Woodglen Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Woodglen is made up of mostly Humans, but Halflings, Gnomes, Goliaths, and even a few Elves call Woodglen home.


The majority of tourism comes in the form of travel through Woodglen on the way to other places, however, merchants make their way to the town, as well as hunters and sportsmen.


Simple cottages dominate most of the housing, but there are some ex-pat nobles from Essillion who have moved to a quieter part of the world to get away from the politics of Essillion.  Some stay for hunting trips and keep elaborate lodges, while others like to rough it. The houses are typically made of stone and wood and are of simple design.  Many carvings in the lintels and casings can be seen as owners like to put their own mark on their homes.


Located in the Northguard Plains, north of Essillion, east of Hollow's Point and west of the Aspenshield Forest, the terrain around Woodglen is typically plains with some forested areas.  Blackbill Pond is the nearest water source, which is in turn fed by Lake Caspar to the north. Some areas of ridges, hollows, and rough ground can be found in the vicinity, but the majority of the area is plains and woods.

Natural Resources

Timber, cattle, and some small mining can be found in Woodglen.  It has a decent market so trade is moving, but slower than the population would like.  They typically provide for themselves and trade with their closest neighbour Harvestshield to the norh along Caspar road. Some fishing can be done in Blackbill Pond, typically consisting of catfish and pickerel.  Near the pond can also be found water fowl and hunting is a favourite pastime.
Founding Date
993 PF
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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