Essillion Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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City of Tradition
large Human city

Essillion is one of two major Human cities still left on Starhelm, the other being Avandar It is the older of the two and holds to deep tradition and history. Carved into the mountain hollow on the northern part of the The Barrier Guard of Denethen, The Mines of Essillion were gifted by the Dwarves to the Humans over 1400 years ago. The city of Essillion has grown eastward from the mines, even extending to the eastern side of the hollow. Many farms dot the countryside as well as some beyond the mountains that feed the city and the surrounding villages. Patrols from Essillion ensure that the surrounding lands are well protected. In addition, the fair friends Essillion enjoys include the Dwarves and Halflings from ages past and the Elves of Aspenshield . The city of Hollow's Point protects the northern villages as much as Essillion does by virtue of their mercenary army.   The people of Essillion are relatively happy and secure in their mountain home. They enjoy the riches of the mines that make up the entire western side of their city. Gold, silver, iron, rare gems, and most notably Kingsmetal (electrum), which is not found in most other places on Starhelm.  


Essillion is a temperate city, protected by the mountains from extreme weather, but they do suffer from cold winters. Cold winds blow through, with the occasional lightning storm that shake off the mountains. In the summer it is very pleasant, the growing season is typical and predictable, allowing for farmers to maximize their yields. The presence of the clergy of Mirriam helps most citizens understand or prepare for any inclement weather that may afflict them.  


Essillion is ruled by a monarchy, currently under the Starshield family, and ruled by King Arndrin Starshield, an Exemplar of Curceon. The rest of his immediate family consists of his queen, Jalisha Skyshard, his son Ryan, and the two princesses Petal, and Sheera. The family is greatly admired and respected and they have the blessings of Curceon and Pristell both.   A council of advisors sits below the king and is headed by Byras Highstance. The High Cleric of Curceon has great faith in people to do the right thing, as long as they are led by example.   Byras and the king fight often but never in public. Their feud has been kept secret for years and the general populace is not aware of any disagreements or dissension. Both the king and Byras prefer to keep it that way to preserve order. The two are equally matched in power, though it does not seem that way to the general population. The king rules by tradition and honour, and has done a great job in keeping his people protected, strong, and happy. Byras, on the other hand is the High Cleric of the ruling church in a very religious city. He is afforded great respect and power as well.   The day to day operations of the city are led by Byras and his council, while the king ensures the military and the reputation of Essillion is kept intact. The king is also ultimately in charge of foreign relations though he has a number of ministers that he employs. Byras is in control of the religious aspects of the city, including all the churches and priests. Places of worship for all the Shards of Alucar can be found in Essillion. The city is divided up amongst many of the aspects, but some are scattered or small enough to not get a region of their own. Publicly, all religions agree to tolerate each other and each temple is built on ground considered holy. It is considered a safe haven for its practitioners and provides embassy-like protection. Byras meets with each high priest once every moon to ensure the Rules of Tolerance are met. At times silent wars rage among the different temples, and can spill over into the streets, but Byras does a good job of containing them and preventing the common citizen from being affected.   The major noble families of Essillion number only three; Starshield, Stormarm, and Skyshard. Lesser nobles exist and run the majority of the older businesses in the city, however, a recent influx of wealthy merchants has grown in Essillion and they also have great prominence and power. Even with that, the official and traditional nature of the major noble families keeps those three in great prominence.   The mines of Essillion, the city’s lifeblood, is officially and historically owned by the three major noble families. The Dwarves gifted the three major mines to the Starshield, Stormarm, and Skyshard families, who in turn divided them up amongst themselves. While these mines are physically connected by tunnels and shafts, the Stormarms took the northern mine, the Skyshards took the southern mine, while the Starshields took the central mine. The central mine was the smallest and least varied so the three agreed to give the rulership of the surrounding city to the Starshield family. They also agreed that the rulership of the city and the mines would only go to one of the three families. In the unlikely event that the Starshield line fails, the ruling of the city would go to either the Stormarm or Skyshard family, though they would have to give up claim to their mine. In that case, one family would rule The North and south mines while the other would claim royalty and take the middle mine.   Essillion’s council consists of representatives from six areas of interest to the city. It started as an informal gathering between the three noble families and slowly began to incorporate the suggestions and recommendations of other families or interested parties. In order of inclusion, the six areas of council responsibility are Information Gathering, Military, Religion, Mercantile, Infrastructure, and finally Culture. Each Responsibility is headed by a particular noble family, that has been maintained since the founding of the council. However, a recent change has taken place as the Silverfist family, which ran the Mercantile interests of the city, has become defunct. The mercantile guild known as The Mill, owners of the Dragon Hoard Complex, has officially been added to the council to replace the Silverfist family.   The current representatives of Essillion’s council are as follows:  
  • Information Gathering: Edric Ironbran
  • Military: Richard Stoutheart
  • Religion: Byras Highstance
  • Mercantile: Fiona Winterkiss (The Mill - merchant’s guild)
  • Infrastructure: Victoria Hearthstone
  • Culture: Empty (to be determined)


