The Weather on the day was fine, it had rained the day before causing the ground to be spongy and slightly slippy, the uphill march for the King and his army was tough as the midday came. They had been on the march for several weeks and the men were tired. The Northern army were ready to attack the King on the way to the city while the King and his army believed the North to be unprepared and would only have the city garrison there to defend.

The Engagement

The attack began with a huge cry from the Northern army, as a shower of arrow fire hit into the middle of the marching southern force. The King, who was near the front of the march realised what was happening when word got to him and he called for the army to turn back onto itself and reinforce the middle. The Northmen charged and almost immediately broke the southern army, who were marching in a thin trail along the rivers path. The southern army was now split in two, one half at the front, who were turning back on themselves to defend, and the half at the rear, who's commanding officer called for retreat quickly. The King and his elite guard rode back to the point of the ambush and took back control of the fight, killing hundreds of Northmen, it is said that when the fighting started to die down the King laughed about how pathetic the attempt to fight off the invasion was. As the King led his army back to regroup, heading back down river to collect the rear of the march, he realised the Northerners true intentions. The King, coming out of the woods and onto the grassy plains saw the chaos. Thousands of dead soldiers had been left, the Northern army had allowed the Kings soldiers to enter the woods, knowing an ambush would cause a retreat. The King angrily ordered his officers to count the remaining men, he had barely 30 thousand men left. A force that was now almost matched by the Northerners, who had lost barely 7 thousand men. The conflict had been the biggest since the war with the Elves and a huge defeat for the King, but he ordered the main part of his army forward towards Alcove anyway, setting up the first defeat for the North...


The End of the conflict came 3 years later. After a period of quiet after Tiberius' last battle the Northern council and Crown advisers sent letters agreeing to return to an arrangement that the North would send tax shipments and agree to obey the main Crown Laws, but in return the North would have the right to enforce their own rules and laws as well as not have to supply soldiers to the King for expeditionary forces. Ridgemot was also given to the crown to take over, later giving to The Midlands. House Ewart was made governing house.

Historical Significance


Jarl Hanlin's brilliant mind for warfare was first proved here

In Literature

'The knife that cut through an army' - Northern Song written at the time of the conflict

Technological Advancement

This was the first time the Northmen used flails in combat.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Victory for the North


The North
Crown Army

Led by


30 000 men, mostly foot soldiers.
45 000 soldiers


estimated 7000
15 000 soldiers


Split the southern army in two with a small ambush and wipe out the retreating half.
March on Alcove and take the city, securing a forward base for further invasion.

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