Hollow's Point Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Hollow's Point

City of Opportunity

Hollow’s Point is a prime way stop between the northwest and northeast. It is a city of merchants, crafters, and entertainers, as well as being racially diverse. It prides itself on making sure business is constantly flowing and visitors and citizens alike can find whatever they need in the marketplaces and back alleys.   Located on the north end of the The Barrier Guard, Hollow’s Point gets traffic from the plains, mountains, hills, forests, and even the desert.   Named for the great hollow in the centre of the city, the hilly terrain is a prominent feature of the city. Many Gnomes make their homes in the hillside or burrows found throughout. Other races typically have above ground houses or stay in small apartments that are sprinkled liberally throughout the city.   Since they are situated at a point where many environments are present the people of Hollow’s Point prepare themselves for any contingency with regards to weather or travel. You can find clothes or gear to help you traverse any type of weather or landscape.  


While Hollow’s Point is made up of a large number of races, and its council is diverse in race, it is predominantly Gnome and Human. Hollow’s Point, Stonebridge, and the Gnome Ward in Avandar are the largest concentrated collection of Rock Gnomes and Forest Gnomes on Starhelm. Hollow’s Point is particularly advanced with many marvelous mechanical devices and inventions. It is a great place for crafters, merchants, bards, travelers, and entrepreneurs.   The people of Hollow’s Point will trade with anyone but they prefer to trade with good-minded folk who don’t want to destroy the world, though they do not have any qualms with trading with Goblin, Fallen, or other unsavoury people. They make it easy to do business in Hollow’s Point as a rule.    

Crime and Law

With such a need to maintain its reputation and safety, Hollow’s Point has a standing army of mercenaries, a vibrant constabulary, and even has a secret police force used to control and monitor criminal activity. Minor criminal acts are generally seen as the nature of doing business, but any major crimes like murder, arson, treason, or major destruction of property is dealt with swiftly and harshly. The Midnight Winds, the Closed Book, and the Golden Mask operate freely (but not openly) within Hollow’s Point. The Black Talon find it difficult to operate in Hollow’s Point easily so they do not typically do a lot of business there, but there have been the odd occasions to do so.   The mercenary armies are always well maintained, both inside the city and in the surrounding countryside. Members of all races make up the army and as such most races can be seen inside the walls of the city. Fallen, Goblins, even a few Giants can be seen wandering the streets, looking for entertainment, a place to sleep, or a shop to spend their money on.   The Hollow Hand is the local constabulary that consists of patrolmen, investigators, guards, judges, bailiffs, and barristers. The law in Hollow’s Point is fair but is not drawn out. It is bad for business to keep legal matters from being resolved. Many of the punishments involve labour or restitution of some sort. If you can’t pay then you have to work it off. For major crimes incarceration or death are more typical judgments, depending on the severity.


Hollow’s Point is run by a network of local guilds & their masters. This Guild Network has a Merchant, Crafter, Hospitality, Infrastructure, and Security representative and all their decisions are designed to make Hollow’s Point the safest and most profitable place to do business. Each Guild Representative is chosen by a vote of their peers and are voted on every year.  The Guildlord position rotates from each Guild to ensure no Guild supersedes the others. The Guildlord position is held for 1 year.  The order of rotation is as follows:  Merchant, Crafter, Security, Infrastructure, and finally Hospitality.   Currently, the Guildlord is Jenethen Bristlebottom, a Gnome from the Hospitality Guild. She is quite popular amongst the general population but she is not as highly regarded by the merchants or the constabulary. She is quite good at staging festivals and celebrations, welcoming people to the city and trying to attract more than just business to their borders. The current postings of the Guild Representatives include Guillaume Merryfeather, an elderly Halfling male from the Merchant Guild; Dorvis Ashplume, an Earth Dwarf and a recently graduated apprentice for the Crafter’s Guild; Sarafin Lackwaist, a thin, middle-aged Human woman representing the Infrastructure Guild; and finally, Montain 'Mountain' Treefeller , a no-nonsense Goliath from the Northguard Plains heads up the Security Guild.