Essillion is a heavily traditional city. Having survived The Fractioning mostly intact it retains the oldest and most detailed records and evidence of old Human culture on Starhelm (notwithstanding Forgehome). The ancient ways are kept strong, old promises are maintained, and historical relationships are protected. The people of Essillion are very hardworking, stoic, religious, and fair-minded.   King Arndrin exemplifies the traits of the standard Essillionite and demonstrates them often. He protects tradition, and is seen as never wavering in both conviction or action. He is brave, hardworking, and retains his composure in most things. As a Paladin of Curceon, and a successful Exemplar, he is seen as a highly religious figure, who has never given up his vow to bring honour and safety to his city. Most high-minded citizens look to him to model their good behaviour, though many cannot live up to his shining example.   The religious aspect of Essillion cannot be understated and it is very rare for a citizen to not lay claim to one of the Twelve Shards. Almost all citizens have some form of shrine or religious component in their homes, or at the very least attend a shrine or temple nearby. While each region of the city is represented by a Shard, nobody is expected to worship solely that Shard in that district. The people of Essillion are fair-minded and like order. They do not like to see chaotic wars erupt in their streets, particularly over religion. However, they will not tolerate any religions or actions that threaten the people, communities, or structures of the city.   Often rugged features and simple clothes mark an Essillionite in the peasantry or the working class, however, the nobles will dress with more style. Being clean shaven, or well-groomed is the mark of many Essillionites, including the lower classes, as that represents order and respect, however, not everyone maintains that level of grooming. Clothes of green, brown, red, and orange are favoured by many Essillionites.   Farmers live in the outlying lands beyond the walls of Essillion, and Mirriam has great presence out there, as well as the gardens and growing places of the city. Farms extend far out east toward the valley the Halflings call home and they are protected and visited often. The king makes it a priority to show himself to the major villages and farms in the valley so as to remind them of their importance to all the Humans of the area. Halflings and Dwarves greet Humans warmly typically in these areas close to Essillion.  

Crime and Law

Essillion is a very formal and orderly city, with many laws and rules to follow. Guards, constabulary, and militia roam the city streets, guard the walls, and patrol the outer areas. Curceon and Vocerix both have a strong presence in the city and the legal system is very traditional, formal, and judicial. While technically the king is the final arbiter of justice, he rarely proclaims any decrees or decisions when it comes to crime or punishment. His advisors, councilors, barristers, and judges see that the meting out of punishment and the incarceration of criminals is swift and fair.   This does not mean that crime does not exist in Essillion, quite the contrary actually. The criminal element in Essillion is clever, widespread, and patient. They do not draw undue attention to themselves and they take every opportunity to strike when there is distraction, both socially and literally. The Closed Book, and Day Walkers guilds all have their main branches located in Essillion. Until recently The Black Talon also had their main headquarters in Essillion but their location and identities were revealed to the guard and the city by The Harmbringer Mercenary Company and they had to flee to parts unknown.   In a city filled with information and a love of knowledge, it is no surprise that the Closed Book guild maintains a steady and healthy presence. They are typically two steps ahead of the law in Essillion, as information flows freely to them, though at a steep price from them. Currently led by Travis Forebear the Closed Book has been very successful at obtaining and selling information. Travis is very good at knowing when and when not to apply pressure. The Guardians and the local constabulary have their eye on him but he has yet to do anything to confirm their suspicions.   The Day Walkers are a loose confederation of spies and tails that can blend into any crowd, follow their quarry without being seen, and rely on subtle clues to ascertain their target’s most likely destinations. They work closely with the Closed Book and there are some that are freelancers that contribute their unique talents to both organizations. The Day Walkers’ leader is unknown at this time and the protectors of Essillion do not waste too much time trying to figure it out, outside of courtly intrigue. They are more concerned with what the Black Talon are up to.   The Black Talon is a professional, and very successful assassins guild. They sometimes deal in extortion or protection rackets but those activities are more often used to draw attention away from their real purpose. They are the oldest and most well-known of the guilds that belong to the Union of Shadows. Many common folk think that the Union of Shadows and the Black Talon are one and the same. Rumours of the guild being led by a half-dragon man continue to this day but the truth is even scarier. The Black Talon is led by a Fallen woman named Gabriella, who is quick with the blades, and quicker with her wits. She inspires loyalty and excellence in her people, but she will not be made a fool. Her reputation for making examples of those who cross her is legendary in the Union. She will protect those under her with her life; any who abuse that trust will find an ignominious and painful death (or worse). Her sudden departure from Essillion has made her ‘cranky’ and her moods have turned darker, of late.   The Union of Shadows is the true component of crime in Essillion but there are other, smaller elements that keep Essillion lawmakers on their toes. Brix’ Trader is a well-known trade shop that doubles as a popular fence for criminals large or small. Brix is quite clever and has evaded the law numerous times. He knows when to move attention away from him with the occasional assist to the government (for unimportant items) in helping them get a small win. He knows not to cross the Union so any dealings are always with the Union’s (and his own) safety in mind.   Leftis and Greegis both have temples in Essillion but they do not really highlight the criminal nature of those two gods. The merchants of Essillion worship Greegis in his role as a mercantile god and the city allows his temple to prosper in that regard. Any of the unsavoury aspects of Greegis are kept hidden from the law enforcement. The Guardian Clerics of Curceon have a particular dislike for the corrupt nature of his religion but they will tolerate above board merchants and sellers. Many Union shops, underground locations, or secret places have shrines to Leftis and Greegis as their portfolio touches on most of the guild activities.  

Post Fractioning

The Fractioning was a terrifying time for all of Starhelm, but for the Humans in particular. Three of their major cities were instantly destroyed or transformed, and the fourth one was separated from the mainland in the west. Only Essillion escaped largely unscathed physically, though it did great damage to their psyche. Fear and panic swept over the very religious city. They closed their doors to all but the Dwarves and Halflings of the area and they did their best to reclaim the order of the city.The loss of Alucar hit them very hard and it took some time to accept and adapt to twelve new gods. Religious persecution, wars, and anarchy raged across the city. Eventually the Twelve Shards revealed themselves and order was restored. Each Shard was given diplomatic powers within the city and districts were created to honour them. The Rule of Tolerance was enacted by the new King Lyonite Starshield and relative peace came to Essillion.   Thinking they were the only Human city to survive they fought even harder to preserve their tradition and history. Education became a mainstay of Essillion teachings and the library of Essillion, named the Owl’s Rookery was a place of reverence and knowledge. The University of Essillion had been around for centuries but it garnered even more prestige and power after the Fractioning. A smaller university has since opened called the Hatchery (where they hatch new ideas) and a few important museums are also popular with the young and the old, the noble or the peasant. All are invited to visit the museums but there is a separate museum reserved for the nobles.  


