Rishis of Adijari


Rishis are devs who have chosen lives of austerity and meditation to focus their light and mental energy in very particular ways. They are distinguishable physically from other devs in that they remain a single shade of blue that does not change during the day. It appears that because of their years of focus and meditation, their bodies are able to self regulate the absorption of light energy without changing.   One common direction rishis choose is devotion to a spirit. Aside from gaining a unique power through this devotion, they also are able to summon said spirits with ease and generally have a much easier time asking for a boon. Depending on which spirit they form a connection with they also achieve a level of great influence considering their simple lifestyle choice.   Some rishi's auras can be quite unnerving, as the ideal or spirit they have dedicated themselves too is not necessarily divine. A clear example of this is the Rhakshasas rishis of the Kalandala  clan, who can kill people just by looking at them with their third eye.   There is certainly something awe inspiring about a people who have chosen lives that require an almost inhuman amount of discipline and fortitude. Because of this, and because of the powers they develop with this practice, they are highly respected and feared by all. Rarely are they denied their basic needs when they ask for them. It is a common saying among devs that the only thing greater than a rishi's blessing is their curse.

Visionary Rishis

  By placing themselves in a meditative state these rishis can create an invisible eye and send it out into the world. There generally needs to be a target of some kind that the rishi can focus their attention on, such as a temple or a person. Rishis will lose their actual sight for a period of time after casting this spell. How long they lose their natural sight is directly related to how far the invisible eye travels and for how long the spell is cast. A common arrangement is for a rishi to use their invisible eye for a family and then be taken care of and fed by the family until their vision returns.


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