Divine Champion Myth in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Divine Champion

The Divine Champions of the Dark Lords were those Orcs who proved their loyalty to the point that their masters granted them a fragment of their power. They became something more, red celestials imbued with divine power. Each Dark Lord granted different powers to their champions.  
  • Harbingers – Swift-winged messengers, heralds and ambassadors, the Harbingers were the favoured of the Giver of Banners. They were charged with bearing her word and her will, as well as with gathering intelligence on Ugulath’s allies and enemies alike.
  • Dreadnoughts – The Master of Shields’ chosen became one with their heavy armour, flesh and steel flowing together into a near-unstoppable whole.
  • Once-Dead – The most devoted servants of the Marshall of Spears gave up everything to bear her power, including their lives. Called the Once-Dead, they ritually surrendered every aspect of their living existence in an act of devotion.
  • Wolfblooded – The Keeper of Wargs most favoured those who most closely bonded with her wargs. These Wolfblooded had a power of transformation now echoed by the Woodcutters and the Orders of Purity.
  • Shadowbound – Like the Wolfblooded, the Shadowbound servants of the Sender of Bats were shapeshifters, capable of taking on the form of their chiropteran mounts.
  • Swinehearted – The final order of part-celestial shapeshifters were the Swinehearted, fierce and stubborn champions of the Driver of Boars.
  • Overseers – With gifts of pain and dominion, the Overseers, champions of the Lash of the Hordes, were among the cruellest and most hated of all divine champions in the Legions. They were tasked with maintaining discipline over the Horde.
  • Stonebreakers – The champions of Aglatha were living siege engines, the manifestation of the Kindler's will. They towered over lesser orcs and were capable of tearing through stone with their bare hands.
  • Nightwalkers – The champions of the Marches were terrible beings, all the more feared for how little was known of them. They flowed like shadows and struck with terrible accuracy and no warning.
  • Dominators – Those champions of the Chainer of Thralls tasked with maintaining order in enslaved civilian populations were given powers of compulsion and fear. They alone among the divine champions were not built for battle.
  • Slayers – The Honer of Blades' Slayers were among the most feared warriors in any Legion. Gifted with preternatural speed and a veil of shadow and silence, they were the last thing the Legions’ greatest enemies ever saw.
  • Undertakers – Only in death would an orc earn the right to become one of the Digger's champions, their soul and will bound into their dead flesh and reinforced with dark magic. The Undertakers were undead killing machines whose dead foes became their armies.
  • Gatekeepers – In keeping with the role of the Unstoppable, the champions of the Binder of Boots were given the power to bridge great distances with arcane gates, allowing the Legions to deploy and resupply rapidly and unobserved.


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