Essillion is well protected and military service is encouraged and embraced by the majority of the population. While most city guards follow the preachings of Curceon, some have been known to follow Bruges as well. The militia and soldiers have more followers of Bruges in their ranks but they still do not make up the majority. As such, the barracks, and militia house are technically under Bruges’ region but they are scattered to the north, south, and east walls. The temple to Bruges can be found in the militia house and it is run by Battlefather Korax Deathgrip, a large and experienced warrior, known for taking down much larger men with just his hands. He is in control of the militia and ensures that they will be ready for combat at a moment’s notice. The rest of the military is under Curceon’s watch.   The king is the official head of the army and all the units under it, but he leaves the actual work to his very qualified commanders and leaders. One such leader is a Goliath by the name of Harmordrim Stonecutter and he has made a name for himself at an early age. He leads the King’s First Battalion and has over 1000 men at his call. There are some old timers that balk at following such a young leader but Harmordrim has proven himself worthy many times in battle. It is an uphill battle for him but one he seems willing and capable of winning.   Master Bowman Tymar Thinline, a veteran archer who spent much time in Aspenshield in his youth, leads a regiment of over 500 archers. This grizzled commander spends as much time firing his bow as he does leading his men, and he never tires of imparting his ‘elven wisdom’ on his troops. He is respected but not well-liked.   The cavalry of Essillion is impressive, owing to the generous donation of the government of Hollow’s Point to the army of Essillion. They have gifted the city 200 Moon Horses of the Northguard Plains, and the Elves of Aspenshield have sent trainers to teach the riders of Essillion how to best utilize these horses. This is a recent addition to the resources of Essillion’s army and is being led by Cavalier Thomas Stoutheart, a master horseman in his own right, and heir to the Stoutheart estate.   Erik’s Chosen, a specialized unit of elite palace guards that favours the poleaxe and halberd, are used for very specific and rare occasions. They are the ultimate guard and will be utilized to protect important assets of the Essillion Army. They undergo rigorous training, including taking a vow of silence for a year, standing vigil for 3 days without food or water, and exposure to various environments. They are the honour of Erik and his shrine.


Essillion is a large, walled city, protected by mountains on its west, north, and partially south side. There is one main gate that leads from the valley westward toward the city. Farmland, orchards, and open ground extend a few miles south and also to the east toward Lutien’s Vale. A few small villages and towns affiliate with Essillion as suburbs of the city but they are close to the Vale and a bit north toward Aspenshield. While the king makes sure to send patrols often to these outlying areas they are still in danger of raids from barbarians or the Fallen of Azdurok.   The Dragonspine river flows out of the mountain, under the Palace of Kings, and through the city, heading east. It separates the city into two main areas, not equally distributed, with four bridges joining the two areas. Alucar’s Mount, or simply The Mount dominates the western wall and has three distinct levels, or tiers. The royal palace is the sole structure on the First Tier but other buildings make up the second and third tier before the main level of the city is reached.   Being a highly religious city the neighbourhoods or areas are divided into regions, represented by a specific Shard of Alucar. While this does not mean that the specific Shard solely dominates the area, a larger representation of that Shard’s worshippers or the portfolio that it has dominion over resides in that area.  

