Tritons Ethnicity in Aiaos | World Anvil
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The most influential of the modern seafolk races, the tritons, live in coastal shallows, primarily acting as a buffer between the shore and the deeper water, both defending against the depredations of the Sahuagin and serving as ambassadors to the surface world, and more specifically to the sea and high elves. They consider themselves the aristocracy of the seas, and claim great swaths of territory from their reef cities – The Jagged Teeth, Coronaea and Blackrock – invariably encompassing entire Merfolk kingdoms within their borders. They share many of their gods with the high and sea elves, favouring deities of learning and lordship who uphold their claims to rule.  

Tritons and identity

Tritons follow the model of their elven forebears, with individuals choosing their gender as a rite of passage into adulthood.


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