Empty Quarter Geographic Location in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Empty Quarter

Most of the water in Suto flows in rivers from the peaks of the Firestone Range. The Empty Quarter, between the rich farmland of the Free Kingdoms and the lush jungle around the city of Grunga, receives the benefit of almost none of those rivers.   The land is a mix of scrub, badlands and desert, and the Quarter is home to scattered nomadic bands who trade in the mineral wealth buried below the sands. Mostly composed of Goliaths, these bands specialise in locating deposits of gems, dyes and rare plants which produce valuable spices and blooms. On the coast, more settled bands working with scattered Loxodon herds have established trading cities, where fabulous mercantile wealth has built magnificent palaces with complex, sometimes magical, irrigation granting them lush gardens despite the wider climate. Of course, this wealth is not shared equally, and many labourers in the cities live in near-poverty, but an enduring culture of hospitality and social responsibility means that very few ever starve, or go sick without treatment.


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