The Mount

First Tier
  (Pristell Region)
Palace of Kings - The royal palace of King Arndrin and his family stands out to all in the city. It can be seen by anywhere in the city and is a beacon of hope during times of stress or hardship. It holds the royal family but also has some extended family living there. Servants, courtiers, and the royal guard also take residence in the palace. An extensive crypt of past royals lies beneath the palace, as well as the royal treasury.  
Second Tier
  (Curceon Region)
The Halls of Curceon on the south side of the second tier houses the famous order of Paladins under Curceon. The Exemplars’ Lodge, and the Hall of the Guardians take up most of the southern edge of the tier, while Knightheart Abbey, the temple to Curceon is located nearer the middle, beside the Squire Bridge and the shrine to Eriken, located in The Centre of that bridge. Two Guardian posts flank the steps to the palace on either side of the river and they are never left unoccupied. The temple to Curceon is led by the city’s second in command, Byras Highstance.   (Pristell Region)
On the north side of the second tier is the realm of Pristell and her noble houses. The Starshield, Stormarm, and Skyshard estates are the largest structures, but a few other lesser noble houses also call this area home. Just as Curceon’s temple, Maiden Queen’s Tower, the temple to Pristell is nearer the middle, beside the Squire Bridge and the temple to Eriken. It is led by First Lady Lena Stormshadow, as decreed by Queen Jalisha. Lena was a childhood friend to Jalisha and some claim nepotism in the selection, though the royal household denies that claim.   Symbolically, and physically, the Squire Bridge both bridges and separates the regions of Curceon (on the south) and Pristell (on the north). The temple to the son of Curceon and Pristell lies in the middle of the bridge and one must cross through it to reach the other side. It is currently presided over by Montaigne Skyshard, though traditionally it is headed by the first born of the royal household. Unfortunately, Prince Ryan has left Essillion in search of adventure and the task has fallen to his cousin Montaigne.  
Third Tier
The third (or lower) tier is made up of the bureaucratic, and educational needs of the city, as well as two Guardian posts flanking the river and the steps leading to the second tier.   (Vocerix Region)
To the south is the region of Vocerix, containing the court houses, jails, various civic buildings, and foreign embassies. The temple of Vocerix also doubles as the Council Hall and is known as the Hall of the Royal Sphynx. The current High Cleric of Vocerix is an elderly man, nearing retirement whose name is Winterthorpe Skyshard. He is also the uncle to Queen Jalisha and very well respected. His second ranking priest is a middle-aged woman named Bessa Suntower and she is expected to take his place soon. She is well-liked by the populace but the council is unsure of her fortitude in matters of criminal justice.   One of the buildings on the third tier, near the Mount steps is a very popular marriage hall called The Mountain’s Peak Marriage Hall and it is run by an ex-priest of Josefan named Lady Firetress. Pristell and Josefan typically do not get along but Lady Firetress has made a name for herself on the Mount on the opposite side of the noble houses. While the marriage halls on the city levels are fine, the nobles of Essillion still want to have the pomp and circumstance due their birthright. The Mountain’s Peak provides that level of sophistication and fashion. A group of famous bards called the Mountain Peak Poets Society made their start at Lady Firetress’ establishment and they have made a good living traveling the lands and inspiring love all around them.   (Pristell Region)
On the far north side of the third tier are some other lesser noble houses and the Royal Museum of Essillion. The Royal Museum is reserved for those who have donated to it, typically only the wealthy or noble families will attend it. Occasionally the University gets permission to have some field trips to the Royal Museum but the nobles require very strict supervision for those that are not of noble birth.   (Gnurich Region)
The majority of the region of Gnurich is occupied by the huge library and temple to Gnurich called the Owl’s Rookery (or just the Rookery), the University of Essillion, and the Hatchery, as well as the two museums open to the general public (Museum of Fantastical Knowledge, and the Museum of Wondrous Artifacts).   The Owl’s Rookery is home to the temple of Gnurich and is looked over by the venerable Master Librarian Hoorik Inkheart. Hoorik is desperate to find a replacement as he is very old and tired. He wants to make the Owl’s Rookery the bastion of knowledge to rival the library in old Starhelm City. He has his eye on a very clever librarian name Lydia and is hoping she will take up the task of revitalizing the temple to Gnurich. Hoorik also founded a monastery in Hollow’s Point, though he rarely travels there.   The University of Essillion is old, but has taken on some greater importance after the Fractioning. It is currently under the leadership of Headmaster Lionas Quintlore and he is a very stodgy and uptight headmaster, though he has genuine love of knowledge and his students. The majority of the students at the University are from noble birth or have wealthy parents in the merchant or craft industry. Lionas is considered the favourite to replace Hoorik by everyone except Hoorik. Politics being what they are has prevented Hoorik from naming his successor just yet.   The New College of Theory, or as it is more colloquially known, The Hatchery, is an expanded school that is open to those of lesser means. It is a school of the future and does not spend as much time looking at the past, as its parent school does. Its headmaster is Jonas Bristlebrow and he is very fond of bringing in traveling minstrels, scholars, or teachers from all over to speak to his students. He is loved by his students and his staff but there are many who think that he is another headmaster in a long line of headmasters who are breaking away from tradition.   Situated on the edge of the third tier, also sharing it with the city level, is the famous Essillion’s Edge, or just known as The Edge by the locals. There are two entrances to the Edge, one on the third tier, where the rich or the learned go, and the one on the city level where the common folk would enter. The third-tier entrance leads to a main floor and requires a cover charge of 1 Kingsmetal. The entrance is reinforced wood and metal and support beams secure it to the rocky floor and walls of The Mount. Once inside, the taproom is well decorated, good food is served, and a wide variety of fine drink can be bought. Minstrels, organized gambling, and a spot for dancing makes it a place suitable for a wide variety of tastes. An iron golem named Fancy guards the stairway up to the Eagles’ Nest and will not let anyone pass who does not insert a platinum piece into a slot in his outstretched hand. The Eagles’ Nest is decorated in the highest of fashion, scented and lit magically to provide nice ambience. The furniture is the utmost in comfort and the food is fit for noble palettes.  

