Jimmy & the Giant's Feet by Mr. | World Anvil

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Wed 22nd Nov 2023 04:55

Jimmy & the Giant's Feet

by Mr. Rimashin

With Lady Justine stealing away on mysterious business, we proceeded to help Jeeng subdue Jimmy's Giant. Jimmy had one more lead that would prove useful in the task, the knowledge of an ancient temple originally used to seal demons. We recruited Darren's sidekick Jack and Ricken to fill out the group in Justine's absence and headed to the temple where upon Penelope deciphered the runes within to summon a celestial Kieran to aid us as well. Darren had to properly introduce us to convince this spirit but did so effortlessly. This guardian imparted wisdom, instructing us to use the altars in the chamber to further hinder our Giant's movements. Meanwhile I laid down a circle of protection in case we needed a safe space to catch our breath. Finally, after hours of preparation we heard the ominous earth trembles, indicating Jimmy & the Giant had arrived. Immediately, Darren clouded the brute's vision in darkness , enraging him and incurring random wrathful swings. He let out a deafening thunderous bellow blasting most of us back. So shaking was his roar that Darren could not sustain the cloud of darkness blinding him but quickly recomposed himself and reapplied it when he could. Next the Giant summoned a blizzard to cover the chamber in freezing ice, making things even more tedious, particularly for someone of my frame who had difficulty standing stable. As we applied more pressure, he released storm elementals in desperation but he could no longer resist the binding magics of the altars and Jeeng's own holding spell. This combination allowed Jeeng and Darren to deal the subduing blow. Afterwards, we prepared some floating discs to move him outside where our airship would transport him to Lady Maria's where the magic transfusion could take place. Meanwhile, Darren made a deal with Jimmy to let us into the Feywilds at a later date to pursue his dark puppeteers.