Hollow’s Point prides itself on its military but they typically form their army with the use of mercenaries. They utilize various bands to patrol the Northguard Plains, and the paths to Aspenshield and down to Essillion. They spend a lot of money but they know it is worth it to keep their economy going strong. All manner of mercenaries make their way to Hollow’s Point and any type of adventurer can be found in its walls. Trouble may come to Hollow’s Point but it does not typically stay there for very long.   The Security Guild makes sure to review all ways in and out of the city often, and shore up any defenses that might weaken. The mountains to their south offer them much protection but the open plains of the north are harder to defend.   The local constabulary can also be called on to help defend the city but their main duty is to protect the citizens and merchants that make Hollow’s Point their home. The typical response for any danger to Hollow’s Point is how much money can be thrown at the problem to make it go away. They have the best protection money can buy but oftentimes getting rid of the problem quickly is cheaper than long, drawn-out conflicts. If there is no recourse, the people of Hollow’s Point are fierce in fighting for what they believe is theirs; militarily, economically, or socially.   The Hollow Hand is located in a large building that houses the barracks, the courthouses, and the jails. It sees a constant flow of mercenaries, guards, patrolmen, and warriors of all races and skill sets. Bureaucrats, barristers, judges, and clerks are all prominent members of the Security Guild and can become quite wealthy and prestigious. Bribery is not unheard of in Hollow’s Point, but it is considered bad form to mention it or not be sly about it.   The Hollow’s Point secret police are known as the Obscurtata and they have a few hidden gathering places scattered throughout the city. They operate as cells and are extremely good at hiding in plain sight. The success of the Obscurtata has allowed merchants and citizens to conduct their business in relative safety, considering the huge swell of people that flow in and out of the city.


Post Fractioning
Hollow’s Point was created and founded as a direct result of The Fractioning and the breaking of Starhelm City. As a means of connecting the west and the east, Hollow’s Point was seen as the way stop on the north side of the The Barrier Guard of Denethen. It has since grown and prospered under the wise leadership and clever negotiations of the Guildlord and the Guild Representatives of the city. The wealth that comes into Hollow’s Point continues to forge its path, and Hollow’s Point, as a city, does not pay any particular attention to remembering The Fractioning, aside from the impetus to found the city in the first place.


The interior of Hollow’s Point is made up of a few different geographical and geological parts, but the most notable is Hollow’s Point, in the centre of the city. A large hollow serves as the centre of the city and steps have been built on the north, south, east, and west sides, all leading into the park and city centre building. A large underground lake lies below Hollow’s Point that is fed by the north end of the The Barrier Guard of Denethen. The Gnomes of Hollow’s Point have created a series of technological marvels that allow the water to be pumped up from the lake and provide to the city. There are numerous pumps installed across the city to provide water to the residents, visitors, merchants, and parklands. The paths are tree-lined and well-groomed all year round. Outside of the city walls are hilly glades, a few patches of thick forest, mountains to the south, and plains to the north and west. Aspenshield Forest is not too far to the east and dots of forest or woods sprout up in that direction.   Hollow’s Point is colder than a lot of cities, with very little protection against the winds of the north, or the south, coming from the Barrier Guard. They don’t get as many lightning storms as Essillion, but their winter months are harsher. It is a dry cold, and the centre of the city provides some shelter from the winds. Small hearths are set up around the Hollow to keep people warm in colder months. In the summer months the city is warm and pleasant, with some cool breezes sent to keep the people comfortable.  

The Wards

Security Guild Ward
The Security Guild Ward forms a cross, from the north to the south and then from the west to the east, through the centre of the city. It does not technically include the Hollow but it runs through it on both axes. It is headed up by a no-nonsense Goliath known as Montain ‘Mountain’ Treefeller.  
Merchant Guild Ward
The Merchant Guild Ward, located in the northeast end of the city, contains many small shops and the open market, as well as a popular inn named the Misty Maiden. Exotic items and unique shops will pop up in this area only to be replaced weeks later with another type of shop or merchant.   While merchants and shops exist throughout the city, the Merchant’s Guild is responsible for the health and welfare of the economic community in Hollow’s Point. They are currently headed by Guillaume Merryfeather, an elderly Halfling male who has been part of the Merchant Guild for much of his adult life.  
Crafter Guild Ward
The Crafter Guild Ward is in the south east end of the city, with some great views of the mountains south of the city. Many Gnomes, Dwarves, and Humans make Crafter Ward their home. Workshops, smelters, forges, tanneries, and other various craft shops belch a variety of smells and smoke into the air.   Currently, Dorvis Ashplume, an Earth Dwarf who recently graduated from his apprenticeship in the Crafter Guild, is the Guild’s head.  
Infrastructure Guild Ward
The Infrastructure Guild Ward is located directly southwest of the Hollow and is currently being headed up by Sarafin Lackwaist, a thin, middle-aged Human woman. The Infrastructure Guild is also responsible for maintaining the parks, landscapes, and the Hollow.  
Hospitality Guild Ward
The Hospitality Guild Ward is located right at the north end of the city, just west of the main gates. Jenethen Bristlebottom, the current Guildlord, is also the head of the Hospitality Guild. The members of the Hospitality Guild feel that by bringing in more people to the city who want to visit, shop, and hopefully reside there, business will continue to grow, while increasing prosperity within the city.  
Hollow’s Point
The centre of the city is formally known as Hollow's Point and it is in a large hollow between the surrounding hillocks of the upper city. It can be reached by going down one of four separate stairs built into the hillside. The Hollow, as it is more commonly known, contains parkland, trees, some small shops and cafes, and a pool named Hollow Pond, surrounding a grand clocktower, called The Hollow Chime.