City Level

West Central
  (Gnurich Region)
Just north of the river a few schools for the common folk are situated on the city level near The Mount in Gnurich’s region. A scribe shop and seller of books called Tink’s Inks is also open for those who want to get something written, purchase a book, or learn to do calligraphy, mapmaking, etc. It is run by an old Gnome named Tinkerbury Hollowhand who is always happy to get visitors and is willing to help anyone who can pay. He is called in to the schools to teach writing to the children also.   The main entrance to the Edge can be found on the outskirts of Gnurich’s city level region. To the uninitiated, from this angle the Edge looks like it is about to fall at any moment. It appears to teeter on the edge of destruction every night. The reality is that it is as strong as it has ever been thanks to some magical bolstering from a grateful Wizard. The sounds of laughter, song, fighting, swearing, and general carousing always spills out into the street as the door to the Edge is constantly opening with comers and goers. Standing proudly near the entrance is the second Iron Golem named Foot, ready to deal with anyone who gets out of hand. He wields a Rocksteel maul called Diplomacy to help deter would be attackers, gifted to the Edge by Gauldrak Harmbringer, a deceased hero of Essillion. The innkeeper is a retired adventurer named Quintin Stronghair, who welcomes all with a warm smile and mug of Edge Ale (a sweet lime malt brewed only here-not available for export). A staircase to the second floor is guarded by a third Iron Golem named Fist who requires a single coin of Kingsmetal inserted into a slot in his outstretched hand in order to ascend.   (Greegis Region)
Situated just south of the river is a large covered marketplace that is the main area for commerce in Essillion. In the heart of the Greegis region, just south of the Hollow Fountain Clocktower is the five-sided building named the Dragon’s Hoard Commercial Complex that houses the permanent shops, stalls, and commercial interests. Five buildings surround each corner and are the offices of the individual ministers of trade. Each corner represents a different type of business but there are some crossovers. Culture (art, music, costumes, books Armaments (weapons, armour Sundries (trinkets, toys, crafts, unique items Food (cooking utensils, meals Tools (crafter’s tools, supplies)   Some individual shops dot the area north and south of the Hoard and get a lot of run off business or customers from those that don’t want to brave the craziness of the merchant house. Purveyors of all kinds of products, including services, entertainment, and money trade and lending exist in this area. The Dragon’s Hoard is currently run by the merchant guild The Mill and has increased their power base dramatically.   The temple to Greegis is called The Golden Palm and it is located just north of the Hoard. It also doubles as the currency exchange and is run by the Fair Friar, a fat, balding man of indeterminate age. He represents the mercantile nature of Greegis and the public face of the temple and clergy within Essillion. For those in the know, he also acts as a fence, an appraiser, and a consigliere to the Union of Shadows.  
  (Parfin Region)
The Hollow Fountain Clocktower was a gift from the Gnomes of Hollow’s Point and now makes up the central point of the city. It is a gathering place for many travelers and residents alike. The magic and ingenuity of the Clocktower allows it to let the residents of Essillion know what time it is, on the hour. Each spray upwards of water indicates the time of day, up to twelve. The colour of the water changes to dark blue during the second half of the day to indicate it is night. The day starts at dawn and goes to dusk, with the night starting at dusk to dawn. Each hour is approximate and can shift depending on when dawn starts. It is just west of the Golden Leaf Memorial Park.  
North and South West
  (Kleio Region)
The far north and far south west sections of the city house the entrances to the many mines that secure Essillion’s wealth. The miners and peasants, as well as some craftsmen that work the mines also live in the housing located near those entrances. The city guard are very stringent in letting only those that are authorized to enter do so. The mines themselves are also patrolled often by city guards and priests of Kleio. Only those that have business in the mines tend to go there and the guards are quick to redirect those just wandering to more appropriate locales within the city. Both sides have a temple to Kleio, the southern temple, named The Anvil, focuses on forging, blacksmithing, and items of quality, while the north temple, named The Arches, focuses on structures, architecture, and practicality. In times past these two temples were closely aligned but in recent years there has been a bit of a schism between the two as the north end has been influenced by their association with the nobles of the city. They have taken an attitude of superiority over their southern brothers. The north temple is run by Master Architect Blasset Skydigger and he epitomizes the smug and arrogant nature of Kleio. The southern temple is run by Forgemaster Silloren Oreshine, a Goliath who does his best to ignore Blasset’s taunts and jibes. He focuses on making his clergy the best smiths, forgers, and miners in the region.   While the priests of Kleio oversee and control the workings of the mines, the three major noble families have the legitimate and historical rights to the mines of Essillion. From each mine is an underground tunnel that leads through the Mount to the base just east of the Wyrmclaw Bridge. The ore is gathered and shipped off to there to be taken to the Mill, separated and ground, and then finally collected.  
Central and South Central
  (Parfin Region)
