Vel Tuturi High Priest Rank/Title in Actrein | World Anvil

Vel Tuturi High Priest

Written by and bufiogarugi
The High Priest of the Vel Tuturi is the leader of the church. Most commonly this title is held by males, though there are some recorded case of a female High Priest.
The High Priest is above even the three kings, making basically all of the major decisions for how the Actreine Empire is run.


It's believed that the next High Priest is chosen by the Vel Ghiti himself. They aren't born with a mark, but at some point during their lives they will end up with a mark on their foreheads that will signify their destiny as the next head of the Vel Tuturi Church.


The heads of all the Vel Tuturi churches go to the church in Khatence City, and line the path the new high priest walks. The oldest priest, the Three Kings' religious advisor, and the priest of Khatence (or the second or third highest populated city if that overlaps with another ranking) escort the chosen down the aisle of priests to the robes of the high priest, sitting on a mannequin at the end of the aisle. The chosen kneels before the mannequin, and the three priests take the robes and put them on the chosen. The chosen, now the High Priest, stands before the mannequin, and the three step back, not quite in line with the other priests, but clearly a respectful distance from the High Priest. The Kings' advisor is in the middle, with the oldest priest and the Khatence City priest to his left and right respectively. Finally, to finish the ceremony, the advisor kneels before the new High Priest, showing respect and acceptance of their new position, followed by the oldest priest and the Khatence priest, and then followed by all the other priests.


The High Priest often organizes the larger heretic hunts, such as when they come across a large Three Divines church or several heretics at once. On rare occasions, the High Priest will even personally attend executions, though typically they will send an assistant in their stead.


The High Priest is tasked with ruling and guiding the empire, ensuring that it continues to function and thrive. This is often a task shared with the Three Kings, the Bishops, and the Regional Ministers.


  • Power over believers (and the empire)
  • Ability to decide which things are holy actions and which are heretical actions

Accoutrements & Equipment

The High Priest wears a white robe with patterns embroidered on in golden thread. The patterns are usually elegant swirls or stylistic branches, referring to the High Priest's connection with the Vel Ghiti and to the Vel Tuturi Creation Myth, respectively.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The High Priest can only be removed either by death or by participating in heresy.
"To lead the great and cleanse the unworthy. That is my task and my mission."
— The oath of the High Priest
Vel Tuturi: Pure Followers (The official religion of Actrein)
Vel Ghiti: Pure Savior (The god of the Vel Tuturi)
Religious, Special
Alternative Naming
High Priest
Equates to
While technically speaking this title is similar to that of a pope, due to the fact that the Vel Tuturi Church runs the theocratic Actreine Empire, the High Priest is more akin to an emperor or king.
Source of Authority
Religious - the High Priest runs the official religion, which in turn allows them to run the empire itself
Length of Term
Current Holders
Related Locations
Related Organizations
Related Articles
The Vel Tuturi
Vel Ghiti
King of the Actreine Empire
Khatence City
The Cult of Three Divines
Vel Tuturi Creation Myth

Cover image: by Nat


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