Northguard Plains Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Northguard Plains

While officially part of the North, the Northguard Plains expands from the north end of the continent all the way to the top of the The Barrier Guard of Denethen, so it sees a wide range of flora and fauna, as well as differences in weather. Its main centre for population is the cosmopolitan city of Hollow's Point in the south end of the region. Bands of Humans and Goliaths roam throughout the entire plain, from The Necklace in the north, across the top of the PuKtan Desert, down through the Scarred lands, into the Aspenshield Forest, and at the top of the Barrier Guard.   The barbarian tribes are like any other tribes on Starhelm but their location throughout the Northguard Plains might dictate their patterns. There are more barbarian villages established, particularly around the ancient remains of Barrowhaven and the further south through the plains ones gets the more likely a permanent village will be found. Whether they are in a roving band or in a walled village the tribe is led by a tribal chief or sometimes a powerful shaman (sometimes they are the same). As with many tribes, the protection of the community as a whole is paramount, but some tribes are more warlike than others and will make raids or ally with unsavoury folk for the chance to fight.
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Inhabiting Species
Population: Leading minority – Humans; Minority – Gnomes, Goliath; Lesser minority – Elves, Dwarves, Halflings


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