All the roads leading into and out of Essillion are tended and maintained by followers of Parfin, though not necessarily the same ones from day to day. Those followers of Parfin that find themselves in Essillion take it upon themselves to keep the roads and thoroughfares, even the less traveled ones clean, in repair, and easily accessible. Near the centre of the city is Horizon’s Bridge, and leading from it southward is Walkers’ Way, both in honour of Parfin the Farstepper. The temple to Parfin, located at the foot of Horizon’s Bridge is called Horizon’s Haven and it is maintained by Goldfinder Lindel Pennybright, a Halfling of great humour and patience. He is responsible for the maintenance but he has a team of wandering followers, visitors, and helpers that rotate throughout the year to keep the temple, and all shrines well cared for.   Along the main road through the city gates, located on both sides are the pop-up shops and traveling merchant stalls. They are required to set up north of Deathgate Road and Riverstone Road and on either side of the Essillion Trail. They do not set up further north than the Hollow Fountain Clocktower and the city guard and soldiers are very strict about their placement. They require a clear path to the front gates in case of attack and for safety. All manner of goods and services can be found along this road but they are not permanent and can sell out very quickly before moving on. Fights occasionally break out over prime spots but the Essillion guards quickly put an end to any disruptions.   North and west of Horizon bridge is The Mill. A watermill that has been around since the founding of the mines. It is used to separate and grind the ore from the mines into their useful and component parts before being shipped off. It is owned by a guild of merchants known simply as The Mill. They also have a sawmill and a grain mill outside of town. The three buildings that make up The Mill include the mill proper, the collection house, and the refinery. This guild has acquired much wealth and power in Essillion that they also run the Dragon’s Hoard Commercial Complex. They have recently been given a spot on the Royal Council since the demise of the Silverfist family.  
South East
  (Morthos Region)
Following Deathgate Road southward, just as you enter the city will take you to the cemetery of Essillion and the surrounding area. The temple of Morthos called the Mourning Hall, is situated just outside the cemetery and is run by Soulguide Barthos Mistbearer. He is a strong and hefty man of middle years, and his dour face hides a wicked sense of humour. He can be a frightening presence when he is angered but, thankfully he is a very patient man and does not anger easily. He is surprisingly empathetic and comforting to those that can look past his outward appearance.   In the front of the cemetery is an asylum to treat the addled or insane, nicknamed Gloomy Gables; nobody can remember its real name anymore. It is headed up by a Tallfellow Halfling named Quail ‘Rattleeyes’ Finney, who looks like he might have been a patient at one time. He can go from creepy to comforting and back again in the blink of an eye.   The hospice for the elderly, sick, or dying called Mercy Hall is run by an elderly woman named Grace Godfrey. She is frail of body but strong in spirit and mind. Soulguide Barthos is very protective of her and those that cross her risk his anger. There are very few that take that chance. Rumours abound that Grace Godfrey was once a high priest to Morthos in the Halls of the Cleansed Souls many years past but that something transpired there that forced her to leave.  
North East
  (Tereale Region)
Heading north along Riverstone Road will take you to the region of Tereale and the Healing House of Essillion, as well as Mother Light’s Child Nursery. There you will also find the temple to Tereale called the Gleaming Shrine, though it is much larger than its name would suggest. Highmother Ingrid Stormarm is the youngest Highmother appointed to the church of Tereale. She is a plain-looking woman with striking green eyes and has lived in Essillion all of her life. She is an excellent healer, leader, and compassionate woman, who is not afraid to get her hands dirty. She has a great team of helpers, including Katherine Fairfellow, her most revered nursemaid. The children’s nurseries are extremely well cared for and Ingrid and Katherine have received many visits from noble dignitaries, including the king and queen, for their work helping the city.   This area is also the home to the temple of Josefan named The Font of Love, presided over by Ladyheart Emeline Fairfax. This striking, dark haired woman dresses in robes of white and carries a staff of entwined white snakes. She works very hard to ensure that love blossoms in Essillion, but she sometimes comes to odds with the Order of the Lady’s Claw as their philosophy speaks more to hedonism than true love. She appreciates passion when it is directed in a more long-lasting and productive manner, not just for passion’s sake. She can often be found at the children’s nursery helping out and she is on very good terms with the church of Tereale.  
Essillion is well fed with many farmlands immediately around the city and further east and north of the city, even as far as Lutien's Vale. The military does a good job of protecting farms but the further away from the city a farm lies the more dangerous it is for the farmer. Raids, animals, and harsh weather can sometimes afflict a farmer but the closer to the Vale one gets the better the farmland becomes. Many farmers take the risk.   The farmlands and the gardens are considered to be the province of Mirriam and she has a large temple named Bounty’s Blessing near the Essillion Gates just off the Essillion Trail. It is run by an elderly man named Horton Bristlebough, who has gone a little deaf and can be very cantankerous. He means well but his frustrations at aging make him somewhat difficult to deal with. Most will go to the lesser priests of the temple if they can help it. A few shrines also exist within the city, most notably in the Golden Leaf Memorial Park and the tavern/greenhouse called Mirriam’s Eyes.   Golden Leaf Memorial Park is a large green area watched over by followers of Mirriam. This park, which commemorates the Human city south of the Ruins of Starhelm City that was totally destroyed in the aftermath of the Fractioning, was constructed about 50 years ago, but has become a favourite place of residents or visitors alike. A brief history of Essillion can be traced through a wandering path through the park, adorned with statues and plaques. A small shrine to Mirriam is wreathed with flowers and woven sheaves of wheat that seem to flourish and grow even in all but the dead of winter. The caretaker of the shrine is a young priest of Mirriam named Genese Moonmeadow. Genese is very welcoming to friend and stranger alike, and always has a wreath of flowers on her head or flowers woven in her hair. The followers of Mirriam will work with the followers of Gnurich to maintain the pathways and walkways of the park. Even in the coldest and snowiest days the paths are safe to travel thanks to the partnership of the two organizations.  
Shops, Inns, and Other Places of Interest
