Jugonshi Warriors

  The Jugonshi Warriors are the newest social class in Kudinyana Kingdom, created a decade before the opening of Jugonshi Academy. Innate magic dragonkin and their immediate family are the only ones eligible to join this rank. Jogonshi are below only the imperial class and are afforded much pride and wealth as a result.  

From Commoner to High Class

  Before the jungonshi, commoner dragonkin with innate magic were self-instructed and rarely skillful. Those who were lucky might study under a scholar. Those with rare powerful abilities may catch the eye of an imperial class member. However, when the Dragons went nearly extinct from the battles and magic became necessary to succeed in the war, the Shogun decided to train and elevate innate magic users to top strategists of the war. It was the Empress who expanded the class system, as honey to bring more of their kindred to the cause.   The new addition upended the class structure systems. Suddenly paving a way for families with no pride, those families lowest in their clan, to rise above even some of the most powerful members of their clan. None were so upset as the scholars, many of whom believed that knowledge should always stay above bloodsport. Some scholars even hide away their studies and arcane research, not believing their changing society deserved such knowledge.   Over time, however, the commoner sentiment prevailed. The jungonshi class grew as more innate magic users joined the military. Their families' wealth increased as wealthy common folk married jungonshi to enter the upper ranks of society. And the Jugonshi Academy was rebuilt, not for theoretical study, but to excel in the art of war.  


  Once graduating from Jogonshi Academy, newly minted warriors train under a more experienced leader. During this time, they gain real world experience in tactics or managing a guard force. Over time, if they prove successful in their initial postings, they may receive a platoon or a rural village to manage. Those who gain the most pride through achievements may eventually become generals of a regiment or division or run a large town or city settlement.   Many Jugonshi posts are affected by clan power and political deals. Those coming from already-established families will rise much faster in the ranks than the ordinary commoner. This pattern may be interrupted, however, if a commoner-turned-Jugonshi performs a heroic deed.   Jogonshi are expected to serve for thirty years. After which time, they can retire. Jogonshi are granted reprieve for injury. However, only permanently debilitating injuries allow for early retirement. Jogonshi who abandon their post immediately forfeit their holdings and class title, as well as for their immediate family and direct descendants. If apprehended, they must serve the remainder of their time in the underground Illiwz military prison. Those who are lucky (and not deemed too dangerous) may be able to get fresh air as an indentured servant through salt gathering or waste removal. After completing their prison time, they will be considered clanless. It is only through the goodwill of the clan, that the deserter's family could remain.    

Types of Jogonshi

Saburai Jogonshi
The Saburai are thought to be the strongest class. Although it is often true that the most powerful spellcasters are recruited to this class, many wealthy or well-connected students will bribe the Jugonshi Academy to ensure they are not saburai and will receive cushy posts as bushi. The saburai spend half of each year outside of the kingdom, on the battlefront, where they lead platoons of soldiers. As every saburai is considered irreplaceable, they are rarely on the front of the battlefront. Rather, saburai observe the battles from afar and only join when their spellcasting and expertise can change the tide of the battle. When not on the battlefield, saburai are often growing their families and strengthening ties within their clan.  
Bushi Jogonshi
The Bushi are in charge of civil matters and law enforcement within the kingdom's settlements. Though members do not gain as much honor as the saburai, it is often the preferred appointment. With some students even underselling their spell-casting achievements so as to be named a bushi. Bushi preside over the guards and police in a settlement. With some bushi in more rural villages acting as the de-facto ruler. Thought by many to be the cruelest of the Jogonshi, bushi can be known to abuse their pride and power for personal gain.  
Ninja Jogonshi
Many kindred and foreigners who look non-draconic are recruited as ninjas. Skilled at intel gathering and infiltration, the ninja must be able to blend into crowds outside the kingdom. Ninja are taught equal measure of social etiquette, infiltration, and assassination so they can be flexible no matter what their assignment. Ninja may be gone for years at a time and some must even be purposely captured in hopes of entering Zuvmurt Kingdom. Even when in Kudinyana, many will not wear insignia that denotes them as a jogonshi. Ninja rise in the ranks based on the complexity of their mission. New ninjas may be sent to infiltrate a military camp. Whereas, more experienced ninjas are expected to find ways to enter enemy cities. Unlike the other jogonshi, ninja primarily work alone or with one or two other companions.  
The Umamwari
The Umamwari are not Jogonshi. However, they are considered part of the warrior class. During the first decades of the jogonshi class system, non-magical commoners began to revolt in complaints of no way for them to rise to the top of the class system - no way for them to gain pride. During those first decades, a handful of saburai had Dragonnel mounts, which was useful in war. The imperial class offered a fourth class, the Umamwari Riders. Still nearly impossible to achieve--as dragonnel are notorious about killing those who attempt to tame them-it was not entirely unobtainable and so quelled most commoners complaints.  
Uniform, Weapons, and Mounts will be added here
Military Order
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Upklyak


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