Free Kingdoms Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Free Kingdoms

The Free Kingdoms are a major, agricultural power composed of half a dozen kingdoms established by Human and Lizardfolk refugees from the Ophionic Empire over the course of three or four centuries.   As they rose to become a trading presence, exporting luxury crops to Talahaea, the Darklands and Caino, as well as staple crops to the less fertile regions of Suto, the Empire launched a campaign to reclaim its slaves. Their fleet was destroyed using weapons forged by the firenewts of the volcano regions, contributing to the shift in power which led to the fracture of the Empire, and bringing the Free Kingdoms to a new level of prominence within Suto.   In the millennia since, the six Free Kingdoms have maintained a mostly friendly rivalry as they jocket for position within their alliance while maintaining a firmly united face to outsiders in order to protect both their borders and their market shares. While they remain determinedly separate political entities, a series of treaties and concords to ensure that the kingdoms do not compete in terms of export crops mean that they are too interconnected to easily disentangle themselves.
Alliance, Generic


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