Located at the end of Riversedge Road, just south of the Gleaming Shrine, sits Mirriam’s Eyes and its owner Kapple Lithorn, a retired priest of Mirriam. He is a kind man that is often found sampling some teas or fruity drinks with his patrons. He is very used to the heat but in the summer months this place can be a bit hot. In the winter it is a favourite spot of those trying to escape the cold of Essillion’s harsh weather. Kapple and his Halfling wife Lucidia, along with their Tallfellow son Drew manage to keep the business hopping all year long. They have a strong friendship with Honeydew’s Sweets, Treats, and Fine Eats and both shops are often found giving samples of the other’s creations or products. Rumours of Drew and Sophie being romantically connected have not escaped the awareness of both their parents, and they couldn’t be happier to officially connect the two shops.   Honeydew’s Sweets, Treats and Fine Eats is a bakery and small eatery located in the Elmwood neighbourhood, near the Healing House of Essillion. It is run by Dogar Honeydew and his wife Nureen. They have three children; their eldest daughter Regan has left Essillion with Melwyn’s Mighty Minstrels a couple of years ago. She returns as often as she can to regale her family with stories of adventure and to give them news of the outside world; their teenage son Rogen has recently left to join the priesthood of Parfin but he may return if they do not accept him into their ranks; their youngest daughter Sophie looks like she might just inherit the shop when the Honeydews retire. This family is well liked by most people in their neighbourhood and Regan has made quite a name for herself in the minstrel circle. As often as not people will come to the shop for a bit of gossip or news that she might have brought back with her. Her brother is her biggest fan. Dogar’s shop is not as refined as Rinthorpe’s but the commoners love coming to visit and have a small bite. Dogar will often give free samples of his wife’s experimental treats, hoping to one day be recognized by the nobles as a purveyor of fine foods. They have a great relationship with the Lithorns and Mirriam’s Eyes, often spending their down time with each other, relaxing or having a nice meal or tea.   Located just south of Golden Leaf Memorial Park, nestled in the Parkside neighbourhood is Rinthorpe’s Fine Pastries. This popular bakery and pastry shop is run by Rinthorpe Dappledew, a short, fat and balding man in his late 40s. He is always wearing a white apron covered in flour and sugar and he is always quick to greet his customers with a smile and a laugh. He knows most people by name and his reputation as a pastry chef is unequalled in all of Essillion. Even the King has been known to visit Rinthorpe on occasion to sample his specialty – Golden Sunrise (a sweet tart made with special honey and a secret ingredient that Rinthorpe will not reveal). Everyone knows him to be friendly and gregarious, and you can often get a fine rumour with your visit. What most people do not know is that Rinthorpe Dappledew is actually a high-level priest in the service of Leftis. His whole disguise as a pastry chef is a clever ruse to distract from his true purpose in Essillion. He leads the underground cult to the Deceiver and those who know his true calling can get messages or information from him at his shop. By use of a secret code and sometimes things hidden in his pastries he can direct followers to their next meeting or aid them in their current situation. Leftis is very fond of Rinthorpe and will often give him visions or manifest himself to the pudgy baker.   Tucked away in the Lockhaven neighbourhood lies a quaint shop named the Battered Helms Fish Shop. As the name might suggest it sells fish that has been specially imported from the Lake of Battered Helms. The shop owners are a strange pair named Binthis and Parta. They have only just recently opened their establishment but, despite the odour that pervades the area the shop has done remarkably well. So well, in fact, they have plans to open a second shop on the other side of town. The two partners met while Binthis was traveling to the Lake and he tasted some fish that Parta had just caught. Always on the lookout for a new venture, Binthis convinced Parta to go into business with him and open a fish store in Essillion. Parta has been pleasantly surprised by their success and is eager to introduce her favourite dish to Essillion, Flaming Swordfish on a bed of Pepper Lettuce. They are talking of opening up a restaurant also, but they will wait to see how their second shop does first.   Just south of Wyrmclaw Bridge is a tack and supplies shop by the name of Old Casks’ Odds and Ends. This ex-cleric of Parfin keeps a fine selection of all types of equipment. If you want the ‘good stuff’ you need to convince Old Cask of your need. A bit of wine or juicy gossip sometimes is all that is needed to grease his palms.   Taking up a whole city block, north on Wyrmclaw Way is Steelfist’s Weaponsmith and Armourer. This well-known military shop has the largest contract in weaponsmithing and they provide the armour to the city guard and Essillion’s army. Always busy, there are dozens of employees keeping the business running smoothly. It is headed by its owner Flandar Steelfist, An Earth Dwarf of great skill, and one of the wealthiest citizens of Essillion. He takes great pride in his work, and his close connection to the Dwarves of the Barrier Guard grant him a near monopoly on high quality weapons and armour. He has a whole division devoted to supplying the city’s guard and army with their weapons and armour and he just renewed his contract with the King. He has a few specialists on staff that can make unique or rare items but he charges high coin for his work. All his work has his symbol etched into it, a stylized mailed fist.   The Tiger Den Monastery is located south of the Dragon Hoard and deep within the Commerceclaw neighbourhood. A path leads west to east through the gated complex, and within the confines of the monastery the path is lined with dedicated Steles that tell the history and glory of the Order of the Lady's Claw. It houses shrines to the Tiger Maiden, and to the Great Tiger, as well as housing the monks that choose to stay there. South of the Stele path are the homes, study halls, and training grounds of the monks, but to the north of the path is where most non-monks will visit. Hedon Hall, a place that serves as a social club, a dance hall, a tavern, and a brothel, welcomes many visitors through its doors. Some are brazen and open, while there are those who wish to remain out of sight from the common folk. The monks do their best to honour both types of customers. The head of the order is Sybarite Lucadia Capistran, also known as the Black Tiger. She is a Human of extraordinary beauty and magnetism, drawing most into her confidences with ease. She grew up in Essillion and the Tiger Den Monastery, being taught by the previous White Tiger. After her master departed to experience the outside world she left the leadership of the Tiger Den to Lucadia. The Black Tiger, as she is now known, is a favoured follower of The Tiger Maiden and she trains those in the Order of the Lady’s Claw to be ferocious in battle, and in other areas of their lives. They train hard, they play hard, and she is not above making some money for the efforts of her followers. The Black Tiger can be aggressive and hot-tempered at times, but she is fiercely devoted to the Tiger Maiden and those women under her care.   Many from the Order of the Lady’s Claw are trained in the Primal Tattoo fighting style and they are most often given their tattoos by the Black Tiger herself. There are others, of course, that can provide tattoos, but the Black Tiger is the best amongst them. More often than not, the monks of the Order of the Lady’s Claw have some kind of tattoo, but they are not all trained in the special style, they just prefer the aesthetics of the body art.  Major Noble Families:
