Burrowfast Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The village of Burrowfast is a typical Stout Halflings village and the largest in the The North. It is ruled by Mayor Harriet Honeypot, named for the golden hair that is her family’s trademark. She is a fair ruler, and is surrounded by loyal and wise advisors. Under her leadership Burrowfast has seen a marked growth in population, resources, and friendly relationships. While they still sometimes have skirmishes with the traveling Barbarian tribes of Goliath and Humans migrating through The Necklace, she has made it a personal goal to help everyone achieve more through friendship and alliance. So far, she has made some good headway, but there is still a long way to go for permanent relationships.


Like most Halfling villages Burrowfast is governed by a High Mayor.  The villages in the North are more prone to follow structure and have stricter laws in order to keep them safe. Their rules are based more on practicality and safety so there is rarely anyone who dismisses them off handily.
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