The Year Long Battle Military Conflict in Andara | World Anvil
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The Year Long Battle

The Northern army, what was left of it, were moving back towards The Nightfort. The King and his forces were regathered and prepared to pursue. The problem: Winter was on its way...

The Conflict


With their leader captured, their army mostly scattered and the crown holding two of their towns, the North was not sure how to continue with its war. The main force of the army, around 6000 men, had regrouped and slowly moving back to The Nightfort. They were planning on recovering and then trying to mount an attack on Ridgemot to try and rescue Hanlin Ewart. The King gave his men a few days to recover, with the rest of his army joining from the west, he now had around 24 000 in his army, now a formidable force ready to break the Northern spirit for good...


The King set out to chase the retreating army a few days after the battle, leading a force on horseback while the main army followed. The Northern force managed to make it around halfway to the castle when they saw the Kings riders, the King angrily told his men to follow but not engage, as he only had a couple hundreds mounted soldiers. The Northern army kept pushing on and even marched through the night, almost two days went by and the crown army was almost upon them. But the healthiest of the Northerners had gone ahead and sent as many soldiers as possible from The Nightfort, with horses to carry back the wounded. The King told his riders to charge as he as about to lose his chance, they advanced on the army and swept the back lines, killing many, But they could not sustain a battle outnumbered almost 50 to one. The King called for another sweep through and so they did, again and again, but the Northerners were mostly away, with the castle in view the King called off the attack and waited for his main army. When they arrived, he was furious and ordered the 20 000 to split into small groups of around 200, then to go, village by village, and burn them, destroy the North...


The North can be rough terrain. With less villages per mile than the south it can seem empty, quiet, and at times very cold.


Favria was coming to an end and Forde was in full swing, a colder one than usual. The southern army was not prepared for the cold, and once Winter hit, they would be at its mercy.

The Engagement

The Crown armies marched on villages across the North, avoiding the larger cities and towns, they raped, pillaged and burned as much as they could. As Winter got near and began the armies started to take over villages and stay in them to keep warm. The Northern Council held session in Winter's Edge and discussed their options. They sent word to have small groups of warriors seek out and hunt the southern army. As Winter was in its second half the snow would start to slow. The Northern forces set out and killed thousands of southern soldiers. With the North losing barely any. The King was staying at Ridgemot and got word of the defeats across the North and was in disbelief, he had lost almost his entire army. He blamed his advisers, his generals and the soldiers themselves.


Northern army retake the North-east.


Historical Significance


This went down as the most major mistake Tiberius ever made. Misjudging the Northerners, he believed them broken, weak and he would leave the North destroyed for Winter. However the North stayed strong and fought back hard.

In Literature

Hundreds of songs in The North sing of the bravery and victories of the warriors, the stupidity of the King and the strength of the Northern people.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Northern forces take the advantage in the war.


The Crown

Led by

The North


24 000


21 000


Wipe out the rest of the Northern army and break the North
Push the crown army back and retake the North.

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