  • Starshield
  • Stormarm
  • Skyshard
  Lesser Noble Families:
  • Highstance (Religion)
  • Stoutheart (Military)
  • Fairfax
  • Skydigger
  • Suntower
  • Stormshadow
  • Ironbran (Information Gathering)
  • Silverfist (now defunct)
  • Hearthstone (Infrastructure)
  • Knightheart Abbey (Curceon) - High Cleric Byras Highstance (m/human)
  • Maiden Queen’s Tower (Pristell) - First Lady Lena Stormshadow (f/human)
  • Hall of the Royal Sphynx (Vocerix) - High Magistrate Winterthorpe Skyshard (m/human)
  • The Rookery (Gnurich) - Master Librarian Hoorik Inkheart (m/human)
  • The Arches (Kleio north temple) - Master Architect Blasset Skydigger (m/human)
  • The Anvil (Kleio south temple) - Foragemaster Silloren Oreshine (m/goliath)
  • The Golden Palm (Greegis) - The Fair Friar (m/tiefling)
  • Horizon’s Hall (Parfin) - Goldfinder Lindel Pennybright (m/halfling)
  • The Font of Love (Josefan) - Ladyheart Emeline Fairfax (f/human)
  • Mourning Hall (Morthos) - Soulguide Barthos Mistbearer (m/human)
  • Gleaming Shrine (Tereale) - Highmother Ingrid Stormarm (f/human)
  • Bounty’s Blessing (Mirriam) - Caretaker Horton Bristlebough (m/human)
  • Phirstling Shrine (Eriken) - Firstborn Montaigne Skyshard (m/human)
  • Muses’ Manse (Dranaden) – Harid Quillbrush (m/human)
  • Goldleaf Shrine (Mirriam) - Genese Moonmeadow (f/human)
  • Mirriam’s Eyes (Mirriam) - Kapple Lithorn (m/human)
  • Red Sky Shrine (Bruges) - Battlefather Korax Deathgrip (m/human)
  • Tiger Den Monastery (Tiger Maiden - Order of the Lady’s Claw) - Sybarite Lucadia Capistran aka ‘The Black Tiger’(f/human)
  • Dreamweaver Fountain (Leftis) - Dreamweaver Argos Dusteye (m/human)
  • Earth’s Fist (Denethen) - Orefather Einkil Bloodfist (m/dwarf)
  • The Enlightened Mind - (Janosis) - High Learned Azaki Cithereth (m/elf)
  • Stoneface (Terralin) - High Defender Duergath Rubyeye (m/dwarf)
  • Triumveratum (The Three Pillars) - Tri-blessed Saphara Shestiliath (f/dragonborn)
  • Dragonspine River
  • Alucar’s Mount (The Mount)
  • Horizon Bridge
  • Squire Bridge (Shrine to Eriken)
  • Wyrmclaw Bridge
  • Riverford Bridge
  • Hollow Fountain Clocktower
  • Palace of Kings
  Restaurants, Taverns & Inns:
  • Essillion’s Edge (The Edge)
  • Mirriam’s Eyes
  • Battered Helms Fish Shop
  • Rinthorpe’s Fine Pastries
  • Honeydew’s Sweets, Treats, and Fine Eats
  Notable Merchants, Shops, and Places of Interest:
  • Dragon’s Hoard Commercial Complex
  • Golden Leaf Memorial Park
  • Hall of the Guardians
  • Exemplars’ Lodge
  • Hall of the Royal Sphynx (Council Hall/Temple to Vocerix)
  • Mountain’s Peak Marriage Hall
  • Royal Museum of Essillion
  • Essillion University
  • New College of Theory (The Hatchery)
  • The Owl’s Rookery
  • Museum of Fantastical Knowledge
  • Museum of Wondrous Artifacts
  • The Mill
  • Gloomy Gables
  • Mercy Hall
  • Healing House of Essillion
  • Mother Light’s Nursery
  • Order of the Lady’s Claw
  • Old Cask’s Odds and Ends
  • Steelfist’s Weaponsmith and Armourer
  • Harmbringer Mercenary Company
  • Riversedge
  • Tradefair
  • Elmwood
  • Lockhaven
  • Blackmist
  • Bramblefoot
  • Topwood
  • Edgeview
  • Cheapside
  • Northridge
  • Southridge
  • Commerceclaw
  • Knotwood
  • Grimshield
  • Smallwood
  • Southelm
  • Parkside
  Roads and Thoroughfares:
  • Elmwood Lane
  • Riverstone Road
  • Riversedge Road
  • Deathgate Road
  • Goldenleaf Trail
  • Essillion Trail
  • Walkers’ Way
  • Wyrmclaw Way
  • Edgestop
  • Heartlight Pass
  Notable Personalities:
  • King Arndrin Starshield (m/human Queen Jalisha Starshield (nee Skyshard) (f/human Ryan (m/human), Petal (f/human), Sheera (f/human) Starshield
  • Byras Highstance (m/human), High Cleric of Curceon and second in command to the king
  • Travis Forebear (m/human), leader of the Closed Book; Gabriella (f/fallen), leader of the Black Talons; Brix Bricedale (m/halfling), owner of Brix’ Traders
  • Lady Firetress (f/human), proprietor of The Mountain’s Peak Marriage Hall; Quail ‘Rattleeyes’ Finney (m/halfling), head of Gloomy Gables; Grace Godfrey (f/human), head of Mercy Hall; Katherine Fairfellow (f/human), head nursemaid of Mother Light’s Child Nursery
  • Lionas Quintlore (m/human), headmaster of University of Essillion; Jonas Bristlebrow (m/human), headmaster of The Hatchery;
  • Quintin Stronghair (m/human), proprietor of The Edge;
  • Tinkerbury Hollowhand (m/gnome), proprietor of Tink’s Inks;
  • Rintan the Fantastic (m/human), thief trickster disguised as a powerful wizard
  • Cobberben Dragontail (m/human), Keeper of the College of Kings (large private collection of books in Essillion), ex-cobbler, enthusiastic Parfinite
  • Margan Mithmold (m/human), Copper Dragon Pupil Wizard who experiments with earth and mountains, lives in a tower just outside Essillion, very fond of rare gems and metals
  • Lord Edrick Ironbran (m/human), in charge of creating the trade route between Essillion and Avandar.
  • Flandar Steelfist (m/earth dwarf), proprietor of Steelfist’s Weapons and Armour
  • Harmordrim Stonecutter (m/goliath), leader of King’s First Battalion; Thomas Stoutheart (m/human), cavalier horse master; Tymar Thinline (m/human), master bowman
by Cathy Shaw


  • Essillion
Region: Portalguard Chain (Barrier Guard of Denethen)   Population: 202,345 (including farmlands)   Racial Breakdown:
Dominant: Human
Minority: Dwarf; Halfling; Goliath
Enclave: Earth Genasi; Krysin
Individual: Gnome; Tiefling; Dragonborn
Singular: Fallen   Form of Government: Monarchy, with advising council   Notable Inhabitants: King Arndrin Starshield; Byras Highstance (High Cleric of Curceon   Notable Locations: The Edge (inn and tavern The Owl’s Rookery (library and temple to Gnurich The Tiger’s Den (Order of the Lady’s Claw monastery)


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