Fire Nests Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Fire Nests

Far back in the history of the Smoothfolk, a group of grung priests ventured into the volcanic mountains in the heart of Suto. Here, in the sulfurous caves which gave heat to the great city of Periit, they discovered a fissure into the Firestorm. It was in the face of this fissure that they abandoned their living gods, the Kilipit, made pacts with the Dark Flame, and were transformed into something very different; the firenewts.   The first firenewts led a schism which destroyed Grunga-Grok and forced the evacuation of Periit. They still rule the volcanic domains below the old city, now known as the Fire Nests. The plural is accurate, with many nests, each answering to a queen who competes with her sister-monarchs for the favour and patronage of the Dark Flame.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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