The Battle of Alcove Military Conflict in Andara | World Anvil
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The Battle of Alcove

The Second battle of The Northern Conflict, After the defeat in the Alcove Woods, the King had regrouped his army, deciding to take the elite guard towards Ridgemot and storm the city, taking the Northerners by surprise. While the main part of the army marched on Alcove.

The Conflict


The first battle of the war had ended in huge defeat for the King, so he was desperate to defeat the Northerners in some way, so he split his army into two, hoping to take 2 cities in one quick series of attacks.


The Battle began as the crown army came out of the cover of the woods and saw the city, the Northern garrison stationed there was small, only around 2000 men, as Jarl Hanlin has taken the main army towards Ridgemot to make sure the more important location was not lost.   The Southern army broke the weak gates of the city quickly and charged the city, a lot of the civilians had left in the days leading up to the battle but there were still plenty of innocent Northerners left, the Northern defenders held the inner city, including the church and Lord's manor. With most of the soldiers injured or demoralised many spoke of surrender, having faith that the rest of the Northern army would be back to retake the city soon. The Lord in charge decided to offer a parlay with the southern army, sending out some squires, but the southern army took them captive and shouted to the northerners to come out and surrender if they wanted to, or else die. Most of the defenders left the inner fort and surrendered to the crown army, being taken captive immediately, but around a hundred refused to leave. They attempted to hold the inner city but as the crown army stormed them they were overran and killed. Leaving around 500 prisoners, 300 injured and 200 not.   But the crown army didn't have orders on whether to march onto Ridgemot or to hold Alcove. With 20 000 soldiers left after the battle the crown army decided to move back to meet with the king, leaving a garrison of 2000 men to hold the city and the prisoners.


The city is built in a large grassy plain, with fairly dense forest surrounding the city.


The day was fair, dry but windy.


Alcove lost to the crown.

Historical Significance


The southern army was remembered as a brave and courageous force, while the King is remembered as being foolish to split the army when they had no information on where the Northern army was.

In Literature

Many books explain the attack and the resistance of the defenders. With a large focus on the hundred soldiers who didn't surrender.

Technological Advancement

Use of small-scale siege weapons, mostly carried battering rams and ladders.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Victory for the Crown


The Northern garrison
Crown army

Led by


2000 soldiers
25 000


1500 dead, 300 wounded, 200 captured


defend the city if possible
Take the city

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