Guillaume Merryfeather (m/halfling), Merchant Guildmaster
Dorvis Ashplume (m/dwarf), Crafter Guildmaster
Sarafin Lackwaist (f/human), Infrastructure Guildmaster
Jenethen Bristlebottom (f/gnome), Hospitality Guildmaster
Montain(mountain) Treefeller (m/goliath), Security Guildmaster
  Merchant Families:
Filloderns – Human family specializing in adventuring and survival gear
Greatore – Goliath family specializing in mining, shipping, and crafting ore
Bollyboondocks – Gnome family specializing in curios, oddities, and craft items
The Hollow – city centre
Hollow Pond – pond in centre of Hollow’s Point
The Hollow Chime – clocktower in centre of Hollow Pond
The Emerald Coin (Greegis) – Master Merchant Peralin Huestone (m/human) (Merchant Ward)
The Orehouse (Denethen) – Macedon Greatore (m/goliath) (Crafter Ward)
Hoorik Monastery (Gnurich) – Wise Talon Fredericks Bindclaw (m/human) (Hospitality Ward)
Grace’s Rest (Lyradell) – High Servant Aeriod Gleamsoul (m/elf) (Infrastructure Ward)
  Restaurants, Taverns & Inns:
Quill and the Quail – upscale tavern (Hospitality Ward)
Merryweather’s Boarding House – boarding house (Infrastructure Ward)
Salt Rock Taproom – tavern (Crafter Ward)
Misty Maiden – upscale inn (Merchant Ward)
Rusty Gate – affordable inn (Security Ward)
Slake Drake – affordable tavern/restaurant (Security Ward)
Brandywine’s Fine Inn and Alehouse  - fine inn (The Hollow)   Notable Shops and Merchants:
Fillodern’s Necessities – adventure, survival, and household gear (All Wards)
Bollyboondock’s – curios, oddities, and art (Merchant Ward)
Greatore Minerals and Metals – ore, precious metals, shipping (Crafter Ward)
Eaglewood – bowyer/fletcher (Crafter Ward)
Bursak's Fine Leathers – leatherworker (Crafter Ward)
Hollow Market
East Market
South Market
Crafters’ Corner
Guild Point
South Hollow
  Roads and Thoroughfares:
North Hollow, South Hollow, West Hollow, East Hollow
Gateway Road
Silver Guild Lane
Market Street
Industrial Parkway
Crafter’s Path
Guild Road
Northmount Street
Edgemont Trail
Wyrmwood Street
Westwood Blvd.
Shopshield Circle
Raven Way
Lincoln Trail
Fairside Road
  Notable Personalities:
Pallantar Greatore (m/goliath), leader of the Greatore merchant family; Macedon Greatore (m/goliath), head of the Orehouse temple to Denethen
Jacob Fillodern (m/human), leader of the Fillodern merchant family; Nathaniel Fillodern (m/human), regional manager of Fillodern’s Necessities; Maricar Banam (f/human), manager of Fillodern’s Shopshield location
Antwhistle Bollyboondock (m/gnome), leader of the Bollyboondock merchant family; Honeysap Bollyboondock (f/gnome), wife of Antwhistle and lead purchaser for Bollyboondocks
Kirrili Feathershaft (f/elf), proprietor of Eaglewood (bowyer/fletcher Liran Bursak (m/human), leatherworker
Tankhouse Stoddard (m/dwarf), proprietor of the Rusty Gate; Berethold Greyskin (m/Earth Genasi), proprietor of the Slake Drake; Curgal Rocksplitter (m/dwarf), proprietor of the Salt Rock Taproom; Jenkins Furndom (m/human), Saltwatcher; Willis Boondoggle (m/human), proprietor of Quill and Quail; Mildred Merryweather (f/halfling), proprietor of Merryweather’s Boarding House; Porter Brandywine (m/human), proprietor of Brandywine’s Fine Inn; Penelope Brandywine (f/halfling), proprietor of Brandywine’s Fine Inn
Large city
157,658 permanent residences (200,000+ during fair times)
Majority: Gnome
‌Minority: Human; Elf; Halfling; Dwarf
‌Enclave: Goliath
‌Group: Goblin
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

Guillaume Merryfeather, Merchant Guildmaster
Dorvis Ashplume, Crafter Guildmaster
Sarafin Lackwaist, Infrastructure Guildmaster
Jenethen Bristlebottom, Hospitality Guildmaster/Guildlord
Montain(mountain) Treefeller, Security Guildmaster


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